Who else main computing platform a smartphone these days ?
>Out of school
>Living with GF/financee
>Moto x pure Linage OS 14.1 official
Besides filling out forms I hardly ever use a laptop
Pic related
Who else main computing platform a smartphone these days ?
>Out of school
>Living with GF/financee
>Moto x pure Linage OS 14.1 official
Besides filling out forms I hardly ever use a laptop
Pic related
We got a fucking playa over here
>main computing platform
>filling out forms
Am I really on Sup Forums?
The hell are you doing on this board then, lad? Do you even like technology?
This should be the new word for fiancee really
>hauling around a relic to shitpost on a chinese cartoon board
Am I really on Sup Forums?
Kek, that's pretty much what it is
>Who else main computing platform a smartphone these days ?
3rd world countries
I mainly use a blackberry passport. I don't think any other smartphone would be a good Laptop replacement though.
That's why you have your hand and internet as waifu
Plus no stress on wallet
I just upgraded to a smartphone a week ago and I'm finding it hard find reasons to get on my computer.
Hoping the "new" wares off soon, I'm turning in to the people I hate. I used an emoji sticker the other day in a text instead of typing one out.
>didn't install pico gapps
>Going from full fledged workstations to consumer electronic devices linked to the botnet
Please don't do that.
What, are you a warehouse worker or something? How can you not need a computer for daily life?
You sound like a fuckin normie. GTFO.
your productivity comes down to twrling your thumbs over a hunk of plastic
implying both Windows and MacOS aren't tied to an online user account
My think pad just stays at home untouched
>sitting hunched over with the phone two inches from your face instead of sitting in a nice desk comfy desk chair with the monitor at optimal distance
>tapping out messages, fighting autocorrect every step of the way
>not using a very comfy keyboard and mouse
>since you made her your fiancee she's not fucking you anymore and to argue with this only shows that you are a liar so you've gotta jerk it to porn now on that tiny ass screen
>not jerking it to glorious 4k images with quality sound
Pretty sad, desu
Die in a car crash you millennial POS
There is literally no reason to own a PC these days
Only OLD neckbeards still use them.
Typewriter 2.0
Me. Use pc for video editing though
>this is the new Sup Forums
>Implying that people only use windows or MacOS
Wutphone do u hab