/cyb/ + /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity: /edc/ edition

/edc/ - everyday carry edition

/cyb/ + /sec/ general is for discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk and cybersecurity.

>what is cyberpunk?

>cyberpunk directory

>nothing to hide? please.

>cybersecurity essentials

>cybersecurity resources

>thread archive

>thread backup

>previous thread
>>> Resources > /sec/
Condensed /sec/ resources: pastebin.com/RXvHEBuu

>>Harden your OS, reroute your DNS and fire up the VPN - shit just got real
Condensed /shit just got real/ resources: pastebin.com/DMc57Dxw

Suggestions for new resources are welcome. /sec/ is looking for CTF team members, contact at IRC channel.

join #Sup Forumspunk and #Sup Forumssec (requires SSL)

>>Resources have been condensed because the field became too long

Other urls found in this thread:


>Carrying around what appears to be a 14dBdi antenna with you everyday
A 5dBi antenna on an Alfa adapter would be more practical for a true EDC.

Any recommendations?

It's small and simple and very reliable. I think it comes with a 5dBi antenna but you can always attach a different one if you need longer range. I don't think it supports the 5GHz band frequency but if you're doing long distance work then you'll need to stick to the 2.4GHz band anyways.

>join #Sup Forumspunk

This part of the OP should be heavily reconsidered.

Thank you the recommendation and concise answer.

How can I start learning cybersecurity? Should I just learn to use tools in kali linux? What about programming? Do I need to be good at programming.

i'd think the first place to start would be understanding networking technology and how computers work

I know basic stuff about both of them but yeah I will go through them both in depth. After that I think that I should start learning programming.

why not learn programming right now? diveintopython3.net/installing-python.html

I taught myself everything I know so my recommendations probably are a little lacking in comparison to a professional curriculum, but I'd recommend starting with simple hardware stuff. CompTIA A+ material basically. Study a bit of electrical engineering basics (I mean the real basics like the topics discussed in the book CODE: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software) and install GNU/Linux, preferably as a native OS rather than a virtual machine. Learn about its file system hierarchy and get comfortable with the shell (BASH or ZSH) and learn shell programming. You do need to know programming if you want to be a self sufficient security professional. It's very easy to migrate from shell programming to Python so that's why I recommend you get comfortable with the Linux terminal as writing scripts and using terminal utilities will be important. While learning Linux but perhaps before learning Python, you'll need to learn about networking. Bascially everything that CompTIA's Network+ course covers. In fact, you might even want to get certified in Network+. There are plenty of YouTube tutorials on this material. Professor Messer might be a good starting point. After learning the networking basics, I'd recommend installing the GSN3 VM in VirtualBox and emulating a virtual network to actually put what you learned into practice. Use the VM because you'll want to set up firewalls and other stuff. Study the stuff covered in the CCNA certification exams. Maybe even take the test and get certified. Throughout this time, you should continue with your programming studies. Shell programming and Python are important, but so is learning C, C++, and a bit of Assembly. It's important to actually understand how the Linux Kernel works. Beyond that are the specifics. Becoming familiar with certain shell programs and most of the stuff covered in the Security+, CISSP, and LPIC exams. It's a long road but pretty much all of the material can be learned for free.

when you say "local password manager" do you mean like a piece of paper under my pillow or something

different user but thank you for the recs


>Samsung Galaxy S4

>Thinkpad T440S (Windows 10 Pro, going to switch to Debian soon though)
>Contigo Autoseal 24 oz Water Bottle
>Pencil Case

Let me get this straight. You guys are still posting on a pedoforum when there's a cyberpunk imageboard already out there?
We should all just move to 4kev.org

what bank do you guys use?

This is now a pasta.

Thank you.

>people need 20mins of video to learn why privacy is important
says a lot about our culture's current state famalam

But I have nothing to hide user!

Woah, a new thread already?

The last one was barely at 150 posts when I went to bed.

What was that fucking SEXY red sony pc someone posted up?

What happened to the two skids "discussing" """OPSEC"""?

This is great advice, I might even add it to the pasta.

Didn't Boston Dynamic get stripped of patents and any worthwhile by capitalist vultures?

you tried shilling your shitty, dead, slow board last thread and was told how awful it was then. do you really want to hear it again?

I forgot to maintain it, which involves bumping it every couple of hours, so it died early.

Not him, but I am curious about networking. Can you recommend any good resources?

Can you hack the gibson with that aspire one?

also, is it even worth carrying that acer?

I'm replacing it with a ThinkPad.

reminder that everybody here is a skid who has never hacked anything

Fuck off NSA, FBI; CIA, MI6/5 and GCHQ trying to datamine with your cookie pushing.

does the thread say "HACKERS GENERAL" or something like that?

why would you think thats the purpose of this thread?

it's fun to pretend

larping faggot

Why do you pretentious pricks feel the need to congregate in these threads and attempt a campaign of shitposting?

so it bumps. thats seriously all. i dont want the thread to die and its easier to be a shitposter than contribute anything useful

You honestly just blew my mind.

Well, this thread has slowed down, again.

its a shame. i dont really have much to contribute. im not working on any projects. im studying a penetration testing book, working my way through it. found a few nice tools and some commands in meterpreter i didnt know.

i went through and finished the bandit series levels on overthewire, that was a fun war game and gave me a lot of linux skills!

in the pipeline, i would like to purchase a 3d printer. will i use it for anything useful? fuck no, but it would be cool to be able to literally construct shit out of nothing.

creating my own pc, using a breadboard and some chips is something i would like to complete.

not sure when.

after i finish this pentesting book, im going to dive into the ccna cyber ops training.

is it a good cert? who knows. all i know is im in general IT atm, where i give people mice and monitors and PXE boot their machines when they break. its not even close to the field i want to be in, so any sort of study/cert is going to make me feel better.

I'm doing something similar, on top of studying physics, mathematics and electrical engineering/computer engineering (along with programming). - I see them all as being very important skills in the not-too-distant future.

>physics, mathematics and electrical engineering/computer engineering (along with programming)
fuck your life, that sounds hectic as

I pretty much have no life outside of constant study, good thing I'm a clinical Aspie who has no desire to interact with my immediate locality.
The plan is pursue double honours and employment in culturally and economically greener pastures.

Hopefully this one will last to the bump limit.

I hope so too.

Why is my image the OP image for /sec/ /cyb/?

I am same fag to this post, too.

I cannot hack the gibson, I am wanting to upgrade it soon. But, it serves my needs.

Since my image is being used for this thread (I didn't start this thread)


Why the slammer? Do you expect to get into a fight?

guys been playing too much watch dogs

Bitcoin, no bank.

Anyone here mess around with the usb rubber ducky?
I wrote a paylode to steal nudes and another for wifi passwords, I'm not really sure what to do now.
Pretty fun, though.



gets me everytime

Is there a free online class on pentesting?

I use YOYO now.

What do you do on a daily basis that requires a yagi?

So OP don't know what the numbers on a battery means.

Please take 15 minutes to learn about amps, volts and watts.

I generally refer to scripts as very small self-made programs (generally under 200 lines or so) in comparison to the programs which are built-in/downloadable and written by other people (like top or lsof for example).

Man I really hope you encounter some enraged nigger and think your fucking yoyo is going to stop him and have your skull caved in. Have your antenna shoved up your ass when he realizes the only pawnable thing is your laptop.


Anyone own this? I'll probably Velcro it to the back of my laptop.

Also Im setting up reverse shells on 3 orange pi zeros and dropping them into three different WiFi locations so I can do whatever I want with them. Has anyone done this?


anyone know any good tutorials for metasploit? i can't seem to understand shit

Most /cyb/+/sec/ distro/os?

gentoo as your main OS and kali/tails as live distros

>Gentoo Hardened

lol prole came into the channel asking the best weapon for a street fight. Someone memed and said a katana and he autismed out and called everyone weebs then left.

what 'scripts/programs' do you keep on the other USB stick?

What netbook/laptop does /cyb/ recommend?
I need a nice little machine to run gentoo/tails.


>3D printer
>nothing useful

I disagree.

opsec of a 9 year old tibia hacker i see

Up-to-date version of screenfetch

Not him but I wish I had just stopped at physics II and Diff Eq in college and set out to do my own thing.

You don't need the lower level classes in programming/engineering/etc to actually do things in those fields, believe me. However, the higher level math and physics classes help immensely understand what you're doing and why.



I'd second the x220. Great laptop. Especially because it supports 16GB of RAM @ 1866 MHz which is important when using applications that require a lot of RAM, such as VMs and especially GNS3.

How do you plan on hiding them?

have there been distillations of OPsec into general principles with written details or historical examples to reinforce them? this seems like a good side read assuming someone with experience has bothered to do it

what a rude fucking channel, baka

read this senpai grugq.github.io/resources/

How're you going to hide them?

Unironically sourcemage for all that is

I've found 3 spots with pic related over an outdoors outlet. It also has a place for a padlock. I'm going to put the orange pi in there plugged in and lock the lock. By the time someone comes around to use the outside outlet they may just assume it had been locked by maintenance and if they go through the trouble of cutting the lock who even cares?

What would be the use of the tp-link 703n?

Fair enough, that's a good idea.
I might try this out too.

Just long distance wifi cracking.

LOL, get over yourself.

Just python scripts, programs are just browsers and other tools, and batch file to bypass computers that don't allow cmd prompt.

Almost down.

QubesOS, OpenBSD

Better EDC:
- Thinkpad x60 with libreboot full disk encrytion including /boot
- Tails UBS
- Extra thinkpad battery
- In normal gray backpack


Any laptop that can run libreboot.

That's pretty good, 8/10.

That's not a bad idea as a general rule.

>get held at gunpoint
>lol no worries ive got me my celtic slammer

>while you were robbing people like a nigger, I was studying the celtic slammer.

>stuck on Bandit25


So close to finishing

What could you do with the pi zeros?

Collect data from retards who connect?


>renting a room short term, like two months
>no WiFi in the house, guy just moved in and is a tech retard, so he's in no rush to get it sorted
>plenty of WiFi connections around
>considering trying to crack one of the passwords to use one in the meantime

In theory, how could I get caught doing this?

unless you post your mac address on the door, you won't. who the fuck has the time, money and effort to triangulate an unknown user on a network anyways.

Does anyone know anything about quickprivacycheck.com? Searching online says it's add-on malware buy it keeps showing up in ifconfig despite there being a browser open.


Why I am not surprised?

Woops, I meant iftop. Is there anyway to see which process the traffic is coming from?

True, my fear is that I'll try and crack one and it'll be owned by someone who knows their shit, I don't know the neighbours yet

There are spoofers available for mac addresses, anything else that would identify me?