Why is facebook attacking minorities like this?

Why is facebook attacking minorities like this?

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How can you even be buttblasted about this.

God, why are Muslims such pussies? What happened to the strong no-nonsense Islam of the Golden Age?

>Facebook is showing ads!
Fasting is about patience and finding inner peace, not whining publicly about trivial matters.

How shameful.

does anyone still have a Jewbook, JewedIn, Jewtter, or Jewtube anymore?

>What happened to the strong no-nonsense Islam of the Golden Age?
It did not migrate to Western countries.

But if you are eating a bunch at 4am and 9pm it isn't really fasting.

>spending all night eating huge meals and sleeping during the day is "fasting" to muslims
Allah be praised, it turns out half of Sup Forums users celebrate ramadan all year

>not eating or drinking for 17 hours is not really fasting

Good, stupid goatfucker religion anyways

I have Twitter, gotta stay in touch with homies somehow.

>breakfast at 10AM
>dinner at 7PM
Damn, look at that 13-hour "fast". Also, many muslims make up for their amazing sacrifice by sleeping through most of the day during ramavan


i'm not sure i see the connection between what he wrote and the picture under it

It's the longest day of the year and I won't have any bud until Friday.... wheeeee

>muh Boogeyman

Fuck off

if these shitstains hate the west so much, why do they want to escape their shitholes

fucking scum

>many muslims make up for their amazing sacrifice by sleeping through most of the day during ramadan

Facebook is encouraging them to go outside and enjoy the day at a time of the year most of them are too busy sleeping through the day because otherwise they'd have to feel hungry from their "fast"


sucks to be you man

He's a popular troll...


I eat my last meal at around 8pm and don't eat until 2-4pm the next day most days. Pretty much anyone that skips breakfast and eats a late lunch already does this.

>breakfast at 10AM
Needs to be long before sunrise.

And that's smart. Hey guys let's not drink water during summer -_-

Sounds like a personal problem to me

underrated kek


i don't see the difficulty in not eating during sun hours
i occationally do it unintentionally

>fast for religious reason
>complain that you have to fast

Good lord, these people are retarded.

I can just imagine abdul checking his smart fridge and raping the shit out of his 13 year old bride as punishment for drinking orange juice.

Criticizing islam should not be something limited to the domain of neonazi Sup Forums-tards. Also, there are tons of muslims on Sup Forums, because, believe it or not, they love the "muh zionist conspiracy" hitler bullshit.

He's a coder and a gaming industry veteran. pretty much all of his detractors are polfags that are buttmad about his white fiancee.

Fuck Muslims and fuck their sympathizers.





>eating a bunch
You're supposed to eat normally, not feasting.

Wait, guys...

Right, but fortunately you don't whine that facebook doesn't pander to the "I'm hungry but sometimes am too lazy to eat" crowd.


Idiots like them is the problem with actual Sup Forumstards, and honestly is a side effect of censorship at large. Since normal people can't voice rational criticisms of islam, the only people who do so end up being literal neonazis who already don't care about maintaining peaceful dialogue.

This wouldn't work because a condom isn't conductive. You would get no internet connection. Please stop posting inaccurate images.

>peaceful dialogue
Yeah, no. Eat shit and die.

I'm not a nazi you pussy bitch, I'm an atheist that hates all religion.

>expecting violent subhumans to act civilized
Pic related, it's you

Responding because this thread's gonna be 404'd soon anyway.

To be honest, the potential for dialogue now is better than ever, with more of them using the internet. Also, did you know that the hadith weren't even translated into English until the 1990s? Suddenly, any english speaker, non-muslim or otherwise, can read about the bullshit in islamic sources without needing to have it filtered through some imam's "interpretation". I think convincing a few hundred muslims to abandon their religion is going to be easier than trying to kill 1.6 billion people, but hey, that's just me.

>violent people who can't act civilized
So you're saying that Sup Forumstards are subhuman? Second, one of the tripfags in this thread is obviously muslim, and quite notably is not among the 3 posters calling for violence in this thread.

>I'm not a nazi
bitch please, you're obviously a regular Sup Forums user

Please go back to where you came from and don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you

don't waste your breath man, pol has already destroyed Sup Forums, /r9k/ and /k/ with their relentless shitposting. Sup Forums was the logical next step.

>Going on Sup Forums automatically makes you a Nazi

>he hasnt seen Sup Forums

I'll say it again, FUCK MUSLIMS

Having been to Sup Forums a few times, I can say for a damn fact that if you say you aren't a nazi there, or imply that Sup Forums only consists of "ironic" nazis, you'll be the one told to fuck off back to the_donald.

I know, but it's too damn bad that it's infesting all of Sup Forums. I fucking hate reddit, and would (still) prefer putting up with occasional Sup Forumsposting than have to deal with reddit's censorship by majority.

I don't mean to be rude, but the idea of not eating for the whole day is just plain stupid.
If I were muslim I wouldn't probably give a fuck about it. It's not like they'll be punished if they eat during Ramadan.

That's just the Donald trying to fit in because they've been trying to out as many redditfags as possible, they know what the election did

>Make sure to have fun!
>Zuckcuck's face when

So if I say I'm not a nazi, and I know I'm not a Nazi, I'm still a Nazi despite not being white?

the idea of religion in general is stupid

suck a cock communist

There's many atheists on Sup Forums that aren't communists, you idealogue Fag.

I'm a constitutionalist and an Atheist, I'm a Unicorn to these people.

I'm sick of this Sup Forums tier shit.
OP moslem is unironically right, fucking insensitive to publish that eurocentric SHIT during Ramadan.

Also Sup Forums is infested by poltards mods need to start mass banning these subhumans

Fair enough, but at least I hope you understand that it's a reasonable assumption to make, with neonazi shit playing a huge part in Sup Forumss culture from the very beginning. (This is assuming that you're not one of the people who posts about gassing kikes on Sup Forums and then gets upset when other people call you a nazi.)

>single, westernised muslim posts somethibg retarded
>God, why are Muslims such pussies? What happened to the strong no-nonsense Islam of the Golden Age?

>talking about the 'Islamic golden age'

>buttmad brownie
>self-cucking, immigrant sucking, bleeding-from-the-blast heart liberal
Which are you?

>fucking insensitive to publish that
oh noes my feels
>eurocentric SHIT during Ramadan.
sorry European culture is the only relevant culture.

u do know there were plently of POCS in the SS right u stupid nazi faggot?

Mudslimes BTFO!

>whining about "eurocentric" content on an english language american developed social media platform, on an english language american hosted image board
if your culture is so relevant why are you even here

He's probably a european troll, because of his spelling of "moslem" and his correct grammar.

Just an average run of the mill pansexual atheist normal person.
Your crazy lunatic conspiratard shit is really dumb.
I'd rather take literal ISIS over edgy right wingers anyday

Fuck off, schizophrenic.

this desu

>Correct grammar

>Sup Forums-tier should be hyphenated
>He went from proper /slash/ format board titles to "poltards" (no slashes) within the same sentence
>Begining a sentence with "Also"
>It should be "the moslem in the OP"
>using unironically for emphasis is shit tier style

As a Muslim I'm going to have to side with the polfags on this one, I can say with certainty that fasting really isn't as hard as people say it is, especially now it's almost done.
I hate how some other Muslims bitch against non-muslims when they happen to be eating nearby and it annoys me when people act like they've committed a crime against humanity if they accidently offer me food.
Muslims need to stop bitching and non-muslims need to stop taking their shit.


Those idiots starve themselves to death? lol

>this entire post
thanks for the free keks friend, but you already wasted this bait in another thread

Okay, calling it "good" would be an overstatement. It's more like the level of a native german speaker. Were it buttmad muslim, it would probably be more along the lines of "fck u islam is beatiful religion I'll laugh when rape your mom lol"

Of course, he's already responded again anyway.

To be fair "fasting" for a month would actually be an impressive thing, but they actually just eat at night and, if possible, sleep through a good portion of the day. Kind of like most people fast at night and eat during the day.

It can't be "muh Boogeyman" if it's true, just because you have so high opinion of yourselves and think that everybody who shares the same opinion as yours on Sup Forums is W O K E, and thus think that every newfag who shares the same opinion as well is being redpilled (a term made by two trans woman, irony) on muh degenerates, muh Jews, muh poo in loo amirite ecks dee, doesn't mean that the shit you believe is the ultimate true, it just means that your shitty board is the best echo chamber online, the second best being Reddit ofc.


>second best being Reddit ofc.

You would know all about that, so go back

>being redpilled (a term made by two trans woman, irony)
illiterate third worlder confirmed

I'm sure there's a heavy punishment in many Muslim countries for eating in Ramadan. Either that or the family will honor kill you.

Why is this loli attacking me like this?

Hope you like playing the loli for tyrone's 15incher in jail

You do realise ISIS would throw you off a building on day 1?

>in before
>>Sup Forums

A lot of westernized Muslims love to play the victim card. 'First world problems' comes to mind, because you know damn well, in their respective countries, they wouldn't give a shit about this nonsense.

yea sure and Mossad did 9-11

>enjoy the extra light

>not even "enjoy a cold glass of beer with a pork sandwich in the sun"

Yup they're pretty open about killing atheists and whomever they deem "homos"

wouldn't want to offend vegans

>when you try to bring Islam to Europe but instead bring Europe to Islam and 20 years later you find yourself going to local mosque with your transgender wife and panponysexualdaughter

>this is what anit white numale cucks actually believe

you watch too much FOX news friendo

>fakeass Muslim he eats for sundown
>personally defends every religion of peace attack
>im so triggered by fucking Solstice
No wonder Rami was literally one of Zoe Quinn's conspiracy buddies who'd hang out in the Crash Override Network channel.

He/She/Xyr/They's spot on though.
Rational people find your delusions exhilarating.
It's like watching old retired people in homes argue about ww2 or something, while the rest of us are happily moving forward a bright future.

>tyrone's 15incher
I'm already salivating like a very naughty slut just thinking about it.

I love how, now that the SJWs have basically lost the culture war, you see all this normal_person.png damage control posting.