You fags will argue about anything

You fags will argue about anything

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LOL... why do homeless people need a Print Screen at the very bottom row???

I blame the JOOZ for this

>Not swapping t420 keyboard onto t430

Are you an animal?

The important question is why they switched from literally the best laptop keyboard ever to that bullcrap disgusting piece of garbage chiclet bullcrap pathetic excuse for a keyboard.

I don't believe that's possible

>chiclet key feel with classic layout

Why can't it happen? The chiclet keys FEEL better to type on by the layout is trash.

Its well documented, retard.

It is though

Chiclet is better

The 420 keyboard is better in every concieviable quality.

For crying out load user. I can put X220 keyboard on my Z60m and it works flawlessly.

Best Thinkpad keyboards imo are the ones on the older models (3xx, T20, etc.) without the page back/forwards and windows keys.

>no x3x or x4x

Sorry I'm lazy.

no it's not, it flexes a lot more

Only retards use such old ass monstrous notebooks


Chinkpads are dinosaurs.

its a fucking ribon cable keyboard not a soldered on ram

>$25,000 a year
You pay that much because you're mentally ill

>being this new

I'm pretty sure the $25,000 isn't the cost of using that laptop kouhai.

Kek. I said I believe it's not possible, not that it is.

I've tried this with older models and it didn't work / didn't fit?

You have some serious brain damage

I have a T500. What's the most recent machine I can put its keyboard onto?


that only works up to the Tx30 series? bummer.

is there even a modded bios for this type of swap? otherwise you're getting seriously fucked key mappings
and why the fuck would anyone swap the classic keyboard for the chicklet one?

You have to like reflash the firmware for the controller or some shit.

Some people like the older keyboards, I have a T430 and think the keyboard is fine...not worth the effort to swap imo.

Nice semantics and gymnastics you dumb fuck. That might work on YouTube comments but not here.

Do us all a service and kill your pathetic self. Before you do, give the Thinkpad away, maybe someone without downs will put it to use.

the t430 keyboard is actually bad though


I'll put in my 2 cents.
I think the original layout is better, but the chicklet keys have a better feel.

It's still a hell of a lot better than nearly every other laptop keyboard.

You could at least link it, asshole:

think about it

Am I supposed to fuck with the pins on the keyboard or in the laptop?

Flexing is a design feature not a flaw


Ah yes the keyboard swap that is super easy, you just have to cut the x220 keyboard with a dremel, and then dump and edit your firmware with a hex editor based on a fee forum posts that basically say you should be able to figure it out yourself if you on a thinkpad. Then there is the matter of the cable not connecting to the same things for each board, conveniently the problem connection burns itself out after the swapped keyboard has been powered for a few hours, or lights a small fire, its kind of a surprise. Without a time stamped pic I will assume you faggots just read about the swap and have never actually done it.

I dont like thinkpads because they're not very good for gaming

Then you should fuck off

>Chinkpads are dinosaurs.
How is this suppose to be a bad thing?

>$25k tuition
>expecting it to come with a laptop