I have a game engine that I made from scratch for fun. I would like to port it to "linux". What distribution should I use as my "reference" distribution for testing? Or rather, what distribution is the most common for people who might want to play a game on a linux system?
I have a game engine that I made from scratch for fun. I would like to port it to "linux"...
your stupid
Is Google Down ?
Steam is made for Ubuntu, and the three most popular distributions overall are Debian (as a bonus, if it works on Debian, it works on Ubuntu and Mint), and then Manjaro (which is based on Arch, another popular distribution.)
In summary:
Debian will fit the majority, Arch (or Manjaro) will fit everything else.
you must first dress like the girl in your pic to succeed at this OP
LFS or Gentoo
Thank you.
I don't know why don't you go check yourself. Why are you asking this when you could go look it up yourself? Silly user.
Thank you for the detailed information.
Where did you find that pic of me?
I took it
What ever the current Debian testing version is probably best. Most of the popular distros get all their packages from there.
Alpine. It has the more small and portable number of linux features.
Really it should be POSIX-portable so make it on a Mac or other BSD
Debian or Ubuntu, really.
When its working on both, you could look at getting it to work on Fedora. Depending on how your engine works, all that would change would be the directories you look for libraries.
If open source provide a source tarball.
Also for providing additional binaries provide both a deb and rpm package with as many as possible dependencies included by yourself, because distributors are retarded.
Also for just distributing a game, there is a one-size-fits-all installer, I don't know what it's called these days, something like snipsnap packages or somethihng.
and what is the relevance of your picture of a underage trans boy's sexual molestation in regards to your alleged game engine?
The non-portable code in my engine is split into 3 parts, system, graphics, and audio. For Windows I use Win32 API, DirectX 11, and XAudio2, respectively, for these parts. For Linux I'm planning to use X11, OpenGL, and ALSA. I haven't actually started porting yet but my guess is all of these APIs would work on BSD as well as Linux systems? I'm not really knowledgeable about these APIs since I've mostly only ever used *nix systems for server stuff.
I plan on open sourcing it after I've released a few of the games my group is working on. The only dependencies are the stuff mentioned above + libpng and freetype which should both compile on pretty much any platform. There's plenty of good game engines available now though so I doubt anybody will care about mine, like I said this is a hobby project.
OpenGL and X11 are mostly portable (even though its usually not advised to use x on os x). I usually see people using SDL (includes drawing, input and sound stuff) for cross platform games. ALSA is Linux-only.
>its usually not advised to use x on os x
I don't really care about OS X
>ALSA is Linux-only
Hmm, good to know.
I used SDL as reference material when making some of the DirectX stuff for my engine. I guess I'll open it up again to see how they do audio and whatnot.
current Ubuntu LTS is probably a good target if you had to pick a single one
why not crossplatform things like wxwidgets/sdl/portaudio?
Hope you wrapped up nicely everything DirectX dependant, if not have fun rewriting half of your engine.
The best thing you could do is making sure that your game works using WINE
Also, if you even considered using DirectX or other privative microshit only technology as something acceptable, why are you interested on porting your stuff to Linux? you obviously don't belong there.
>The best thing you could do is making sure that your game works using WINE
evidently not considering he's targeting dx11
Archfag here, you'll probably want to go with Ubuntu. Steam is already officially supported there and it's likely where most of the gaming community on linux is. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter as long as it's not on a fucking weird distribution (avoid small/niche distros) since others will probably get their own dudes to package it for their own distributions once you've got it up on Ubuntu or wherever.
Doesn't SDL do all sorts of other shit but still use OpenGL for graphics? I don't know, I've only used OpenGL.
You might find PulseAudio easier to use than Alsa (PulseAudio was created to make things easier for developers who had to maintain their software for users that used Alsa as well as users who used OSS). PulseAudio's adoption is very high and I think it might be even required by Steam as well as most other big Linux games (don't take my word for it).
That said, PulseAudio is just an abstraction layer over sound engines (Alsa, OSS, etc...) so if you decide to write in Alsa then PulseAudio users will still be able to use your software.
>I have a game engine that I made from scratch for fun.
Debian for *.deb, Fedora for *.rpm. Ubuntu's structured the same way as Debian in 90%+ of cases and you use agnostic commands like xdg-desktop-menu during setup anyway. RPM distros like SUSE and Mandriva are too usually.
I hated packaging though. Fuck everything else, give them a .tar.
Because it's for fun and I like having low level control over these things. SDL is a great library but not without it's own quirks and bugs. With my own code I never have to work around "bugs in the framework" or deal with modifying someone elses code, also it's easier to expand to e.g. 3D rendering, etc. I have written my own (albeit limited) UI framework that runs on top of my renderer layer so I don't need or want to use Qt wxWidgets etc.
Yes all the directx code and shader stuff is wrapped and quarantined off in a way that it can be replaced. You do realize that SDL etc. also uses DirectX on Windows right? That being said I plan to allow for an OpenGL based build on Windows as well once I get around to writing the OpenGL renderer.
Sometimes people actually complete their hobby projects, this may be new to you.
>I'm too stupid and have shitty work ethic to actually complete my projects