Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

chromium still phones home

just fucking use firefox if you don't want your shit data stolen and stop complicating shit

ungoogled chromium best chrom*

But you can't use your Google account to sync stuff on Firefox.

were you serious when you made this post? sincere question

using a fucking google account with chromium... you might as well use chrome because either way it logs your shit, retard.

>not using open source version
>it's like you are intentionally trying to make software worse
>always use open source versions of every single thing you can

So what is the point of Chromium?

*or brave

>giving a shit

Just use chrome or kill yourself to b h


I only use chromium on 32 bit linux, I recently installed lubuntu on an old shitty acer aspire one netbook and had to use chromium since chrome is only released in x64 now and I need muh sync

does anyone know of a standalone bookmark manager on linux, that still uses a readable file format to store its data?

>buku is a powerful bookmark manager written in Python3 and SQLite3.
>buku fetches the title of a bookmarked web page and stores it along with any additional comments and tags. You can use your favourite editor to compose and update bookmarks. With multiple search options, including regex and a deep scan mode (particularly for URLs), it can find any bookmark instantly. Multiple search results can be opened in the browser at once.

They're both botnet. Chromium may be open source, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't spy.


So if I don't care about open source, then I may as well use Chrome, right?

literally nothing


too bloaty
I might as well make my own

There's no reason to use Chromium instead of Chrome if it isn't Ungoogled Chromium.


OK. Part of the reason I am asking is because when I had Chromium installed on my computer, whenever I did a scan with Malwarebytes, it always picked up a threat (PUP.Optional.NotChromeRun), which never gets deleted even if I choose to delete it. With Chrome, no threats are detected.

>not compiling firefox from source so you get rid off the (((Google Key)))


It's a file that simply tells browser addons that it's not actually the Chrome base but instead the Chromium base so they don't go looking for aspects that only exist in Chrome, you moron.

It's not a threat, and since on Chrome that wouldn't be necessary SINCE IT'S CHROME then fuck off you moron.

OK, I just didn't know that. No need to be rude.


it's good again

Sup Forums what do you guys think of Iridium? Looks quite good.

Chrome went mute on my Linux install so I installed Chromium which works fine. I reinstalled Chrome with no change.

it probably lacks the most obvious and harmful malicious code that Chrome surely has baked in.

that's why I use it.

>uses chrome
Linux doesn't want you, uninstall it.

its in all the main repositories, less of a hassle

firefox is too buggy and the bugs wont be fixed because they are rewriting it in some meme language so they dont have time to fix it.

didnt know that people actually use the login button on chrome/chromium

ungoogled chromium

I do, I like all my bookmarks and passwords being saved. I need to remove it one of these days though.

enjoy being assraped

not all of us break the law

I use Brave which runs on chromium so left wins.

I would consider using Chromium with the ungoogled patchset however.


Not everyone has a google account like a faggot.

Lmao, another proof that antiviruses are scamware.
Retard winuser

I use Firefox, but the speed of Chrome has tempted me to install one of the forks as a secondary browser.

One of the ways I benchmark my browsers is how well they cope with infinite-mouseclicks in browser games.
I have my mouse set to repeat mouse clicks infinitely with 15ms delay between each click. And the faster the browser is, the more mouseclicks the browser can register in a browsergame.
Firefox is okayish, but Chrome is definitely faster

I too am also curious about this

As annoying as it is, many websites still use flash, so I guess Chrome.

But I usually use Safari and only have Chrome as a backup.

proud Chrome user since September 2008 :)

Whats the point of using the open source version if you dont modify it in any way?

false statement in the US

You can use firefox sync which is identical