/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General - Ded Thread Edition

Previous This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer, and other nyaa alternatives.
The aim of this project is to write a fully featured nyaa.se replacement in golang that anyone will be able to deploy locally or remotely.



>Why is Pantsu down/error 502?
Most likely because the team is deploying changes. Wait for a bit and refresh the page. It should be mostly stable now.

General updates on the site
>Torznab api
>RSS feeds fixed
>Performance issues fixed
>Python uploading script
>Torrent file generation
>Scrapers fixed
>Stats fixed
>More frontend fixes
>Editing and deleting torrents
>Public mod log
>Filesize searching
>Audio captcha
>Language flags like anidex
>Mobile app
>Customizable mascots by URL
>DB clean up

As for the coming weeks
>Improve scrapers to scrape more sites
>Move db dumps to just nginx to prevent any issues/corruption
>Optimize the code
>Anidb integration
>Add in the nyaazi and anidex scapers into the main program
>Focus on stability and speed
>Refactoring, introduce proper testing and code review procedure
>Purge all unnecessary code as well
>Text board

Dev live server:

Database dumps:

Local Client:
>An user made a local client in case the online sources are down: instructions and download at
qBittorrent plugin for Pantsu.

Development roadmap:

NyaaPantsu Status:
>Copyrighters wall of shame

Development and discussion channel:
>#nyaapantsu on Rizon

Other urls found in this thread:


Friendly reminder that nyaa.si is so much better that these threads aren't needed anymore.
The previous one just sank to abyss at puny 60 posts without generous .si shills keeping it afloat.

And we're back.

Go away with your stinky bootstrap smell.

nyaa.si is free as in freedom

The header is now narrower than before
The nickname and avatar aren't pinned to a specific space like they were before, making it's position change heavily depending on translation
There is no nickname character limit in the header anymore, making long nicknames force the boxes to go to the available space (overlapping on the left part of the header). This results in the fap button being hard to click for 7 to 11 characters long nicknames, and it being unclickeable for 12+ characters long nicknames
The user menu also moved for some reason???? Making it hide the download count and the upload date of the first three torrents, where in the past it only hid the upload date. It's also much more unaligned with the nickname and avatar than it was before
There now is an ugly padding in the columns which means there is less space for torrent names per line
Flags look very out of place as they move the category picture further to the left making it completely misaligned with the other ones

And has a competent web designer that can into CSS.

torrent stat scraping does not work on torrent page but it does in torrent list
when editing or creating a torrent, you are forced to select a torrent language (fixed in the code)
when the device is 1728px large or lower, the header is pinned to the very left and very right side of the screen (logo & text on left, search & nickname / avatar on right) (fixed in the code)

anything else?

Free from integrity maybe.

Added to /nrg/ bug reports issue.

>moving goalposts

>people complain about wide header
>make header more narrow than it was originally
>now everyone wants a wider header

Sorry, didn't seem like you were taking a shot with that weak bait of yours

>tfw no seeder even with private trackers for files pre-2017

why bother?

Get the anime community to start watching old shows again.

This is just wrong stats

It's not anime that's the problem, it's more like the other stuffs like books and songs

I just downloaded a 2002 show though

Yeah like the Initial D OSTs. The ones currently up suck. They would make great driving music except for the fucking car sounds

I don't know man, some shows take quite a bit of effort to find, especially if you're looking for something in good quality that doesn't have it's sound compressed to shit. You're absolutely correct for old books and music though.

Doesn't Jpopsuki have most if not everything for music? My tastes in Nip music aren't obscure enough so I haven't bothered joining.


Invites only, not all of us got in.

Yes my cartel friends. Only thing pantsu needs is a better scraper. Stop trying to force all eggs into one basket, that will only invite problems down the road when animu trackers are targeted. But really 2 months on a general may not be needed, but a more visible on the FAQ page with the OP info (what's in the works, when™).

Yeah, but the first guy said "even with private trackers" so I'm asking if there's something he can't find there, assuming he even is in any private trackers.

It's not like jpop has every doujin release under the sun. Okay for some comiket groups, but if you're hunting a remix or something obscure you're probably shit out of luck.

The Nyaa firefox plugin is safe to use?

Don't use it. It creates mustard gas.

Does anyone have the v2 patches for the corrupted eps in this torrent nyaa.pantsu.cat/view/835253
Or if he has the v2 eps themselves can he upload them?

They don't have them on their website?

I knew it !
I'm going back to nyaazi with all the cool kids.

Make this thread on /t/ too

Why is .si hiding some core function scripts on the cloudfare domain? Using umatrix base settings it blocks the drop down menu's for category settings.

ask them

To force you to unblock the ads and viruses.

JPopSuki is still lacking in the original soundtrack department, but it does have a lot of singles and albums.



Please fix.

No everyone wants the header to be the fucking same as it was in the previous update. Not wider, not narrower, but the same. Fuck translations, the header was perfect before the new update. Translations can find some other workaround for their problem.

User torrents don't show up at all now.
It's completely empty. What did you break now?

First the exact header width must be settled down, and that's a very complicated matter.
Check back later in a week or two.

Someone is uploading western shows now.

And it's technically not against the rules because there isn't a rules page yet.

Funny enough, doesn't Supernatural have an anime?

No cant find them.

If there isn't any links around, your best bet is to find their IRC (assuming that one exist) or email them somehow.

Off-topic, but do you guys know any good site to download those gravure idol videos?

>404 page has a new image now instead of this
Why did you change it kipukun!

Because he's a hack
The problem with the 404 vector image is that it wasn't pinned to the bottom (so it would cut at renge's skirt) and as such would look off, and you can't pin it at the bottom because there's a footer in there
So he removed the vector altogether and slapped an image in there
Should've made it as a background-image so that it could be pinned at the bottom and the footer would've been at the top of the page as there wouldn't be any content to make it go at the bottom

Return original 404 vector now or we riot!

it's not in the files anymore

It's still in the OP! We can save it!

Honestly though, I'm really sorry to say this but kipukun has some really shitty design senses. The themes were made by Sup Forumsanon and every change he tries to do to it was retarded and unliked by multiple people. Every other new design or UI change decided by him is unlikable too. They're either ugly design choices or unintuitive UI navigation with no thought put into it. Sorry but it's really horrible.

He's just learning. No one would expect a good design on an educational project site.
On the other hand, nyaa.si doesn't have such problem.

I know I have pleb taste, but could somebody help me find a torrent of original Naruto that has seeders? All I'm getting is Shippuuden shit. Pretty please?

That is completely irrelevant to having good design sense and thought processing though. And don't mention that other site. This isn't about comparing which is the better site.

This is what it'd look like

I'm sure there's some way to fix it so it displays properly. There's always a way.

i kinda like it that way
unless you want to completely remove the footer or something

I'm fine if it stays like that too. It looks much better than the new 404 image.

i thought pantsu scrapped nyaasi? why is it lacking?

lacking what?

lacking some magnet links, i had to go to si to get it

Sup Forums didn't help

Anyone watching this anime?

I can only find the first 4 episodes subbed, the rest aren't subbed, why is this?

Someone help pls

Looks like a shitty shoujo smut flick, maybe that's why

Jpopsuki bans anything that has been released outside of japan

What version of the show are you watching? Anyway, have you tried contacting the group that was subbing and asking them if they are still working on it? That might shed some light on the situation.


Why the hell would anyone want to watch Naruto after the Mist Village arc anyway?

I'd make a pull request but golang is a fucking mess

Someone upload this torrent to Nya Pantsu

Shit, just do it yourself.

found the cartel shill

>go to sukebei to see if they've made any changes
>click on mascot
>it no longer says NYAPAASU!!!
>go to dark theme
>same mascot
>navigate to Fun nyaa
>theme has reset to Sup Forums theme
>change it to dark theme
>click Save
>502 Bad Gateway

Tell me again why Go is just as good, though.

I have given up on Pantsu. The constant 502's, even for something as stupid and trivial as changing the theme, is what did it for me. There may or may not be content on Pantsu that isn't on .SI, but it's now relegated to being very low in the list of my bookmarks.

How do you get all those 502? I navigate pantsu every day but only have a bad gateway once in a while even when changing settings. Should be zero though.

You're the only one that can save us now. You have to do it. Save us from kipukun!

Pretty sure the 502 errors are because of the reverse proxies fucking up. You'd have to wait for miao to give a statement.

Currently the only recent outage was in the Ukraine reverse proxy and it was only for about 5 minutes, if you get 502 errors its most likely main server overload, however whenever you get them please post which ip you are connecting to so i can investigate.
Recently i enabled GEOIP DNS so it connects to the closest reverse proxy, since lots of people might come from the same place at the same time it might temporarily overload some of the reverse proxy's.

Don't make the thread die this time.

nyaasi can be the first,
but pantsu will be the last.

agree, nyaasi can be the first to die but pantsu will be the last to die

It's already there.

When will searching by torrent hash be implemented?

>written in Go
is this some sort of joke?

What's wrong with Go?

>Months after site is set up
>can't even keep it online without getting an error 502 for a week straight
I'm all for the Sup Forums meme, but get your shit together guys, come on.


I'm pretty sure .si won already

dead general

>anons make a fix for X
>don't make a pull request to solve X

all the problems were listed at the top of the thread
you've caused a good chunk of them so fix them yourself you lazy blob

i will inevitably fix them, but i find it very funny that an user would go through the trouble to make something they like and not even open a PR
be the change you want to see in the worlds anons!

I already tried to fix this mess of a header but i know fuckall about css and i don't understand what was the goal of all the changes so i wasn't able to fix anything
I don't even know why these header changes were made in the first place, two threads ago you said the changes were to make it wider so that text from translations would always be 100% visible and yet the header ended not only being broken and much uglier, but also even NARROWER than before so translations are even less visible than before
This new header is worse at everything than the previous one, it's objectively worse in any point. I keep spamming that idiot ewhal to fucking rollback it already but he is even more of a lazy blob than you are so he's not doing anything
Oh right, he did make a change yesterday to make the username length limit kick back in the header: long usernames would make boxes overlap the Fap links and the text before that even for longer ones. Guess what it didn't fix?

it's two lines of css to make the header less wide
don't make a big deal out of almost nothing
i havent done it yet because i have some amount of life to attend to

The previous header is more functional in every way than the current one. I don't know why you guys want to work towards making the current one like the previous one when you could just rollback to get the previous one back in the first place.

When clearing notifications, they still appear in the notification page until the next time you load it

and the "notification erased" message appears all of the time when you cleared your notifications, until you get a new one

Who the fuck brought .eu back up? Looks malicious.