Git push

>git push
>see this

is bitbucket pushing politics into your terminal too far?

Yes. Yes it is. Fuck you, Atlassian.


What about Vim doing this?


I have no problem with children in uganda. I have a problem with my government wasting my tax dollars lobbying for mens rights to use womens bathrooms.


Why do western countries go out of their way to worship a tiny subculture of people?

I don't fucking get it.

I don't see it in mine.

It was fine back when there were still issues to be concerned about, however At this point it's just a bunch of whining looking for special rights.
Interestingly enough, most of the gay people I know fucking hate this stuff because their sexuality/preferences are being used to push agendas which is slimy as fuck.

echo chambers

Not seeing it.

Messages are cycled.

so they can play the moral superiority card

Well i wouldnt really call this "bullshit politics" or whatever, it's for an actual useful cause

No, it really isn't.
africa should never have been propped up with external cash flow.
Now you have an artificially inflated population completely and utterly dependent on external aid which hardly ever trickles down to the individual level because warlords steal it all and sell it.
Meanwhile, you're stuck with a population that has never heard of birth control, and churning out more kids than they can afford, and nobody knows how to grow fucking crops to sustain the population, but it doesn't matter, because europe will take care of it!

Audible kek


Bitbucket is ass. Your code is dick. Makes sense that they remind you of this when you push your code up to it

If this happened I would make a formal complaint to HR over our company using products that forcibly promote political and cultural agendas that have no place in the workforce.

is your gay friend milo

is your black friend ben carter

I think it's called virtue signalling.

>get labelled conservitard
>get fired
>they claim you create "a hostile work environment"

nothing wrong with it

You should have a problem with feeding children in Uganda. It leads to unchecked population growth without any actual development or economic growth in the region, leading to increased poverty and instability. It's a complete waste of dollars and actually serves to cripple the population there who becomes dependent. What's more, in the modern world, high population, low IQ, unstable regions tend to leak population into our developed countries, leading to an increase in cultural and ethnic disparity in large urban areas that is proven to cause unhappiness, depress social cohesion and trigger civic breakdown. It's a lose-lose situation that actively and irrevocably harms everyone involved.

blame Hillary for destabilizing Africa

>not running your own git server
if you use 3rd party services, you'll deal with whatever crap they feed you, because you are the product

>still calling human rights *politics*

>being this retarded

> oh my gawd they showed me a rainbow
> must be gay propaganda from the left
> they are going to homosexualize me with their gay power
This is how retarded you sound

Ugandans, Rwandans, and Nigerians are the best Africans. All the other ones are stupid niggers.

t. Has been to Africa

Absolutely, I also don't understand why this is happening. Why would a company risk alienating a portion of their users just to push an agenda?
Of course any company has the right to make political statements within the law, but I believe that companies being a-political is in their foremost interest.
Especially if they are "promoting" an already settled issue such as gay rights.

I personally think it is very annoying if companies push ANY agenda at all.

To be honest "please help children in Africa" is not necessarily a political statement and is not pushing the agenda of one particular political wing, but rather calling for action from private individuals.

yeah im sure all the fags and niggers wouldnt mind if they started pushing the white power logo down your terminal

Except for the fact that the whole rainbow symbolism asserts equality, while the white power one states superiority. That's one hell of a difference. You edgy kids ought to study a tiny bit of history before starting being edgy
