What are some technology that arent planned obsolence


HP calculators

My TI-83 and TI-84+SE from over 10 years ago both still work

Traditional musical instruments



AMD motherboards and socket platforms

IBM Model M

Chemical Vapor Deposition Chambers

like how the fuck would you even make those planned obsolence? how do you even make them in the first place??


Nvidia GPU's and intel CPU's

they last usually a good comfy 2 years, which is more than enough time until you update to a new set of gear

>>>>>>> years of use out of a product is "good".

How deep down the big tech rabbithole have you fallen, mate?
If you pay more than 100$ for it, it BETTER last 5 years at LEAST.

3.5mm audio jack


Explosive projectile weapons.

>Nvidia literally gimps older cards with their new drivers
>Intel releases marginal improvements every 6 months


open source software


this is it, the opposite of "your model will be obsolete and we know it" is the even worse "every model is already obsolete yet still full price"


came here to say mechanical switches

lots of mechanical technologies aren't going anywhere matter of fact: stick shift, clocks, pullies, list is endless
same goes for analogue tech

can openers

AK rifles.

planned obsolesce is a good thing

>, clocks,
it's near impossible to find an analog clock that lasts these days

someday, someday

>stick shift
retards already want it gone in passenger vehicles

Playstation 2, Panasonic Toughbooks, Ford Pantherbody Vehicles(Lincoln Towncar/Ford Taurus), Most old nintendo consoles

not happening

factory direct is also cheap

/wt/ disagrees

The rolling release.

HTML, Javascript, and CSS.

Modern mountain bikes. I had no idea how crazy they are these days, most of the parts are standard. A carbon frame and wheel set will easily last you 5-10 years.

what's "/wt/"? i'm kind of a Sup Forums n00b

watch thread

Universal hashing

probably not intel's new i9 series lmao

Those are watches I'm talking about alarm clocks

>he doesn't know about Sup Forums's subreddits


I wasn't ever talking about alarm clocks, I was talking time pieces that will never be obsolete