>upgrade to an ssd user, it's a lot faster!
>ssd is masterrace
>ssd is the future
>ssd is faster!!!
>5xx mb/speeds!!
Upgrade to an ssd user, it's a lot faster!
Other urls found in this thread:
2ssds in raid
Thank me later
then why'd ya buy a shitty ssd?
Also, are you using it via USB?
yeah, isn't it great?
When I upgraded to a 500 gig Samsung from the old 250 gig one, it was just awesome seeing all the files copy over so fast.
it isn't shitty though and definitely not
samsung 500gb here as well
>he bought one of those shit chink ssds he saw on /csg/
Got an 850 Evo and it's amazing. Games load so fast.
refer to
Faulty device?
Or bad installation
Currently running two 850 Evos in raid 0. No regrets.
Did you plug it into a Sata 3 port?
>get a SSD
>copying a file
>going reasonably fast
>cache fills up
>down to 15 MB/s
thanks guys
they're all sata3 6gb
how do you poorly install an ssd lol
>one ssd didn't work? buy another!
this is how they justify trying to sell people $1000 ssds
update ya drivers
>he feel for the ssd meme
>how do you poorly install an ssd lol
By just LOL plug it in XD
Moron. Enjoy your slow SSD because you're a moron
you're so stupid that I literally can't even
But I thought computers were supposed to be like lego user! That's what Sup Forums and reddit told me!
>he copies from a trash bus to SSD and complains that there's a bottleneck
>gets an SSD
>uses filesystem made in 1993
>not using the best OS ever released
>high speeds theoretically
>realtime speeds worse than hdd
Yes, im not stupid
Honest question: is there any reason to use a SSD over a 4 hard drive raid setup?
I have a lot of hard drives but not a single SSD, so im not sure if i should waste my money getting one.
why are you replying as if you're op though?
time to put on a tripcode
from what I can tell, the boot-up speed is beyond impressive, but everything else seems mediocre
If you use the SSD as your OS drive and install all your applications on an HDD, you should be golden.
are you copying from an hdd?
Your picture shows Windows though, user
I get 1.1GB/s sequential write and 230MB/s random write on loonix
My OEM Samsung 128GB mSATA SSD gets +200MB/s you fucked something up OP or its definitely deffective. Besides remember that the biggest improvement over traditional disks is not sequential speed but random access speed and even the shittiest SSD does a fine job here.
>in this much denial over windows being #1
then do you expect your HDD to magically match your SSDs speed when moving files? wtf is wrong with you dumb shit
>transfer files to an HDD
>wonder why you're stuck at HDD speeds
that's called a bottleneck
>ssd moves at 18mb, hard drived moved around 50mb
you're moving between devices
you're moving a lot of small files
you're using ntfs/windows
first step do yourself a favor and use teracopy
Good bait, people won't realize you are limiting your SSD by transferring a file from your HDD
>but ssd is supposed to be superior in every way
But you showed the performance of your HDD, not your SSD.
muh ssd
Check CPU usage, you have one core maxed. Indexing or AV/MSE is fucking you up.
His username is Seraphim hes probably some furfag that wears makeup and this new SSD was a life event that he needs to shitpost about.
>not even using Teracopy
You should probably google the word before you assume I'm a furry.
Also, why so much angst, nerd? Ran out of your mountain dew and cheetos?
>1287 small items
desu on average it doesn't even increase copying speed
>killing your latency
fucking retards