Linux is as much as a real OS as pic related being a real girl

linux is as much as a real OS as pic related being a real girl.

If you call her that, that's what she is :)

Linux isn't an OS.

It is. GNU is less than 10% of a modern Linux distro. So why the fuck would you call it GNU/Linux? It's an insult to >90% of other coders.

Are you stupid?

linux will never be a real grill as hard as it tries to be

Makes a damn convincing woman, amiright? :^)

shes cute

>Are you stupid?
Are you retarded and can't understand basic arithmetic? LESS THAN 10% IS GNU! Quit shilling that communist shit.

i'd let her give me a blowjob

what's with the anti-linux shilling lately, fuck

if Linux was a girl, she'd be several women with varying issues
but all of them have issues


who is this girl (male)

so in other words, it's superior to the normie version

her excitement is adorable :3

The motor of a car is less than 10% of the car. Take out the motor and you don't gave a car anymore. Checkmate, Linus.

Don't feed the troll, sage goes in all fields.

oh i'm sorry for stating the truth. linux will never be a real OS like windows.

In what way is it not a ``real OS"?

the same way a "chick" with a dick isn't a real chick.
>it has hardly any AAA games and the few it has are not real ports. they're windows ports.
>its #CURRENTYEAR and linux still has no drivers for simple things like wifi adapaters.
>no unified modern desktop. instead all these half assed ones and pesudo desktop enviroments that try to mimic others.
>no mainstream application support like photoshop. instead you get abominations like gimp and libreoffice that tries to behave like their real counterparts but are horrible hack jobs. gimp is in such a dysfunctional state that some of their developers created patheon accounts to try to beg for more donations to put food on their table to continue to work on gimp.
>no stable api's or liberaries. they're constantly evolving and breaking. doesn't matter there are "stable" distros because they're so out of date they're barely usable.
>you still have to use the command line.

Nothing you listed has been an issue for years now. Hell, even your faggot gaymen bullshit can be done with steam now.