How is this possible?? How can a year-old CPU beat all the latest Android phones? Are they cheating or something?
IOS has a godly CPU
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Is ghat an s8 or an s8 plus? Of thats a plus then fuck it im getting the lg g6 only way ill get an iphone is if they put back the headphone jack and replace itunes with something less shit last thing i need is a peogram that refuses to do things wothout even telling me why fuck that
Geekbench incorrectly reports performance for iOS devices. It is not directly correlative to real world performance.
Remember back in the day when people were all "benchmarks don't matter" and mocking people for running benchmarks on their Android phones?
Looks like it's switched, I guess.
Anyway as an ex-iPhone user I'd still go with android just because of the useful features iPhones will never get like Sup Forums apps, torrent clients, fast charging, and costing half of what you pay for an iPhone while getting better specs.
>have a good cpu
>can't do shit aside from opening facebook
Can one of you anwer my simple question please?
ftp. cap stone-cre
u: m ain@ca psto ne-cre ativ
p: 1Capst0n3
mfw androidpajeets have to come up with dishonest shit like that image because they have no real arguments against bestphone
mfw when I have no face
The worst part is you HAVE to deal with iTunes to get full control of your iPhone. Airdrop is slow as balls compared to usb itunes transfers and it has limited functionality too.
If you can read than its answered
>It is not directly correlative to real world performance.
Yeah iPhone is even better in real world performance.
Anyone got that android optimization image with all the ladders?
>iOS has a CPU
No wonder people look down upon itoddlers
Geekbench is an inaccurate benchmark that doesn't reflect real world use.
The only reason I favor iOS is because the support for apps.
I have an iPhone 6s+ and a galaxy S8+, so I've used similar apps on both devices.
Snapchat, Instagram, and any social media is a great example. They are slow and clunky on Android.
Google apps run smooth, but that is about it.
The galaxys hardware is far above the iPhones, yet iOS is just well optimized and app developers favor iOS.
>Yeah iPhone is even better in real world performance.
and webm related
The biggest problem with android has been DALVIK. But we have ART now so iOS 10 and Android marshmallow are neck to neck in real world performance.
Honestly opening an app half a second faster doesn't mean anything in day to day usage.
lol android is such a joke
>iOS has a godly cpu
>not the hardware
>not the iphone
>iOS has a godly cpu
Apple literally can't shill right
These videos mean harldy anything.
There's so many variables. One of which being the animation speeds on iOS. They're much longer.
5 rupees have been deposited into your apple positivity account ranjeet.
When will we see another top of the line GPU for under $400?
The current state of the android pajeet "arguments"
>better just ignore that in real life usage iPhone is still better, lets just keep the conversation around geekbench and say it doesnt matter
>you said I posted an image not a video haha tough luck pal
>shills for OS with pajeet ceo
Something is wrong with your S8 scores.
Exactly why iPhone is better since instead of winning by a few milliseconds in some app due to animations it can actually render and do shit faster, startup faster, etc.
>These videos mean harldy anything.
It means android is competing with iPhones now. I wouldn't have said this during DALVIK times even if I was paid to say it.
>There's so many variables. One of which being the animation speeds on iOS. They're much longer.
Animation speeds are similar on android and iOS.
That reminds me, you can turn animations off in android, has apple implemented that super advanced technology yet?
Ya because im supposed to know every random phones model number
Even my SE has better single-core than on the left. Lost by 1.4k on multi-core.
Hard to say, nvidia is trash and amd is being sold out in minutes because of sub-human miners.
Just admit that iPhones are dogshit and will always be because a literal cock sucker is in charge of apple. Probably has aids too (steve jobs died of this).
>t. pranjeet
No it can't. iPhones have famously been held back by thermal throttling. Performance is great for a few seconds then immediately goes to shit.
Why can't androidfags just admit iPhone is faster?
Instead they have to cherry pick all day and deflect. iPhone is faster, okay? Just accept it and move on.
If you are going to shill, pick the file system or something, why pick something you can't win on? It's like me saying women are inferior because in sex a man had a better orgasm. Everyone knows women have intense orgasms, you're never going to win. Stop looking so fucking desperate and come up with a real argument for android instead of reposting this debunked webm all the time and spamming
>m-mactoddler, haha i got him this time
Just because your """favorite""" company makes shittier phones than your streets doesn't mean you have to shill for them out of respecting another man's shit.
>being this mad and deeply in denial over how dogshit fruit phones are
You seem mad lmao. Go suck more cocks and die of aids you prancing homo.
Why do these gender fluid cock munchers come here asking these same retarded questions?
>Even my SE has better single-core than on the left. Lost by 1.4k on multi-core.
Samsung has the best CPUs among the Androids. But even they are VASTLY INFERIOR to Apple's CPUs.
WTF are they doing at Apple? How come others can't copy their CPUs?
Why doesn't Apple sell CPUs to others?
>you're gay xd you have aids lmao
Well you convinced me, 10/10
Because they just spent their entire mcdonalds paycheck on a fruit phone and now have to survive on cup noodles for a month or risk getting kicked out of the room they rent and share with 4 other immigrants. So naturally they'll come to places like these desperately seeking validation for the abhorrent life choice they just made.
My phone is a piece of shit this is why im getting the s8 plus
Do you even know who the ceo of apple is?
Um actually mcdonalds pay bi weekly yoy fucking loser and i um lime didnt spend my entire paycheck on it i got it on a payment an so um like why dont you check yourself before you wreck yourself loser
Do you even know what kind of company google is?
Check out these to closet monkeys everyone
>thinking tim "i'm gay" cook is at all a good ceo
As much as I like to shit on Apple it was better during Steve Jobs' time there. It's pretty much stagnating, .1 inches off of thickness each new version won't keep Apple going forever.
Yeah the CPU blowing away the competition will, also soon enough they will have GPUs to rival Intel as well.
Apple won't be as innovative but they will have the tech to dominate the future, while Windows falls apart and poordroids stay poor
And yet they stikl wont have a headphone jack or something better than itunes so i still wont give them attention
Not me, I'll suck you dry and give you a reach around on your cold, dead, limp dick before I bury your body.
Dam, all that 1337 tech and only 10% marketshare.
>muh powah
It's a fucking cellphone.
Its just shills at this point right? Surely nobody here fails to realize how geekbench works.
But i want the one with a 6.2 in screen the only thing that could make the s8 plus better is if it came with an spen bit we got the universe where they wanted a note 8 instead
>But i want the one with a 6.2
Fucking why? I thought we were talking phones, not tablets.
Just wait, next iShit won't have a chargeport (totally not a design flaw though)
If I at all attempt to respond to your "intel bad" argument you'll either shit out ayyymd ryshit memes or blabber on about how apple products being made based on cm instead of ghz is good.
I watch a lot of videos on my phone so a bigger screen is better for me
kek. and what has microshit done since?
Essentially release everything apple fans wanted from apple and never got cause apple was too busy making everything more thin instead of something useful
This. The surface pro 4 with liquid cooling was the best thing to happen to tablets since manufacturers stopped using ARM trash in them.
>Windows 8 was a completely different OS from 7
>Cortana, their own siri without the apple seal of shitproval
>surface, surfacebook
>Windows 10
>Xbox One (and Xbox one s / project scorpio)
Maybe apple needs a more diverse business model. Apple console for hipster viseo gaymers when?
>Dam, all that 1337 tech and only 10% marketshare.
I hope you don't seriously think more people using it makes it better.
>releasing an OS nobody likes
>copying siri
>copying iPads and adding a keyboard to it
>latest update for windows 10 added multiple desktops - something Mac has had for years
>a box you hook up to a TV to play games with a controller that has changed very little since the PS1 days
such innovation
I hope you don't think elitism and cult-tier brand worshipping will get you anywhere.
>latest update
It was there from the insider preview and linux had it long before mac anyway
>>>>>>>>copying ipads
Yeah okay raj, whatever you say. Surface only has an actual OS and storage space indtead of 2010 Micro SD card tier storage and an overinflated mobile system.
>actual OS
One that is not made for a touch screen, hence why you'll never see someone with a Surface Pro without they keyboard attachment, while iPads are perfectly usable without a keyboard.
android: apps are crippled java virtual machine byte code programs
iphone: glorious compiled binaries written in a hardware near programming language
Sup Forums will never understand the difference between interpreted code and native code
stop posting these retarded comparisons
>you can use 8, 8.1 and 10 with a touch screen
What streetside shit stains have you been smelling?
Further, ipad touchscreen keyboards are the clunkiest and least responsive keyboards I've ever worked with.
>at least microsoft didn't invent the bendy iphone and overheating macbooms.
>copying iPads and adding a keyboard to it
adding to what and said
are you forgetting Microsoft started the trend of tablets?
Do you actually believe this? I cant believe someone this deluded exists. I hate Windows 10 but it works fine for a tablet OS without a physical keyboard.
literally delet dis
>you can use 8, 8.1 and 10 with a touch screen
and it's an awful experience, hence why everyone you see with a Surface Pro always uses it with the keyboard.
Sorry pajeet, but there's a reason why everyone other than Apple has backed out of the tablet market.
The truth hurts doesn't it. Once apple was a respected tech company that businesses looked up to and now just a husk of what it used to be tainted by the SJWs and gay rights activists to the core.
I actually used to own an iPhone 3gs and enjoyed the experience of owning an iPhone that was a million times better han any lagdroid during that time. Guess the tables have turned.
certified shit wrecker worked on it.
>are you forgetting Microsoft started the trend of tablets?
implying Microsoft started that shit. the iPad is what started the trend. If you want to go further back in time to see where the idea "originated", you'd go back to PDAs, not that dumb microsoft shit
Lived in the US my whole life Abdul, sorry I can't be working the dream life getting 0.01 shillbux an hour.
>everyone but apple dropped out of tablet market
nigger what?
>what is samsung
>what is acer
>what is amazon
>what is insignia
>what is dell
>what is lenovo
>what is toshiba
>what is asus
Are you actually fucking retarded?
>implying Microsoft started that shit. the iPad is what started the trend. If you want to go further back in time to see where the idea "originated", you'd go back to PDAs, not that dumb microsoft shit
but to claim Microsoft copied Apple is a non-argument is it not? I learnt something new so thanks for that my man.
You're right. By your logic, Apple is just a shitty clone of those PDA companies.
>please off yourself and take your ideology with you
Saying they've been innovative when all they've done is copy other companies shows they have not been innovative at all.
1 answer: Jim Keller.
Without him, Apple wouldn't have the one thing good about their ARM products.
>and it's an awful experience, hence why everyone you see with a Surface Pro always uses it with the keyboard.
Most stores sold you the keyboard bundled for an extra 100$ which they shill hard and get to normies by doing so.
>Saying they've been innovative when all they've done is copy other companies shows they have not been innovative at all.
agreed, but (fighting for all sides here) would companies like BIC and Stabilo have to credit the original creator of the pencil every time they sell one? No, they just bullshit you in telling you their price is lower and gets the job done equally.
Your dedication to this thread really shows you have nothing to do, huh? Aside from shitting in the street, that is. Just accept that your "premium brand" is nothing but an overhyped cult of left-leaning hippy dippy idiots.
making pajeets rage warms my heart.
We all know the real reason tech geeks hate Apple - they've been technology cool, and nerds are threatened that their interests are appealing to more "normies" thanks to Apple.
>red state
>white parents
Yeah, okay...
If apple is so technology cool why would the remove their headphone jack? Continuing, if they are so technology cool, why do they have 10% market share? And finally, if they're so technology cool why do they rely on virtue signalling and appealing to SJW's to sell their products? Surely a "technology cool" company should sell plenty, more than 10% of the market at least.
At least I don't have to worry if I get a single droplet of water into my PC. If I did that with a macbook I'd have to give my life savings to fix it.
You are being dramatic
not an argument
hmmm.... Keller helped, right?
the more powerful SOC doesn't make up for the extra cost, shit screen, lack of decently sized or removable storage, the down syndrome friendly OS that is hard to use as a power user, the inability to install apps that aren't on the app store and the shit battery life.
/closed niggers
>this thread
>what is Java
Isn't the whole point of ART to negate that issue?
They could be double as fast and I still wouldn't get an iPhone. But now they cost double as much for less performance so that makes it even easier.
I have an iphone and I don't have itunes installed anywhere (linux user)
But actually Iphones are beating Android by Single Core benchmarket, not Muti-Core benchmark.
Whoa, 8 shitty cores are better than 2 less shitty ones? No way
Iphone are quad-cores, now.
Where did I say anything about memes?
iPhones only use two cores at a time. Two for performance and two for saving power. It makes their multi core score really impressive.
As someone who has to to use a iPhone daily because my phone got stolen at the airport, it fucking sucks man. All of them. It's the same phone just prettier, no webm support, battery life sucks so hard I actually had to buy a battery pack to carry with me, the standby time is nonexistent, and one more thing. WHY THE FUCK IS ALL THE APP UPDATES LIKE FUCKING 200MB ?
since when did operating systems contain CPUs?
Since it only runs on specific hardware and that specific hardware also only runs iOS, it's not really wrong to say that the processors in iPhones are iOS's
Two words.
He's always worked on the A-series. Apple continues to not only have much more powerful processors than any other mobile device not running x86, even though they're quickly gaining on the heatsink-requiring ULV processor performance, but they also have a ridiculously lightweight and optimized OS. Its absolute overkill and they just enjoy doing it at this point. They don't really need to do any of this.
apple designs their OS to be optimized for their CPU. it's super efficient and vastly superior to what Qualcomm puts out.