/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


First for destroy capitalism!

Second for free software!


Socialism and free software are fundamentally incompatible.
Any socialist state requires an authoritarian government, for which free software is a threat. (Just look at Venezuela or read a history book)

Capitalism is the only system, which is more then a fanatics day dream, in which free software (and freedom in general) can exist.

Well said, but they're not talking about "socialism" and all seriously, they're just trolling.

>which free software is a threat
No it isn't. But free developers, leaded by the party, will stop to be anarchists and will start to gather and fight monopolies correctly.

How do i turn on syntax highlighting for nano? i really like it over vim, but unless it can highlight syntax in config files, it is a dealbreaker for me

>fresh install of Debian 9
>Everything goes smoothly
>set root password
>try to su root
>Authentication failed

I triple checked setting the root password in the installer and triple checked when entering the password. What the fuck? Apparently this is a bug Debian has been having and it is STILL not fixed. Have a made a mistake using Debian?

Is this pic real or image-manipulated?

Install it again and see if the problem persists.

I currently am. If this happens again I'm going to lose my wits.

Which version of Debian are you using? Stable, unstable, testing?

OK, just bypass the root login and reset the root password.

Do not forget to check the language of your keyboard.

File a bug if it happens again debian.org/Bugs/

trying to mount an ext4 hard drive that is a boot install on a pc running ubuntu. It shows up under fdisk -l as a bunch of mini disks i guess, and not a proper hard drive. Its connected via usb. What do i do?

Try sudo, maybe it was actually asking for your "user with root equivalent sudo access" password?

Debian 9 so stable

>Debian 9
It's the new stable version

i had that problem too lol. i ended up reinstalling

I tried that but apparently I am not in the sudoers file, and I cannot even add myself because the root password is fucked.

You have physical access to your computer? Yes. So you bypass the root login and reset password.

I have to chroot correct?

No, just boot into root directly.

If it happens this time round stop grub at the the menu (just mash up or down arrow keys) and edit the boot line (ctl+e IIRC) to have boot=/bin/bash at the end, then boot into the edited line (ctl+x, maybe). That should get you a shell and you can use passwd or edit sudo.conf or whatever.

Not fixing the problem but it will get you a working system.

Great.... The same fucking thing happens, can't log into root. Fuck this piece of shit distro.

This Learn to bypass login screen. We should put that in the OP message.

install arch

>Learn to bypass login screen. We should put that in the OP message.
I second this.

I added what you said at the end but it still boots straight to lightdm

See pic related. If that don't work all I have left for you are shrugs. ALso, the keybindings in are wrong, follow the ones at the bottom of the grub menu.

Er, except it says linux now instead of kernel apparantly, but whatever line has vmlinuz on it.

Does anyone else have an issue with copying text from lowriter into the X primary selection by highlighting? If I highlight a paragraph it only the first dozen or so words end up in the primary selection.

Thanks for the help, but I've moved t devawn

printf '%s\n' 'include /usr/share/nano/*.nanorc' | tee -a ~/.nanorc

Why not use the CLIPBOARD?

Great... I added windows 8 to my grub loader (trying to get a dual boot thats not just switching boot devices from uefi) and now windows wont boot from grub and takes forever to boot on its own. Fucking linux i swear

Because I don't have to use that with any other program and I couldn't be fucked looking up the clipboard register in vim. So I just did it bit by bit, like a loser.

It's +
Just type "+y (in normal mode) to paste from it.

This is what my win10 (on it's own drive) looks like:

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
menuentry 'Windows 10 (on /dev/sdc1)' --class windows --class os $menuentry_id_option 'osprober-chain-B4A0900FA08FD5F0' {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ntfs
set root='hd2,msdos1'
if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd2,msdos1 --hint-efi=hd2,msdos1 --hint-baremetal=ahci2,msdos1 B4A0900FA08FD5F0
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root B4A0900FA08FD5F0
parttool ${root} hidden-
drivemap -s (hd0) ${root}
chainloader +1
### END /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###

Try running update-grub a couple of times?

Why does alsamixer default to PulseAudio when I don't even have it installed? If I mute the audio and press unmute it stays muted

update-grub doesnt work on fedora, i used

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg

>Try running update-grub a couple of times?
Just reinstall grub.
grub-install --target=i386-pc --verbose /dev/sda
Replace /dev/sda with whatever your disk is.

>Why does alsamixer default to PulseAudio when I don't even have it installed?
maybe something installed it?

dpkg -l |grep pulse

pacman -Qs pulse

Nice quads, btw.

How do I change the i3bar color from i3config? I tried
bar {

color {


But this gives an error.

how is kubuntu compared to kde neon?

KDE neon is made by the KDE devs, uses Ubuntu LTS as base and ships with the latest KDE. Basically, provides an "as it was intended" KDE experience.

well I tried to install the intel xorg driver on kde neon and it didn't install

I've Puppy linux on USB flash drive and sometimes I want to test local hosting sites, I know you can run simple HTTP server with python.
But I need more like running email server, owncloud, or running some Socket I/O applications like Chat, Etc...
What do I need to achieve those?


It's plural: colors

background #whatever


Here's what I have in my config:
general {
colors = true
interval = 5
color_good = "#2AA198"
color_degraded = "#B58900"
color_bad = "#D33682"
color_separator = "#829496"
separator = "|"

You need what's called a LAMP. Basically, install Apache httpd, PHP, and mySQL

I staded isimg a dvprak keunoard. did I fall fur a meme?

And this will allow me to run whatever I need by simply putting the files in the right directory?
What about Node.JS?

>And this will allow me to run whatever I need by simply putting the files in the right directory?
Yes, you have to configure your httpd.conf to tell it where your files are, and what hostnames to use etc., and you can upload your PHP files or whatever and access them in your browser.
>What about Node.JS?
Node.js is independent from the http server. You can install it, and use it to run your JS files without any server.

I see, There doesn't seems to be a single SFS package to download.
How do you convert those into SFS file?

Anyone use Jupyter Notebook? Is there some kind of CLI/TUI interface for it if I don't always want to use the browser? Would be good to quickly gain access to notes from the terminal instead of loading up the site. Could just remote edit files with ssh but it would be good if I didn't have to enter a password every time.


nevermind, this is a sexy solution:

notes() {
ssh pi -t "vi notes/$1"

I am going full cli from now on. Suggest me alternative applications that are cli.


good luck with lynx

Hehehe xD

Do you even shellcheck bro?

notes() {
if [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; then
ssh pi -t "vi 'notes/${1}'"

Why not just Firefox + VimFX?


because ramhog fox is a gui

changed from unity to gnome, because unity is being retarded
is there a way to have the CTRL + ALT + NUMPAD resizing and moving windows from unity in gnome? it's very useful

What if i want to start vi in the notes dir? What does ${1} achieve over just $1?

if your resizing windows maybe you want a tiling wm? i3wm is really simple to get in to

In this case, nothing, but the quotes are important because if $1 contains spaces, then the ssh command will expand to vi notes/name with spaces and will fail, instead of vi 'notes/name_with_spaces'.
The braces are useful in cases like
is equivalent to

>What if i want to start vi in the notes dir?
That code will work, it'll just expand to vi 'notes/'

Yes, take a look at dconf-editor. You'll find the shortcuts there, and you can edit them as you like.

Xfce power manager does not suspend when closing the lid yet I have set it to in settings. What the heck?

>Xfce power manager
b l o a t



if [ $(awk '{print $2}' /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state) = closed ]
xscreensaver-command -lock; pm-suspend



Just pull the fucking plug.

I have no clue how pulling the plug achieves the same effect as closing the lid and putting the device to "sleep" but don't ever stop being a retard mom loves you this way.

Why do you need your device to "sleep" anyway? SSD can cold boot in seconds and modern DEs have facilities in place to restore your previous session. Actual hibernate is even slower than cold boot.

using suspend...on linux..lol

And then you have to re-open all your programs that you had open, and stuff.
Personally, I only reboot when there is a kernel upgrade, otherwise, my PC is on 24/7.

$ pm-suspend
-bash: pm-suspend: command not found

>And then you have to re-open all your programs that you had open, and stuff.
see >modern DEs have facilities in place to restore your previous session
You don't.

>Personally, I only reboot when there is a kernel upgrade, otherwise, my PC is on 24/7.
Well, i rather use updated libraries every now and then instead of a security nightmare.

use whatever systembotnet offers as a replacement you dumb cunt

>dumb cunt
Very friendly indeed.

>modern SSDs
>modern DEs
I use neither, what now mr smartass?

Go back to your cave and come again when you have found some gold to buy a 40€ SSD.

>You don't.
Ehh, most of the windows I have open are terminal windows in particular states. Editors open, command history, environment variables, cwd. Pretty sure DEs don't handle any of that shit. Just window positioning.

Yeah lets all pretend you pasting an excerpt from your terminal session was totally-not-a-snarky-comment from a massive faggot trying to point out "lol i don't have this wat do XD" instead.
Because someone genuinely wondering why the script doesn't work would make that clear in a completely different way

>just throw more money at it XD
ok kid

>Using judaism as an excuse to cling to the past

Wow, it's true, you guys *are* easily triggered.

>i was just PRETENDING to be retarded
sure they never played this before.

I'm not sure if all programs support it but kde programs had the same shit open the last time i disabled that feature. I rather setup proper work environments in activities so that i can consciously active them with a simple click and pack other things into autostart.

I think hiring a programmer to fix suspending in linux costs more than a simple ssd.

haha, no I was only pretending to be retard >_

>I think hiring a programmer to fix suspending in linux costs more than a simple ssd.
You need a programmer to type "suspend" into the gentoo wiki/arch wiki search box?

I wasn't "pretending" to be a retard, nor am I a retard. I just posted the output of that command on my machine, jeez.

>You need a programmer to type "suspend" into the gentoo wiki/arch wiki search box?
No i need a programmer to make it work reliably with my hardware and software.