How can I unlock LUKS encrypted laptop?

How can I unlock LUKS encrypted laptop?

Enter your password.

Ask the owner nicely

by returning it, Tyrone


you should have stolen a supercomputer and a time machine too so you could unlock that laptop

Install Gentoo

Give it back Jamal

Should've stolen an iPhone instead

>implying Jamal and Tyrone know about luks.
Give it back, Chen Chung.

Return it please, Richard

Look up the device with
# lsblk

Then unlock it (replace /dev/sda2) with
# cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2
and enter the passphrase.

Wipe the partition's header (the LUKS header).

Give it back Shaquan

You can't, lajames

ask nsa


Dubs confirm, do this.

LUKS is shit
>can't use ctr
>can't use keccak nor chacha20
>can't use a proper mac

bcachefs has all these + it's built in

Loads better than dm-crypt plain mode. Though there is a revamp in the works for the LUKS header which will rustle existing systems

I wanted to use bcachefs for my guix installation but sadly it seems that it was not supported. I knew that they supported chacha but I had no idea that they supported keccak too.

How is it as a fs in general? Have you used it in "production"?

Same goes for dm-crypt

i'm actually not sure if it supports keccak but I remember he settled on chacha.
I've been meaning to use it for a root but it's a complete pain to do because you need to bootstrap with the custom kernel before you format the drive and install.. aka a custom live cd or a fucky chroot. it's stable enough to use for root though. I'm just waiting for multidevice which works now but I just need to be able to convert a raid10 btrfs

Do you know if there is any plan to merge it into the official kernel? Or at least in the kernel of any popular distro. I definitely want to try it sometime but I don't really want to go trough the pain of custom kernels. (and it also seems that there is no fuse support sadly)

Also, how does it compare with the likes of zfs?

fuse is planned
zfs is shit because it was made ages ago hastily designed for servers with tons of ecc and rushed out the door
bcachefs is what btrfs was what btrfs promised to be (a truly homogenous fs with snapshotting/cow) but failed horribly (and also rushed out the door)
also yeah bcache has been in linux since 3.10, bcachefs just needs to be feature "complete". I'd guess like 6-12 months.

Thanks user.

yup i've been hyping people for it but we all just have to wait lol. he posts updates on his patreon

Give it back Agent Smith.


open the lid

By asking the owner nicely you cuck.