/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

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Don't be too harsh on me :(
Can you un-meme me? How is Fedora for daily use? I love Debian because of stability and freedom and I am not a fan of rolling releases. However I don't like how the packages get old quickly on stable, and testing and unstable are not very ideal as a fix for that.
I would use Fedora but I have memed myself by reading a lot about how Fedora is actually not focused for regular users and is mostly just focusing on enterprise and development software (is that a RHEL conspiracy or not doesn't matter).
Debian is great because it doesn't seem to "take sides". You can do anything on it. While Fedora is advertised as a professional distro, even on their website.
So is that true? Is Fedora's professional fpcus just a meme?

There is no help for you. You are so deeply engraved into the meme buzzword world, there's no escape.
Hint: the defining features of a distribution are package manager, release schedule and software policy (patching and licenses). Everything else is the same.

I'll just address one of the countless idiocies and misconceptions in your post:
>You can do anything on it. While Fedora is advertised as a professional distro
That's the shit buzz phrase and only idiots falls for it. Hint: you use the same software on both.

Personally I ditched Fedora when networkmanager/firewalld/ update shut me off from my smb network.

>Debian is great because it doesn't seem to "take sides"
Debian does take sides all the time.

>the defining features of a distribution are package manager, release schedule and software policy (patching and licenses)
Well, yeah, that's true. And Fedora seems perfect for me regarding all of those. The package manager is fast and has a lot of packages available, which is great; it has a short release cycle so it's up to date without being rolling release, also perfect; software policy focuses on free software, which I also look for.
So I guess I just have to get all of the other stereotypes out of my head and just try it out.

I mean considering the user groups. It doesn't say it's perfect for x or y user group or whatever. I know that doesn't really matter but still


What do you guys think of UNIX-like systems other than GNU/Linux, like BSD or Solaris for instance?
Should I give them a try some time?

you know how in haxxor movies there is always this random code or data dump rolling on the screens in background, is there some loonix command which can do this? And i don't mean shit like ping, some legit haxxor looking stuff

>The package manager is fast
How many hours per day do you spend using the package manager that this actually matters shit?

Debian does take sides, politically anyway, they lean towards the extreme left.

And Fedora is a perfectly usable desktop distribution, you will need to enable RPMFusion or Negativo17 repo's for multimedia applications though.

I'm wondering what people mean with "package manager is fast". Is everyone using the default mirrors?


Okay .. a stupid question.. but it have two network cards in my server, one is connected to my lan and one directly to the internet.

I installed stuff like xrdp and openssh and so on and i need to make sure that they can only be accessed via the lan networdk card. I don't need some pajeet trying to guess my password on the other network card that isn't hidden behind nat

I am using ubuntu

Linux has no games

literally no website works properly
wtf i hate linux now

The most realistic "hacking" scene ever pulled in the history of movies was probably in Tron Legacy.

The author of the hacking vfx had an article on how and why he put together this scene, but sadly his website went bonkers and I don't think it was ever archieved

Install Hollywood.

you can filter packets by interfaces

on the config file for ssh you can specify the network card to use.

Well when I do I like it to finish it as fast as possible. While all of the modern package managers are basically the same, apt sometimes like to hang, especially at "setting up shared-mime-info" or whatever and that's annoying.
But as far as availability is concerned, both .deb and .rpm packages are so widespread you probably won't find something that doesnt have available packages for either.

Are free codecs included? I am on Debian with just main repo activated, and have only the free codecs so everything works pretty much, especially now that mp3 is free.

We have SuperTuxKart, we don't need anything else.

Configure your sshd to only listen on lan or block ssh ports via firewall for the wan interface

Oh, hi, I remember you, you installed debian 9 on VirtualBox yesterday and found only a black screen with gibberish on it.

>Debian does take sides, politically anyway, they lean towards the extreme left.

What about Mr. Robot, they're somewhat realistic.

Triggered libcuck

but it's true user, like or not debian is not just a distro.

Wow, is that Emacs? Proud of you!

I'm waiting for the day when I can shitpost about GNU/Linux without having a poorly researched debate about race and politics with some edgy Sup Forumsack. ;_;

good observation user

still dont know what to do with linux. cant even shitpost from cli browsers

There was also a nice one in Dredd (2012) when the hacker dude was using nmap to find the ip of a terminal in the building to locate where a call was coming from.

i had a ok, kinda good first season, then went to shit, not specific about hacking scenes but in general.

kys liberal cuck

Well, use normal GUI browsers then!

Actually the bad guys in the movie use Emacs.
The good guys all use vi.

you mean die hard 4.0 wasn't accurate?

Didn't trinity use nmap in one of the first scenes in the matrix?

b-but b-botnet

>Judging software based on the politics of its creators
It's not like they inject subliminal messages to make you gay or accept refugees or something. Why does this even matter? You're not paying for it, you're not giving them analytic date, and you're not supporting them in any tangible way.

Trinity uses nmap in The Matrix.

The media wants to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt about Emacs.

IceCat then?

"uploading virus" with a progress bar doesn't sound very accurate

Tweak FF or use Iceat.

make desu

find / -exec -lhd '{}' \;

IceCat, qutebrowser, PaleMoon?

it's not about judging software based on politics, but the politics define the general direction of the project

I remember one post on Sup Forums where someone was complaining because of the sjwing happening in the Debian community (e.g. debian.org/vote/2016/vote_003 )
And one user replied with "as long as it doesn't tell me to check my privilege every time I boot it, I don't care."

Again, how does this even remotely affect you? Do you feel yourself being mind controlled by the Debian maintainers as you use it? Do you feel some undying urge to go scream at Republican representatives during townhalls when you install a package?

You're not giving them any tangible support. It makes absolutely no difference.

pic related

Or maybe they just value unix philosophy.

Fuck I just noticed they even bothered to make flynn's terminal i386 since the computer was supposed to be a 20 year old machine

I was meming about botnet. Got nothing to hide. HA! Was playing around with w3m but apparently its literally useless in 2017. What CLI apps should I use and how to stop worrying and start living without a mouse?

>What CLI apps should I use and how to stop worrying and start living without a mouse?
fortune, cowsay

>using uBlock and AdBlock simultaneously

firefox + vimperator

Fuck I love when movies pay attention to small details like this.
It's shit you will never notice, but when you do, it just makes the whole thing more immersive.

irssi for IRC
ranger file manager is amazing
Mutt or Alpine mail client

Does terminal user have more privileges than GUI user? i can run ifconfig from a ssh console just fine but in gnome i can only run it as sudo, both on the same user

i need to block ads twice user

tmux or screen for managing multiple terminal sessions.
If you're really serious about CLI-only, you won't even need X11.

I'm not saying that the politics of the Debian project bothers me, what I'm saying is that the decision the projects takes are no only based on technical factors but political ones following their social contract.

Would you like to list the decisions that were affected?

Do you audit every single package on your machine to make sure they don't use a similar contract?

for i in {0..100}; do
printf '\rUploading virus ... %d%% ' "$i"
sleep 0.$((RANDOM))
printf '\rUploading virus ... done.\n'


Its author advises against this, plus they use the same filters, so you're just wasting time with it. And ABP is not free software.

>that history
You just fucking know they made it for You and noone else, because no drooling normie that brought them the bulk of the money for this movie ever batted an eye.

Maybe it was one of us doing his job well instead of doing what he's expected to do.

It effects the quality of the software since some very highly skilled developers are deterred/prevented from contributing because of the social contract. Same thing happened with FreeBSD.

I have no political preference and it doesn't bother me what their views are, what bothers me is when those views (no matter which side) effect the quality of the distribution.

>for; do
wew that's some ugly syntax

>It effects the quality of the software since some very highly skilled developers are deterred/prevented from contributing because of the social contract
Substantiate your claim.

For newfriends like you.

Devuan has a 'no code of conduct' to prevent issues like this, they simply focus on the quality of their software and hire people/accept contributions based on the quality of the software and not political ideologies.

the obvious one is the fact that by default Debian does not have non-free software, that's a political decision.
you are acting like the Debian developers are robots that do not act based on what they believe.

>not having nonfree software is problematic

Is it ruby? I've actually been tempted to pick it up (or at least another scripting language) but not sure it's worth it.

It would have been better if not for the program "od" (octal dump), which predates the posix shell. If not for it, we would've gotten:
if ... fi
do ... od
case ... esac

Doesn't answer anything in the post.
>the obvious one is the fact that by default Debian does not have non-free software
So you want to use proprietary software? Where do you think you are? It's not like they prevent you from using non-free software, they simply don't ship it as a default.

>Debian does not have non-free software
What is the non-free repo?

The fact that it has non-free software is the only reason keeping it from being recommended by the FSF!

That's a shell script function.

>fortune, cowsay
>firefox + vimperator
how difficult is it for someone who has never used Vim?
>ranger file manager is amazing
no one email me. will try ranger and rtorrent
I currently have around 400 torrents in qbittorrent. is it a good idea to manage that many torrents in cli? I open the files from qbittorrent mostly.
not going to be too strict with cli at the moment

Huh looks different to what I've seen of shell scripting (mostly bash).

Is there some simple comand which will install drivers for my gpu, sound card and such on ubuntu? When i click on non free software tab in unity it says that update failed or something so i need to do it via command line


Not activated by default

>I currently have around 400 torrents in qbittorrent. is it a good idea to manage that many torrents in cli? I open the files from qbittorrent mostly.
No. Unless you're gonna set it up with ruTorrent or some other web UI, it's almost impossible to manage that number of torrents using rtorrent from the CLI. You can't even sort the torrents or search for them.

I actually prefer it that way.
For comparsion:
for i in {0..100}; do
printf '\rUploading virus ... %d%% ' "$i"
sleep 0.$((RANDOM))
printf '\rUploading virus ... done.\n'

Looks better than:

for i in {0..100}
printf '\rUploading virus ... %d%% ' "$i"
sleep 0.$((RANDOM))
printf '\rUploading virus ... done.\n'

Ranger vs MC
What and why?

Download driver from vendor

who said it was problematic?
I'll say it again, the politics of the Debian project does not bothers me, the software is made by people and people act based on what they believe (politics) unless your software is made by apolitical robots, it's affected by politics.
saying "politics don't matter, only software" is ignoring the fact the people who made that software are political.

vifm because special snowflake

Welp. Into the trash it goes then.

Which just means you haven't seen shit yet

Let me guess, you also prefer
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)

instead of
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

You don't have any other sensible options when it comes to torrents.
If all you're gonna do is add torrents and let them download and seed, it's certainly usable.

No, why? That would be contra to my comparsion.

i don't know how to install from a file on linux as it is very complicated, the files usually come in something like tar.gz and such and have to be compiled and i have no idea how to do that, on windows i just double click it but on linux it it way too complicated so i am stuck only using things available via repos

Forgive my ignorance. I misunderstood your post completely.

sound card driver?
on most distros the only drivers that are not included by default are non-free, which the only common ones are for some wifi chipsets, and gpu's.
which distro are you using? it probably has a package for your driver.

tar xvzf bullshit.tar.gz && ./configure && make && make install

>A Study of Sup Forums’s Politically Incorrect Forum and Its Effects on the Web

I do not think that their political ideologies effects the software directly, more so it effects who can contribute to Debian. Their code of conduct alienates a lot of good developers who would bring nothing but quality software to the distribution.

This happened with FreeBSD and 'FreeBSDGirl' or whatever her name was who drove away one of the core (and very highly skilled) developers because of her strong political views. If you have ever been on the Debian mailing lists you will see situations like this occur quite often.

There was one occasion where one of the maintainers for Krita took offence to a few lines of code in the software and demanded that they be removed by upstream.

*which gpu I mean, not distro.