WTF I hate Elon Musk now

>Musk was ousted in October 2000 from his role as CEO (although he remained on the board) due to disagreements with other company leadership, notably over his desire to move PayPal's Unix-based infrastructure to Microsoft Windows

WTF I hate Elon Musk now

> his desire to move PayPal's Unix-based infrastructure to Microsoft Windows

let that sink in for a moment

>I've never made a bad decision in my life

Yeah, how about you share the stupidest thing you've done and we judge your entire legitimacy on it

linux fag found

musk fanboi detected

This. Not sure why he did it, perhaps he thought it'd be better since more people know Windows (can someone shed some light on the why?), but it's fucking stupid hate Elon for a single mistake he made 17 years ago.

Show me a few other examples of his fuckups and the why's and I'll consider hating him, like faggot OP. Until then I'll happily ride his big dick.

I don't know what to think of that, man. Sometimes I disagree with people because I hate the person and not the argument.

>since more people know Windows (can someone shed some light on the why?)
Because M$ indoctrinates children into using their proprietary garbage through borderline unethical deals made with school counties.

I hate Microsoft as much as the next person, but what, exactly, do you propose as an alternative to Microsoft’s volume licensing deal with school districts? Is the local IT guy supposed to compile Gentoo or something?

ITT: faggots who know jack shit about business IT infrastructure

If you read the source article, it doesn't actually give any details. Which Unix was it? I can actually understand him if it was something really proprietary and didn't support hardware they wanted to use, for example.

jesus fuck, he is a literal moron pretending to be smart. we will never go to mars

There are a lot of friendly Linux distros that the schools can use. Or even better, have a support contract with some Linux company.

>desire to move PayPal's Unix-based infrastructure to Microsoft Windows
That's a good idea numbnuts!


Tell us what we're missing?

it's 17 years ago you turboautist

>move PayPal's Unix-based infrastructure to Microsoft Windows

not only would moving an entire infrastructure from a platform to another be really retarded, regardless of what platforms, but a financial service running on windows? what?

Good linux support is more expensive than just buying windows. It's something no freetard will ever admit by the way.

This is true, but with really good engineers you can scale Linux far beyond windows as far as support goes. With proper config management a single person can manage 1000 servers, and far far beyond that number if the systems are mostly large clusters such as would be the case for a platform like PayPal. Of course none of this tech was available back when Musk tried to do this.

>Good linux support is more expensive than just buying windows. It's something no freetard will ever admit by the way.

you're missing a step there friend. good linux support is cheaper than good windows support, and on top of that you also need to pay the licensing.

Good. He's just a PR meme

>Until then I'll happily ride his big dick.
What's wrong with you?

>A man with very close ties to CIA wanted to move a business which dealt with internet transactions to windows
wow, what a huge surprise

>implying OS matters to the CIA

>implying the CIA doesn't share hacks with "contractors"
>implying the CIA gives the best goodies out to "contractors"
>implying "contractors" don't want to transaction records
Whatever my man keep sucking that dick

What do contractors have to do with anything?

try google

According to windows admin average US salary is $64k, while Linux admin salary is $74k.

Are you talking about Snowden?
What does he have to do with anything?

>what is chronology

Musk is very typical of the Silicon Valley technolibertarian mold. He was happy to take a $465 million government loan for Tesla Motors, then soon after paying it off, he was more than happy to speak out against government subsidies like the one he just paid back. This has been Silicon Valley’s modus operandi for years, of course: promoting the tech sector’s independence from and superiority to mundane governance, while relying on it. In a nutshell, this is the reality behind the myth of the “free market.”

>drinking diet coke, thinking it's somehow "healthier"

>WTF I hate Elon Musk now
Keep on hating him then. I personally don't care who you hate, or why. Thanks for the thread.

Maybe he has diabetes
