Be me

>be me
>good in math, physics and programming
>go for CS for whatever reason
>entrance exam had 5 problems and I had 2h to solve them
>easily solve them correctly and finish in under 30 min
>waste 2 semesters in CS doing java and bullshit dumbed down math
>get depressed and shut in during the second semester
>somehow decide to drop it a month ago and go for EE
>spend a month half assedly preparing for the EE entrance exam
>arrogantly think to myself 'I know all this, this'll be e z'
>entrance exam has takes 3h but has 20 problems
>the first 5 (easiest ones) are of the same difficulty as the 5 ones on the CS exam
>the rest is much harder
>even though I know this stuff, 3h is way too short for me to solve it all
>end up barely solving 12 easiest ones (that carry the least points)
>less than 50% of total points
>this college is the top in my country, so there's much competition
>probably won't get on the state budget (I don't have the money to self finance)
>therefore I probably failed miserably
I'm so ashamed to start next year and go with people 2 years younger than me
I'll be outcast and they'll probably all make fun of me and it's really hard for me to make friends as is
also, I don't know what I'm going to do for another whole fucking year
I'll probably fall into back into depression and kill myself
hold me Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread: a Career Pipeline Documents/Safe_Harbor.pdf


What is better
>Being very intelligent in a field which allows you to move up the corporate ladder or
>Being mid-low intelligent in a field which will allow little or to no promotion


kys faggot

No one cares, or knows how old you are faggot. Some people go to school in their 30's. I had a roommate that was 28.

why do you care what others think about you. Just try again, but don't make the same mistakes. We are a specify that learns from our mistakes, so just try again and hope for the rest.

if not then follow these two gentlemen's advice

Well you know you can blaze your own trail right. Make your own project etc.

Besides all the money is in case just stay

I fucked up like you did. After 1 year of CS, switched to meme science degree. Needles to say I was to dumb for it.
I shamefully went back to CS, 1 or 2 year older than everybody. Seeing the teacher I told I was pursuing something more suiting for me didn't help.

I won't be going back to CS ever though
I'd rather end my life than do CS

I was 23 when I started. I'm 26 now and immediately got employed after.

Don't worry about it. It's not like highschool where people of the same age group hang out.

0 friends, 0 connections and got hired immediately like also 23 when I started.

If you're top of your class then connections don't matter. Don't worry about making friends, that's not why you're there.

CS is the absolute godtier of all programs. Just because your meme college waters it down, doesn't mean you should too. You can still push through hard and widen that virgin asshole

Fuck your blog post, low-test pussy

Roll for programs

Oh fuck where has this been all my life.
They see me Rollin...I'm Trollin...

>be 30
>have compsci degree
>have job
>have no friends or wife
>would kill self but family would be disappointed
>this faggot is ashamed to be a year older than some people he will never see again
drop out of this nerd shit and either take up graphic design or join the Amish while you're still young enough to get a wife

2 degrees

>he thinks college is for learning
LMAO. Kill yourself.

I am on graphics design right now only guy in like 20 girls every day i regret that did not took com sci

>I'm so ashamed to start next year and go with people 2 years younger than me
>I'll be outcast and they'll probably all make fun of me and it's really hard for me to make friends as is
2 years are nothing though, people wot even notice

Nobody will care if you are two years older than them. Fuck, nobody would care if you were married and five years older than them. There were a few guys that fit that description in my class.

>Join the Amish
But how will you watch your shit-tier degenerate japanese cartoons?

Should have gotten that degree and became it consultant.

>be me
>good in maths, physics
>go for CS
>first year literally no girl
>go for a social event
>some cute hapa girl is chatting me up
>im confused as fuck why would she come talk to me
>after 2 weeks we have sex
>then we have sex every day for months
>never use protection
>never pull out
>eventually she gets preggo
>holy fuck im fucked
>tried to get her to abort
>she refuses
>I get socially ostracised
>drive off
>haven't been home for 2 years
>only send them mail to tell them im still alive
>take odd webshit jobs to keep from starving
>cant even use my real name

at least you are not me

You fucked up, OP.

>never use protection
>don't be fucking sure she' s on the pill

Well done, I guess you've learned now.

>Electrical Engineering is tougher than Computer Science
You don't say.

hang on which is the good one, CS or EE?
Which helps you climb the ladder match?

>I'm so ashamed to start next year and go with people 2 years younger than me
>I'll be outcast and they'll probably all make fun of me and it's really hard for me to make friends as is
This is not the problem you'll be facing. Not by a long shot.

>also, I don't know what I'm going to do for another whole fucking year
You find yourself a temporary job for cash or fucking work on your programming knowledge so you don't bite the dust again.

>I'll probably fall into back into depression and kill myself
Seek help then you lazy cunt, it's not like you're the only one on the world that's depressed.

God OP, fuck you so much. Here I am in the shit because I can't get a fucking job and you're whining about petty stuff.

getting a job is eacy piecy, you just need money and all the contacts, a charming personality, a good face, a nice petite wife/gf who is both smart and hot and has a good job, who can support you through your struggle, a warm welcoming family who keep your spirits up with loaded parents.
It real easy man

>I live in a time where searching for (literally) several thousand jobs takes 1 minute
>I live in an age where I can work from home, or move to Belgium, with equal ease
>I still need to work on my personality and skills? BAWWWWW!

Thanks OP, this makes me feel better about my life.

I'm 29 and just starting my CS degree, but at least I'm not a giant pussy.


whatever you do stay away from CS, the wages are going to plummet over night pretty soon.

>hard for me to make friends
Found your problem.
Ignore friends, get 4.0 (or whatever the max is in your uni) GPA.

That's why you shouldn't get too cocky

i'm trying to decide between majoring in physics or computer science -- please help

physics if that's what you want
don't go for something you don't like, you'll regret it

The second one will get you a job, the first one will let you go for a master's if you're in the top 2%.

physics is more interesting to me but i don't know if i have the stomach/time/money for grad school. a bachelor's in physics seems useless whereas a bachelor's in comp sci can at least get me a job

Nobody fucking cares how old you are in college, bro.

If you learn to code, you can get the same kinds of jobs with either degree.

The thing about programming is that there isn't actually a profession there. Most Engineers need that particular degree so that they can be eligible to be licensed by the state to practice as an Engineer. There isn't such a thing for Computer Scientists.


>be 33 years
>overweight neckbeard
>ex sysadmin
>quit his job because of lesbian boss and her pms gave me ptsd
>be unemployed for the past 3 years
>no sex for 4+ years now
>receiving neetbucks and living with parents
>hoping to get into C#, ASP.NET and/or Java next year and get at least a junior position

Could be worse OP, could be a lot worse than what you've described.


Yeah but were you married?

Hey cutie

>abandoning your kid

I can't do anything for them anyway since I have no money.

Luckily for me, no.
And I never will. Don't want my flesh and blood to suffer in this shity world.

you don't need to anymore, you can do all that degenerate shit you've been watching for years to your wife, plus you don't have to shave your beard and you get fit with all the physical work. But say goodbye to shitposting.

You could provide care for your child sometimes so the mother has some time to do different things, such as get an education so she can provide. You know, since you're not going to do it. You also don't need much money just to be in your child's life and show genuine interest. My mother wanted basically nothing to do with me between the ages of 11 and 23 except to throw some money my way every now and then. Money is helpful, but I would have gotten by without it and I resent her now for thinking she could just buy her way into my life without showing any interest in anything I was doing except to nag me. I would have preferred her to just help me do certain things, like drive me to the grocery store sometimes, etc. Maybe right now while your kid is a retarded toddler and you won't have much impact, but there's always the chance that your kid won't want you around if you stay away too long.

lol that's gay

They see me rollin

kill yourself

>They see me rollin
Stop copying faggit

>good in math, physics
>fails out of basic babby tier EE
I think you can see where your story became incredulous.

Nah. I think that she's a real girl (without a pinus).


>be me
>study physics for 3 years
>realise all i have been doing is memorizing the solutions to textbook problems and get assfucked
>switch into geography cuz maps are cool
>get into GIS
>start programming
>this is really cool
>self-teach myself a bunch of stuff
>all the CS fags are 10x better than me at everything because they have 4 years of highly-structured education and i have whatever i can cobble together from youtube videos and books

feels bad man, if only if only i could turn back the clock and go into CS. i know i could do it. i live for this stuff... building stuff on the computer legitimately excites me. but i feel like i'm just constantly playing catch up and chasing dead ends...

>study physics for 4 years
>last year internship
>why am I doing this ?
>buy a sketchbook and draw as much as I can so I can escape the neo-engineer meme
Why did I not listen to my true feelings before ?

Exactly why the entire fucking world of normies out there is screaming about getting into CS.

At heart we are all computer engineers man, push on hard and widen your virgin asshole

>Not using protection

>Joining Amish
>Not realizing the Amish only believe in procreative sex and not the fun kind of sex

The exact same reason why you don't eat a sneakers bar with the wrapper on

>Eating candy is the same thing as fucking a girl
If you cannot feel anything with a condom, you need to get a new condom. There is absolutely no excuse for not using protection in a situation that DEMANDS its usage.

The one thing I've learned in my life is that your "image" trumps your "talent".
It's more about who knows you than how much they know you.
It's more about what they think you can do than what you can actually do.
It's more about the dank memes than normie memes.

Lol fuck you fag, what are you afraid of STDs? Noone gets those anymore pal, literally all of them are curable.
>Muh kids
Duh, ever heard of absentee parenting? Kids turn out fine regardless of if you are there for them or not.

>kids turn out fine regardless of if you are there for them or not a Career Pipeline Documents/Safe_Harbor.pdf

>replying to obvious bait