How would a space craft come to a stop, begin movement, or change direction in space? There's no resistance to push away from...
Star Trek physics question
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By compressing spacetime around itself.
They direct their dicks in the opposite directions of where they want to go and then take a piss
Rockets burn fuel, which is expelled out the tail of the rocket. Thanks to newton's third law of motion, the rocket moves in the direction opposite the expelled force. No resistance required.
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Warping space move forward/sideways/stop/slowdown
Got it. Ty
By hitting enough hydrogen atoms in space they will eventually transfer enough kinetic energy to where the ship will come to zero.
I only care for the holodeck.
...combined with a holodeck flatrate plan.
By being a TV show and using props/3d models instead of actual spaceships
1) Some form of energy particle that behaves as if it has mass like the GN drive from Gundam 00. I think I would piss myself if this kind of technology was discovered.
2) Directed gravitonic energy that basically makes a gravity well in front of or behind a ship. The ship "falls" in whatever direction you want to go. Boring, but could also solve the problem of simulating gravity. I think Star Trek does it this way.
3) Some form of matter that can be converted into fuel with massive energy gains. Like rocket fuel, only with an energy density that makes uranium look like peanut oil. Star Wars does this.
As for turning the best guesses are stop the ship, turn the ship, start moving again. A large rotating mass serving as a gyroscope could do it, or a shitload of small thrusters. The gyroscope option seems a little more elegant and depending on ship size could also serve as artificial gravity.
I dunno. I'm tired. Just think about stuff.
So here is how star trek engines work.
First of all they have the impluse drive. I believe this is in the center of the ship through correct me of I am wrong.
The impulse drive can go pretty fast but not reach the speed of life.
Then there are two or more warp nacells. These are the two things sticking out of the left and right side of the enterprise. The warp nacells create a warp field bending space allowing them to travel faster than light speed.
If their impulse drives are going at 0 speed then they will be traveling nowhere even at warp.
It is only when both there is a warp field AND that the impulse engines are running that they obtain faster than light velocity.
Usually WASD is enough.
The scape craft is stationary. Everything else moves.
Reverse thrust, fuckwit.
>There's no resistance to push away from...
Do you even Newton?
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When gravity is low and you push against an object, you will also push yourself away from the object. Equally, if you release a jet of air, the jet will also move your craft.
Lets say you throw a ball. You push off the ball and the ball pushes back. In space you can burn fuel to achieve a similar effect.
I've always wondered, how does this work with multiple vehicles? It doesn't make sense multiple things move the entirety of space and everything in it around them without moving themselves at the same time
Only (you) are real. Everything else is a simulation.
Power is generated through matter antimatter reactions in the warp core, regulated by dilithium. This powers the ships systems, gravity plating, life support, deflector, weapons and allows warp travel.
They route this primary power through the EPS grid into the nacelles to generate a warp field via the warp coils.
On newer vessels, the EPS grid uses modified relays, ditching solid state in favour of biological gel packs.
The deflector maintains a field that prevents damage to the vessel due to subspace eddies.
Learn a book, Retards
I'm pretty sure is right and you're wrong.
Pretty sure that you should kill yourself
You're not wrong but your forgot to address how the propulsion works. For sublight speeds star fleet vessels use impulse drives which are typically powered by fusion reactors and function as a sort of fusion rocket by ejecting plasma out the back. The warp drive for FTL speeds works by warping space around it making faster than light speeds possible. The warp drive is fueled by the warp core which as you said is an antimatter matter reaction. The biological gel packs have nothing to do with the EPS relays though, the gel packs were part of the computer system and replaced some isolinear relays. The EPS system just transferred power.also the deflector deflects mostly stuff in space like rocks and shit.