Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers
Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers...
Upvoted and subscribed
sage and hide
Holy shit Intel btfo. Can't make this shit up. How will they recover?
You killed a thread for this.
Hail kek OP! fuck (actual) racists
Fucking summer REEEEEEE
Time to sage
Baby upset by no no word. Make baby's tum tum sad
AMD fags on suicide watch, how will they even PRETEND they got their shit together after this lmao
QUALITY thread
this is why i come to Sup Forums
This doesn't count
I'll sage more
Nvididiots will defend this
>wintoddlers will defend this
>yet another templeOS thread
condense your threads
Does Terry actually post here?
Wow, I can't believe you would say a word such as that. I hope all you stupid fucking racist drumpftards get killed by antifa.
>that feeling when no gf
That's a very offensive word. Please use "handicapped" in future.
sage this cringe in all fields
Nokosage :3
20 minutes later and this thread is still up.
Is Sup Forums officially dead?
I use it as reference for "people I don't want to be emotionally."
you said it bro
Sup Forums is officially dead
Even with all this sageing, this thread STILL doesn't die because there simply aren't enough people to bump it out of existence.
yfw op is black
>He thinks sage does something
What a twat waffle you are
Is it summer already?
It's not like most of the threads ever made on this board are much more meaningful than this one.
>dude graphics cards lmao
>dude buying stuff lmao
>dude consumerism
This was definitely one of the most disappointing boards of all, /sci/ is 100x better for discussion
It denies a bump. The real issue is that the board isn't active enough to bury this turd.
What a fag you are.
>Denies a bump
Let me help you out
Wow it's still here
>muh Sup Forums
Posting in epic thread
tfw Sup Forums has no mods
Toasting some epic bread