Oh well. It was nice to be free while it lasted.
Oh well. It was nice to be free while it lasted
Other urls found in this thread:
>Cold War 2.0
This is everything Carl Sagan never wanted.
希特 厄报特 突 该特 锐欧。
Here's the archive BTW
It's horrifying that it's even being considered.
>carl sagan
A fucking faggot.
why not do it like russians? simple call it air space force?
fucking yanks
stop ruining everything
there's no air in space
fuck off
Apart from the fact that it's illegal, another space race can only be good for technological advancement.
imperialist vermin
Top of the food chain
>attacking non-hostile countries because you are insecure in your power as a country
do something about it. Oh wait..
Iran did. You're still crying about it years later
obese biblethumper
there is happening right? asteroid? alien attack?
>Apart from the fact that it's illegal
Yes, but it's by international treaty. Aside from the fact that there's literally no international body that can compel adherence (treaties are only binding as long as signatories chooses to uphold it,) US Constitution>International Treaty. Federal act=same footing as international treaty.
>personally went to the Russian top brass
>explained to them MAD
>and why nuclear deescalation was paramount from the cold war levels it was at
>is one of the most significantly important people that helped in preventing MAD and nuclear winter
>is a fucking faggot
The only faggot here, is you.
Christian fascists want nuclear war because they believe that will trigger Judgment Day.
>triggering Judgement Day
That's retarded on multiple levels.
>inb4 what do I expect
And then America gets hit with economic sanctions.
What then?
We gon shoot some laser beams at some un'murican space commies! Woohoo! USA!USA!USA!
>things that will never happen
Willingly leaving the good goy club isn't very high on many country's list.
we don't notice...
as well as every other nation being a fraction of US gdp would be scared to
and then space economy foundation starts getting built
Will they be judged for causing the deaths of billions of people though?
I don't think Americans are capable of surviving in space on a mental level anymore.
They already need safespaces, therapy dogs, and election counseling because their favorite candidate didn't get the seat or because a white male sneezed, and even believe that airconditioning is sexist;
let alone going into the crazy dangerous and demanding environment that is space.
Oh that's so cute!
A ban on all US exports would fuck us hard.
Taxing all foreign imports higher would wreak havok on the economy as well.
what a joke
you'd become NK in ~30 years
Don't worry. *snicker* I'm sure the EU will have a space corps soon *snicker*.
>miserable foreigners mad about USA supremacy
Assuming it doesn't crumble in the next decade.
Don't worry, we don't need a space corps.
We have Allah, and he will strike our enemies down for us.
Gahwdz wuihlll blergle blargle
>And then America gets hit with economic sanctions.
>doesn't remember when the US went to war """""""""""""""preemptively"""""""""""" against Iraq despite the entirety of the UN Security Council (with the exception of the UK) saying NO.
How young are you?
>sanction me with your army
Wasn't weaponizing space meant to be illegal.
Like I know laws don't matter till you're caught. But I was sure as dicks that it's meant to be illegal.
Kek there are international laws against putting weapons in space. China got in trouble for just firing a missile at a derelict satellite.
But I mean, when has a nation ever actually followed the law?
Hit by economic sanctions... from who?
Dropping cluster bombs and depleted uranium is also illegal,
didn't stop the Americans using it on Yugoslavia and Iraq.
implying this doesn't exist since the '60s
Yes, but there was some form of resistance to it, once known. Now they're just being blatant about it without any form of recourse.
Are they hiding knowledge of the ayyliums from us? Did negotiations turn south and so they are preparing?
they cant form their masters empire if they follow things like laws that they made
US Navy already has a space fleet
No resistance whatsoever, no court case,
nobody jailed.
500k civilians died in the Iraq invasion,
nobody was made responsible and nobody was tried.
Hell, the Japanese Unit 731 is the most renowned case of American immunity in face of human rights and global law.
The Japs killed over 10 million Chinese with experimental chemical and biological weapons, and Unit 731 which headed the whole thing got immunity because USA realized it knew jack shit about this field of warfare and recognized its importance from both world wars.
What should have been bigger than the Nuremberg trials was swept under the rug, and a century onward nobody dares utter a single complaint on the official level.
I'm 28 will I be too old to join the space corps I wanna be like Capitan kirk
Fuck this shit. I want out
See you fuckers in another life.
There is air in the area where satellites fly.
Ffs someone nuke ameritards already.
Air Force age limit is 35
>The pure amount of butthurt by yuropoors in this thread
Awww, they think they're relevant!
Might want to substitute that flag for a Chinese one.
This isn't set in stone now thanks to personal shortages.
>and even believe that airconditioning is sexist;
Sinners and degenerates should be punished. Causing their death is a just act.
kys retard
Fake. It's filmed in Nevada.
Wow. Arrogance like that is why the US government thinks it's a good idea to try to be the first to occupy an imaginary battlefield in space.
Putting military infrastructure in space is an awful idea. Anything with the capability of destroying the equipment of other nations is then a target for those nations. There's already a debris field surrounding Earth that limits the placement of orbital equipment and anything orbiting that gets destroyed in military conflict will only add to the debris field and further limit the available areas. Eventually, we may enter a situation where nobody can have anything in orbit, including comms satellites. The worst part of this situation is that there's no supremacy in space; any nation at any time can decide to flip the table and just start firing rocks into space and ruin it for everyone. This is a pandoras box that should not be opened, especially considering there's no reason to.
Space is demilitarized by a bunch of treaties, what the fuck are they going to do? Something tells me this is going to be some phantom pencil pusher organization with a few spysats at best.
the ayyyys don't abide by those treaties
>Doing it first is more relevant than doing it better and doing it several times rather than once
MAD was a real thing and it worked.
Nuclear war is a good thing.
>make this weapons
>wild 400lbs russian appairs
boom boom at yellowstone
>rip usa
>First woman in space
It's absolutely ridiculous how leftypol cuckolds think this is something to brag about.
>This is everything Carl Sagan never wanted.
a scientist really should be smart enough to know that violence is a fundamental fact of nature, you cant escape it any more than you can escape gravity
I thought yellowstone was about to blow anyways?
Any alien lifeform that could make it to Earth would have the technology to destroy us in an instant. It wouldn't matter if they armed every person on the planet and launched them straight at the mothership.
It's OK. She burnt up on reentry. And wasn't known about for a long time till recording were made available from armature radio guys.
she was a witch
>be the first to occupy an imaginary battlefield in space.
This reminds me. It's a little known fact that right now the Russians have air superiority over the arctic airspace almost completely.
Pic related, it's a bit dated, but the Burgers have nothing comparable in range. In fact the Mig-31 was the first fighter to ever fly across the North Pole.
That'd be very cool, but it seems she's still alive according to wiki.
>ever respecting the brutality of nature
Then what the fuck am I referencing?
If you think just the US would be destroyed by the Yellowstone Caldera, you don't pay much attention to prehistoric earth.
The planet's entire climate would change. It would block out the sun for years and usher in an ice age that would drastically affect vegetation, animal life, and a sudden surge of uranium radiation spreading around the globe.
The maintenance of space equipment will cripple any nation. Satellites with their small sizes and their pitifully basic function are the maximum we can afford, the telescope and the international station together are already near-crippled without international funding,
while something with a military function could only depend on one nation and pretty much kill its wallets.
Not necessarily. They may have massive destructive power, but there's no telling of whether or not they could localize it enough to make it viable for conquering Earth. If they were interested in Earth, they would likely want to preserve the atmosphere and and parts of the biosphere, else they'd just go to Mars where no conflict is necessary. They would most likely engage in much smaller scale warfare where human adaptations to Earth would be a massive advantage. Home field advantage.
Don't get me wrong, they'd probably still stomp our shit in, but I think they'd take losses.
>several times
>implying the Russians didn't have more and better space stations
>implying the Soyuz isn't hot shit
Wow Burger, will you still be handing on to the MUH FIRST ON THE MOON when Russia and China has permanent bases there while Murrica struggles to launch one Orion every three years?
>>>doesn't remember when the US went to war """""""""""""""preemptively"""""""""""" against Iraq
It's just fact. A significant amount of the global economy is tied to the US. Nigger the whole world is tied to the USD Standard. How fucked or unfucked your economy is depends on how many dollarydoos your country has in reserves.
>This isn't set in stone now thanks to personal shortages.
For tech and shit yes. For Capt. Kirk shit no.
they'll just wake up Ramiel
So the US has become literally Hitler in your fantasy. Good to know.
We should accept that the environment changes, and we should embrace that change.
No point in this eco-reactionaryism.
>reddit actually believes this
>religion entirely based around smelling some other mans dirty feet and asshole while constantly at risk of being trampled to death by a panicked crowd
Yes, arrogance. The Chinese are building military staging islands in the South China Sea, running military drills, etc. They're poised to take control of all trade routes moving through that area and you think the US is the global trade juggernaut? Please go find some reality TV to watch; it's more your speed.
I like your nihilism.
This isn't the politics board
>Space corps aren't technology.
Are you mentally retarded?
>in my fantasy
A simple google search will suffice. The difference between the US and Hitler is the US got away with it.
>Saddam has dat WMD
>UN Inspectors: No
>Saddam MIGHT have WMD
>UN Inspectors: No
>[shock and awe intensifies]
>*lands on your carrier*
>*accomplishes your mission*
Also the reason why the US wasn't entirely demonized for the whole thing like Hitler was because of the capability of the US to do one thing while saying another
>*bombs your oilfields*
now THAT is a fantasy
>what is actually happening
Finally! Now the AmeriZionist empire can take over the entire world and spread (((democracy))) and degeneracy all over, isn't it great? Now your transgender wife and your wifes son can live in an equal society free of hate. Thanks based Jews.
>tfw in an alternate timeline Polyus made it to orbit and still menacingly awaits for the Americans to try and put anything military in space
>what is actually happening
China building islands, deploying new military tech to the area, increasing patrols, and telling the US and India to mind their fucking business. Again, some reality TV is probably more your speed.
You don't have to respect it but you have to acknowledge it.
Scientists are typically very prideful. Many refuse to acknowledge any authority besides their own