Found a Power Mac G5 on the side of the road around an hour ago, boxed up and in great condition. Boots up fine...

Found a Power Mac G5 on the side of the road around an hour ago, boxed up and in great condition. Boots up fine. What should I do with it Sup Forums?

Sell it as a "collector's edition vintage Apple Mac" on Craigslist, for USD$2000.

Bring it back tyrone

put it back on the side of the road

Core it out and make a dope Hackintosh

Use it for it's intended function.

Is it a Dual CPU? Dual core? Dual core Dual CPU?

If you have no interest in it, just sell it.
Also who finds boxed shit on the side of the road?

Triboot Debian Jessie (I'm 99% that stretch dropped PPC support) or Gentoo, mac os x, and a BSD (probably FreeBSD) and fuck around on it for fun, or just post dank af screenfetches from it. Whatever you do don't fucking listen to Sup Forums who'd tell you to convert it to an ebin x86_64 wintel shitbox, because shit like this should be preserved (hate nu-Apple now but things like the G5 are iconic). If you don't want to keep it then find it a nice home for $$$.

Put Yellow Dog on it. It's free.

gain some cash with stupid macfag collector

Hold onto it. 50/50 chance that professionals that use Macs are going to go back to these if Apple fucks up their pro(sumer) line again after their latest promise that they won't fuck up.

>professionals that use Macs are going to go back to G5 Macs


Yup, you're sure as hell are going to encode 4k video on those, when even the Dual Core Mac Mini that came out exactly a year later is more powerful then the Dual core Dual CPU G5

You probably have no idea what G5 stand for, forgivable (not really, you're on Sup Forums).

Give it back Jamal.

give it back Tyrone.

Depending on how old it is, mod it so you can use regular parts in it. Best looking case.

Is it dual CPU, watercooled?

It's not worth anything besides as a collectible. Having a box makes it more valuable

As far as aesthetic goes with the G5 alu cases, I'll still have to reconsider whether keeping it as a piece of useless good looking brick in living room as table stand or selling it to dumb outdated apple fags then get something useful like 10 vacuum cleaners.

Shit runs slower than a core2 macbook these days.

>Also who finds boxed shit on the side of the road?

autists who don't understand a joke when they read one

your joke just wasn't very good

Use it to Emulate MacOS 9/8 easily and enjoy some retro games, or keep it for a few decades until it picks up a bit of value. Those are the practical options.

These things where fairly lackluster in the performance department 14 years ago, and they have aged like stale milk, especially with Apple's move away from PowerPC.

autist says what?

They became slow rapidly, but they still have lot of value as one of the last consumer workstations with PowerPC processors.
Lian li has cases who look like the PowerMac, but just don't a piece of history.

>they still have lot of value as one of the last consumer workstations with PowerPC processors.
So? x86 is king now for better or for worse, I'd be fine with butchering a G5 to have a nice Hackintosh case.

heat you're home in the winter

>destroying history
In a more practical way: the case probably will look ugly as fuck if you aren't good modding it.
I never seen any G5 hackintosh who hasn't a hideous back panel or is painted because they have to hide lots and lots of epoxy job.


I've seen a few good conversions

>who hasn't a hideous back panel or is painted
Isn't the back panel windowed?

>I-I was just joking g-guys
Sure thing faggot

>It's not worth anything besides as a collectible.
Even then, only Dual CPU Dual Core ones are worth as a collectible.

If you want to do anything other, just get even the shittiest Intel Mac Pro with the same case 1/4th the power consumption, 4/1th the performance.

No, PowerPC is still there, but it's only used in server equipment.

>tfw even the mac pro 1.1 can do modern shit more or less fine
What happened to intel?

The back panel on G5 is CNC'd, if you want to install a normal back plate you have to cut/drill a rectangle out.