/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

SuicideT0AD edition.

Previous thread News
>TragicM3LON has issues
>/ptg/ spends a whole thread discussing how this is even possible

Not sure what private trackers are all about?
>The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for shitposting, by recognizing top keks through news headlines and by advancing the interests of its members.

Have a question?
>FAQ pastebin.com/SLdgTiuc
>WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
>IRC #opentrackers.org irc.opentrackers.org

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


can someone explain what's the point of private trackers?

is it for ur obscure weeb pedo shit?

Bc all gayems and music and movies and books are on public ones already

inb4 durr hurr muh FBI gonna swat me if i pirate off TPB

shit thread

epeen mostly desu

>music and movies and books are on public ones already
They're not. If you're going to bait at least be less retarded and argue for Usenet.


t. SuicideT0AD

>They're not. If you're going to bait at least be less retarded and argue for Usenet.

??? Yea they are?
Again are you talking about obscure weeb/pedo shit?

Hello is that a toad or a frog

why don't you just kill kys yourself

>>Bc all gayems and music and movies and books are on public ones already
This one?

So I've been trying to get an AB invite, but people are scared cause of "muh marked" and ban.
What's to stop two people from here, simply adding each other from a non linked tracker email/skype/kik or w/e and exchanging real emails there? There's zero chance of anyone finding out

you just can't fathom the autism of PT staff, AB has a team of like 10 people who investigate each invite, and if they find any inconsistencies you're fucking done kiddo. Not to mention the whole cabal PRISM thing.

Pic related, best private tracker

>homosexual jap Z-list romance movie
>19 votes on Imdb

Retention and quality

Woah, what are you saying? Public trackers don't have obscure/niche movies?

>What's to stop two people from here, simply adding each other from a non linked tracker email/skype/kik or w/e and exchanging real emails there?

There's a chance one of those people will be an undercover mod.

I asked if it was simply for obscure weeb sh1t and y'all played hard to get, could've said so outright

Either you're trying too hard or are legitimately brain damaged.

Common sense? Why would I invite you when not only could you be a staff member with a little too much free time, but you could also just turn out to be a bad user? How can I be assured you'll follow the rules when you're already breaking the biggest one (invite begging)? And even if you're a good user for a long ass time, I'm still eternally linked to you and everything you do. I don't need that kind of trouble. Comfy AB is long dead, but there's a path now so you have no excuse. Yes, if you have 0 upload on RED, you're fucked, but you've had half a year to get 25 gb. Even if it costs an arm and a leg, you could get in right now for a one time expenditure. It sucks but I did it and so can you

>being this retarded
Seek help, autismo.

>It sucks but I did it and so can you
>not getting into AB through open application
>being an invitecuck

t. weeb pretentious faggots possibly lolifags

>costs an arm and a leg
>literally spent $5 for ~30GiB request
I sometimes wonder just how poor people posting here are.

MR. "I enjoy YIFY encodes and DMCAs", fuck off.
I hope you download something stupid and get ransomware.


fuck animebits honestly

>$5 for a 30gb request
Even assuming you're telling the truth, that is far and away from the mean $/gb

You are either lying or lucky


>there are people ITT who aren't on PTP/BTN/HDB

it really is sad isn't it user

There are regularly 5GiB+ bandcamp requests up to 20. Most albums are dirt cheap. I got lucky, but $10-12 can most certainly net you this much if you're impatient.

>there are people still on these curry trackers instead of KG

>and someone still hasn't filled the 5 GB Clinical Radiology made ridiculously simple request in which you only have to scan about 10 pages of a library book and add it to the pdf that someone else has already scanned.

>only have to
>scan about 10 pages

>having books on a music tracker at all

>having books on a music tracker at all
What is sheet music and music books? Did you even think this post through?

>sheet music and music books
Belong on MAM and Bib respectively.



Which one should I choose, /ptg/?

For what?

For an ssh key silly. Into my server.


No, use CRC32 encryption, it's 32-times stronger than MD5

What does /ptg/ think about alpharatio?

got in. it's shit. if you want a general tracker that isn't IPT get on PTM.

If all you want is the latest episode of some super popular show, it's fine.
I download from there for friends sometimes.

It's not great but it's worth having as a backup.

Should people uploading free Bandcamp music have to mark their uploads as freely available?


>using any general other than rutracker

It is Wednesday my dudes

It's Thursday, though.

holy sh*t!

Still Wednesday in The states

Will getting into Guru in BTN open up any actually worthwhile tracker invites? I read somewhere that HDB's last recruitment outside of Bib was several months ago on BTN Guru forum for example, any truth to this?

There is really nothing much get after you make PU. And last time they recruited from BTN was years ago. These days the only reliable ways in are through Bib and AHD.

Do they actually recruit from AHD?

They recruited couple months back but they like to switch up where they recruit from every so often.

i know you faggots hate when this is said, but......I MISS WCD ;_:

No. Then people could seed it would without snatching it, which would break away from 0 l 1 l 0 equilibrium. See the poll in the forums, they agree with me

Finally, baconbits is back and they only lost half the database



Aww poor little guy :-(


they still do, you need 2 years and HD-King

>red with 6 times less users than what gets over half the amount of perfect flacs in 6 months
Stop dwelling on the past, my negro.

They could have lost everything.

>no backups

>redditards in charge of anything

We warned you all

Add them to the list

>we dun goofed
>we automatically prunce torrents that haven't been seeded for 2 weeks

top kek

Where's that guy who always posts about backing up your data and that someone is backing it up?

>we lost half our uploads to our own system
my fucking sides

what fucking site is this, so I can never join this peice of shit


Y2K was a little late LOL

thanks user. I'm not sure what I expected anything else from reddit though

Is it autistic that this quality triggers me?

this is why I keep saying it, but OT needs to branch out and start a general tracker. If this kind of reddit fuckery keeps going on (I'm looking at you appollo), there will be no trackers left by 2020

Is that the OG curry nigger familiad tracker xanax?

If so that's great news. My ratio went from whatever in november to .02 last week when i went full throttle on one (of many) account. So that means i dont have to waste another account cause they didnt record the 400gb i downloaded?

The same tracker that tried to be exclusive by closing itself off? Of course.

>and I can't even sign up before they lose more of their books

I'm getting there eventually. But TEHC wasn't that way. Can't you just be nice and share some more movies over MEGA like you did earlier?

well /vp/ probably has the largest amount of severely underage posters. Combine that with furries, trannies and the erping going on there. Why would you browse that place? SM sucked. Probably even worse than XY did. Get a new hobby already.

somebody please send me some yen so I can buy a watermelon

username or id# user? help me help you. :^)

Give me some hints


Is spaghetti /ourguy/?


>using the smiley with a carat nose

Spaghetti has always been /our guy/
Rukia has always been /our girl/

>helping the competition
No, he's a sellout


thanks user

i'n no user to you, you know my username now


You do realize this is how he infiltrates the trackers and gets his revenge. A tracker would be stupid to trust anything this cunning piece of shit says. Remember, spaghetti vowed to take down the cabal

I wouldn't be surprised if he orchestrated Bb's hardware issues