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lmao'ing@ur life rn

Apparently in a few months the difficulty will increase, making 4GB Vram cards useless for miners. Get ready for great pricing from miners in full on damage control mode.
Remember to buy new fans as the used ones will be totally fucked.

>Tfw when you have an rx480 and you're gonna sell it for $500, then upgrade to vega.

That doesn't solve anything. Why would anyone upgrade to a 4GB card in 2017? It's already oudated.

You can get a used GTX 980 Ti on ebay for like, 350. It's about the same performance.


If you can't afford a new 8gb card there is literally nothing wring with getting a 4gb. Beggars can't be choosers.

Also GPU power is way more important than VRAM.

I glad to see a butthurt of a gaymer.

>bought a rx 480 for £240
>sold it for £285

Gaymers must suffer, it's their fate.

4gb is fine desu, but the price difference for many cards pre-inflation between 4/8 and 3/6 was negligible making the cards with more vram the obvious option.

>buying used gpu
never again

>fake money
>what is fiat currency

Reminder to short AMD & Nvidia stocks when the crypto bubble bursts

I bought a used 780 for 80€ and I can play literally every game there is at 60 fps

Dear god what the fuck is up with that dudes hair.

I just did. I got a R9 Fury, 4gb HBM on ebay for 350 last week. I believe VEGA is going to be a shitshow and can't wait™ any longer.

Daily reminder that gaymers are less respected than even coinfags.
Literal subhumans, thank the lord ETH purged them from Sup Forums

This nonsense made even the low end cards ( 1050, 1050ti ) much more expensive as well. It's just insane.

What happened?

If you buy used GPU now there's a huge chance the card was used for mining is already close to dead.

Got a 4GB RX470 for 175. upgraded from a GTX 670 2GB.

Double the performance and VRAM at such a low price is pretty great. Runs The Witcher at 60 fps maxxed on a 2560 x 1080 screen.

Although i'm running a 1600X CPU as well so that may add up.

Just makes the 1080/1080Ti that more appealing on the performance/price scale.

At worst, the fans need to be relubed or the board may need to be reflowed. Easy maintenance stuff.

>S-stop having fun!

Puritans are truly the worst.

Nah, mate. 4GB is plenty for 1080p at the moment. It's when you get down to 3GB you start seeing problems in some games.

it gave in after like 5 minutes

You're making this thread on a daily basis you little shit. Can't you summer somewhere else?

It's obviously Penguin, from the Gotham series.

Wrong. Miners undervolt and underclock their cards to reduce power consumption while maintaining the same performance.

Mining cards can be in better condition than gaming-only used cards. If the miner is smart about it, they'll undervolt and underclock the card in a way to lose minimal performance but at the same time keep the card cool and without using the fans at max.
My R9 390 can pull 27.5MH/s at 70ºC and fans at 60%. Room temperature of about 30ºC, it's really hot in here. A lot of people can do even less heat at lower fan speeds.

Running the card like this 24/7 is far more healthy than Timmy running his pro-MLG overclock at +50 power limit and +200mV for 2 extra FPS. Not to mention that while mining, the GPU is always at a stable temperature and fan speed, while during gaming, it can easily spike over 20ºC just during load screens, which is far more damaging to the card than just running at acceptable temperatures 24/7.

>miners won't make vega expensive as fuck

Real sound logic dumbfuck

THIS! I hate gamers SO FUCKING MUCH, they ruined EVERYTHING

Vega seems to be power hungry from the latest rumors. If it's using 2x more energy and not getting 2x more performance, it'll be DOA for mining. Polaris is efficient as fuck at mining, and Pascal is even better (except more expensive initially). Vega needs to be all that or better to be worth it. And it seems like it won't be efficient at all for starters, we'll have to see where it stands on performance. Good chance that Polaris will still be king for that.

>PC gamers stymied by miners
>Switch gamers stymied by phone manufacturing

Sony always wins, baby.

>Not preordering Vega
>Implying there won't be backup options like the 1080ti
>Implying there won't be a new stock of rx580s by then either.

You gotta ride the wave dumbfuck.

I was seriously fucking thinking that. Even his stance points to the waddle step.

Fucking hell.

Stop being a poorfag

WTF I thought ASICs had taken over mining?


why not just get second hand

>used electronics

not even once

RFID is the only solution

in b4 IoS revolution

interesting case scenario nevertheless because you can segmentize and regulate markets but it's all dependent on the true intention of the maker

the regular consumer market and collateral dev course cannibilizes itself

>tfw ordered the last European GTX Gigabyte 1060 6 GB from amazon .fr for 260 euros
>everything else costs 300 euros +
Also gonna play sweet gaymes like Nier:autoata, while miner cucks struggle to pay off their investment while burnig their cards and houses.

>Bought a 1050ti
>it does everything I want

I'm really glad I'm not a sperg like you op

Meanwhile I have a modest 20 card rig generating $3000 a month and a bot that orders cards for me to resell for an easy and immediate $100 profit, which in a few weeks will pay off the $8500 mining rig.

Easy passive profit with 100% win rate.

Lets say you have a whooping 60 mh/s per card cost of card (gtx 1070)= 400$ eth/month=216$ ,not including motherboard,A/C,powersupplies. IN 2 months you _might_ pay off the cards.
How i know you are lying.
Also,e-stating without proofs,wew~

New way to launder crime money while making more, perhaps.

I'm thinking of getting that for my budget PC, how is it for gaming?

You want to play games?
Buy a console, it's a toy. Play with it.

Why would I lie about having a 20 card setup? Is it really so hard to believe?

Plays anything and everything in high/ultra at 1080p and gets 60fps

For 4k gaming it's probably shit, and it can't play everything maxed out, but it's really damn good for the price

Numbers don't add up.Also we are on the internet.
Again not replying with photo proofs of earnings and cards.

Fucking miners. I just want to play fucking minecraft.

Do you play Overwatch? I'm thinking of getting a G4560/1050ti build for it since my laptop is crap for it.

When you make bank on crypto, you can style your hair however you please.

Don't visit mining forums or you might get an heart attack

Amazon had some 580s in Stock a few hours ago and I got about 15

Considering just selling my 480 and upgrading to a 1080ti. How much could I reasonably get for it now?

Fans on 24/7 has a longer life expectancy than fans turning off and on

Was it one of the European Amazon?Even if it was i still don't really trust AMD GPUs.
(Developers dont really optimize for it.).Also I see price in dollars so I wouldn't be able to order it anyways,shipping costs would kill me. Thx for the info though!

The best thing you can do is Wait™, preorder Vega, and hope to god that it's good.

Anyone in the UK need a new RX 580 4GB for just over £300?

>bought a 1070 for 500€ shortly after release
>tfw you're looking at the stock in stores for a couple weeks now waiting for them to sell out

If I'm lucky I might sell it on a profit afterwards and grab a 1080, or even a Ti if I find one cheap enough. But HOLY FUCKING SHIT EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY ALWAYS GETS IN FUCKING LATE.

>tfw selling my r9 290 for 50% more than I paid for it (got it used) 2 years ago

i dont have any pepes saved, but imagine I posted SMUG PEPE

>don't really trust amd gpus
Are you some sort of an idiot


>not smug Lisa

Ethereum can't be mined with ASICs.

I found a place with loads of 8gig 580s for 350€ a pop. So obviously you can buy one of those from me for the low price of 400€ + shipping.


>he thinks the prices were reasonable 8 months ago
they've been drastically overpriced since nvidya lost the lawsuit.

>they wanna call us out for our false advertising and clearly shitty marketing practises?
>fine me and my buddy AMD will collude to release worthless rebrands, drastically ramp up our overpricing tactics and be sure we hold a monopoly on the high end market

america, way to cuck yourselves via corporations and their greedy colluding shitbag owners.

those are 1080 Ti prices. Ti.

>miners already in damage control mode

>Ultra anything made past 2012

Nice joke, how's that console resolution working out?

Show me a single instance of a GPU breaking down when it was being used downclocked and underlocked.

Unless it was a faulty unit, it won't break. The 300 series from AMD was made to run at 95ºC all the time and still last years. They're fucking monsters.

"I didn't know what I was talking about and got blown the fuck out" the post

Wait, the 1070 got actually more expensive because of miners?

Makes me glad I got mine in March.

And since the new memecoin is ASIC resistant the price is going to keep going up until the market crashes.

Yet. It's a math problem, and math problems can be done in hardware.

I use my R9 390 solely for gaming but I neither underclocked nor overclocked it, when I sold my R9 270X I did the same.

What's the bottleneck in GPU production right now, since especially AMD can't keep up?

Because manufacturers aren't stupid, they know as soon as the market crashes demand is going to go through the FLOOR. Who the hell is going to buy a new GPU when used 1080 Ti will be $500 on ebay from a miner.

Yes. At first everyone was buying rx470/480 and 570/580 since those were the most cost efficient GPUs for mining, but then after those cards got all bought out people switched to 1070 since AMD prices went up to ridiculous levels (if they were available at all that is). In the end all prices went up and if you want to upgrade or buy new GPU right now you are in deep shit.
ETH price has been dropping hard lately, if it won't bounce back this whole craze could be slowing down some.

1070 get 26MH/s max

get a console.anyone who would buy a graphics card for 700 dollars is a fucking retard

>some chink cracks ps4/xbone
>people start mining on consoles
Wouldn't that be something

Lmao the DAG won't render 3GB cards obsolete until around April 2018.

Enjoy your 200% marked up GPUs, nocoiners.

They're made to work just fine for years at stock clocks, that's why they're stock. Overclocking always reduces life expectancy, no exceptions.
Just using it normally for playing at stock isn't enough to break one down, maybe after like 6 or 8 years it'll start showing signs of dying. If you OC'd it heavily, this number would be heavily reduced. Same goes for mining. If you're mining at stock clocks, you can expect the life expectancy to be around the same as if you were using it to play. The difference is that mining is as if you were playing 24/7 with it. So those 6-8 years turn into 1-2 years. That's where downclocking/undervolting come into play. Doing those will drastically reduce the wear. On a non-faulty unit, you could probably mine with it under those circumstances for years before it even starts showing signs of slowing down.
Any miner worth shit is going to do this to his cards. Doesn't matter if you're Average Joe from the corner with a single GPU making 3$ a day, or if you're Ling Long from China with 900 rigs going. If you want them to keep pumping and issue free, you downclock/undervolt for mining, period.

>Remember to buy new fans as the used ones will be totally fucked.
Nah, they'll be fine. Even if they were run 24/7 at full speed for months, they are still rated for much longer.

>glances at box fan that has been running near 24/7 in the corner of my room for 5 years.

the new xbone is approximately as powerful as an RX580 iirc, it wouldn't be uncompetitive to the prices cryptofaggots are paying.

does every miner have the JUST hairstyle?(except the ones who went bald from low test lmao)

do all of you crypto autists wear shitty mens warehouse suits to the consumer hardware store?

lmao@minercucks lifes

That's the security guard. Look at the earpiece wire tucked into his left ear.



miners or not, that is the price in my country for nvidia.
amd is fucking cheap here.

should i make a listing for my asus 1070 strix starting at $400 and then not having anything to game on? got it for $350 new.

you are so fucking clueless that it's funny. Please try to search and read more instead of wasting everyones time with this low tier shitposting.

>they've been drastically overpriced since nvidya lost the lawsuit.
i literally bought a fucking rx 480 for $190 a few months ago on some random ass newegg sale.

This is from a local shop.

About $630 dollars. Who wants to buy it?

me, I want to mine cryptocoins.