What memes did you fall for Sup Forums?

What memes did you fall for Sup Forums?

none because im smarter then 99% of the posters on this board

>redmi 4x phone
>xps 13 laptop
The best ones

plextor cd/dvd drive like 10 years ago

I hope you're treating that xps like an egg. If you drop it on a pillow the screen will shatter.

Thinkpad T420 meme


Thinkpad t420, linux, mechanical keyboard, trackball mouse

Xiaomi phone (Mi 5S)
various other Xiaomi products and probably over 2000€ in chinkshit.

Linux, but I used it before coming here.
And I'm torn between a Thinkpad and a Xiaomi Mibook for my next laptop.

>smarter then

I fell for neo-Sup Forums is not shit meme.

The Linux meme. Can't even run Excel on it to do my Spreadsheets. Fucking Sup Forums

not a meme, actually great
totally a meme, inferior to FreeBSD in every way
>mechanical keyboard
mostly meme. only good mechanicals are IBM Model F and M. the rest (cherry and whatever) is bullshit
it's ok but not so revolutionary. just use a tiling wm and leave the mouse behind

Meme does not mean bad.

which thinkpad is good in 2017 ?*

where every 2nd update breaks your system
inconsistent shit, just switch to FreeBSD and leave linux plebism behind
it could be a cool wearable computer system. but no, it's a shitty phone where chinks sell you chat "stickers" for real money
mostly because of smartphone and shittech being dominant. humans disgust me

this thing is shit

"Meme" is synonym to "all hype, no substance" in this context
so he was using the word corectly

Just use LibreOffice or Google Sheets

>three monitors setup
>model M
>terrorist watch
>thinkpad t410i
>home servers
>32GB of ram

nothing else i think

Logitech G400
Xiaomi Redmi 4
Xiaomi Miband
IBM M, Cherry G something browns
16:10 monitors

No regrets other than mech keyboards, rubber dome is fine for me.

t. not in finance

>run program for windows exclusively
>blames on linux
fucking retarded.

>What memes did you fall for Sup Forums?
That the embedded programming industry was filled with wizards and programming gods -- the sad reality is that it's filled with electrical engineers who can't program for shit and always blame everyone else for their programming errors, and the high demand for low level people complemented by the low supply, means that shitty programmers keep their job, even though they are utterly bad at it.

Thinkpad T430
Logitech G400
Was a Linux user and freetard before I was on Sup Forums
I'm actually very pleased with all the memes I got

You're wrong.


>install plex
>get inbox full of shitty emails written in fake-friendly hipster language
>gotta pay to unlock the cool features
>needs internet connection for the botnet

Basically, not a single one, as I've always used things before they became a meme.

x230 meme, it has been good so far
i7 + 16g ram + 512G ssd + 3g modem + extended battery

best ones in order
X220 - upgraded to new 9cell, 750GB SSD, new keyboard (payed $30 for laptop itself)



Microsoft Surface Laptop

Just kidding, it's awesome

>I've always used things before they became a meme.
Oh, so you're a hipster?

Redmi Note 3 Pro
Casio F91W
Free Software
Audio-technica M50's
Sansa Clip

I'm pretty Sup Forums

all of them

m.2 ssd
normal ssd
16:10 screen
windows 10

look at that beautiful shift oh wow

thinkpad OBVIOUSLY

but it couldnt run games so I bought a better laptop


Only the newer ones are memes. I got a T430s before knowing about /tpg/, got a 15" 4:3 T60 afterwards, and I just got a T23 at a boot fair. They're absolutely fantastic machines.
Not a meme in the slightest. I use Slackware on my T60, which i use for school.
>dual/more than one monitor[s]
Only a meme if you don't actually use it often. It's great having a dedodated irc/music player screen, but I don't utilize it enough to keep it on my desk.
Only a meme if you use it with a laptop that has trackpoint or if you have poor typing posture. Gonna look for one when I get time to build a desktop.
>flipped spacebar
Literal reddit meme. Only enables poor typing posture and looks weird. Flipped it back after a minute.
>mechanical keyboards
Sort of a meme. I use a board with cherry mx blue knockoffs and I'm heavily considering a slider+dome or topre keyboad, or a linear switch.
Fell for the meme when I was still in highschool. My mother wanted me to get a phone with a GPS in case I got lost. Never used the damn thing for anything other than calling, texting, and Flappy Bird.

144hz gaymen screen
16gb ram
mechanical keyboard

Has been my daily OS for a decade now. I didn't fall for the meme, I am the meme.
>Vim, tiling wm, etc.
Why are these even a meme, they all are GOAT
I needed a rugged, cheap and easily carried machine with good enough performance, in that it has served me well. No regrets.
desu trash in terms of audio quality if you get them for daily use, all closed headphones are, but they've been good enough as a portable headphones which is the use case which I got them for

>Not having a girlfriend

All of those so far

ipad mini

other than that my x220 is great, I actually work with it and make money. And as for the ipad I read medium stories on it in the morning commute

and yet here you are...


I don't know what I'm falling for, either rust is faster and better than C++, rust is sjw bullshit meant to save pajeets and feminists, or C/C++ is for autists and I'm just jealous.

I think I've fallen for all 3

thinkpad meme

come over to
we'll tell you all about it

>just switch to FreeBSD
Good boi

>2016 MacBook "Pro" 15 inch
>throttling piece of shit that'll fry your nuts
>2/3 the advertised battery life
>mediocre OS
>can't upgrade/repair anything
>live in dongle hell
>touchbar is retarded
>fucking hate it
>about to sell it

>2011 MacBook Pro 13 inch
>fully upgradable except for the CPU
>doesn't throttle half as bad as the new one
>gets warm but not painfully hot like the new one
>gets about the same battery life as the new one (6-7 hours)
>use it as my daily laptop still
>OS X meh but usable
>have all the ports I need
>only carry a single dongle for VGA
>pretty satisfied

>ThinkPad T420 and X220
>mediocre battery life
>Debian runs really well on it
>easily upgradable
>nearly indestructible
>pretty happy with it overall

>T400 with Libreboot
>Trisquel a shit (went back to Debian)
>muh freedoms
>boots really fast
>still works great for shitposting
>use it to play XP-era gayems in WINE

>ThinkPad R60
>first ThinkPad ever
>got it in 2007
>still in perfect working condition

>Samdung Galaxy Note 5
>no updates

>Nexus 5 and OnePlus 3
>flashed CM/LOS nightly
>no lag
>no bloat
>best mobile experience I've ever had
>going to buy OnePlus 5 or Pixel XL soon

>mechanical keyboard
>expensive as fuck for a stupid keyboard (mine was $400)
>only slightly better than my ThinkPad keyboards
>still use it

>custom built desktop
>easy to do
>slightly more expensive than a prebuilt
>basically a desk fedora
>originally hackintoshed it
>now it runs Debian and acts as a home server for virtual machines, backups, and seeding stolen cartoons

>Raspberry Pi
>was interesting for about a day
>sits in a drawer now
>should've just wiped my ass with $40

> (You)
>come over toNah no need, at this point I've decided to buy an Acer laptop because I've heard good things about them and the prices are pretty good

/g never approved t410i

>Sup Forums is one person

How is it shit? Was considering falling for the meme but didn't cause the cost was too expensive.

So glad I didn't fall for the chinkpad meme

>but you don't need a $1000 laptop!
yeah and you don't need a laptop to begin with, or a smartphone that costs more than $100, or modern heating just use a blanket

just run it in a windows 7 vm with qxl
it's kinda usable that way

Not really, I carry it in messenger bag eveywhere basically and put it down on hard floor harshly all the time, it seems to be holding up fine, been using it more than a year like this too.

Also use it on bed, so I probably dropped it onto a pillow at some point without any shatterage.

>stupid browser addons
>roms with no gapps installed
now i cant live without any of them i fucking hate all of you so much

He's not

I have a T430 and an X200. I love both.

Returned it a week later. Just wasn't for me.

Just cheap ones though, thank goodness.

>tfw you wish you fell for the bitcoin meme 10 years ago so you could be a millionaire

>gentoo for a decade
this is already wizardry, are u perhaps older than 30 and a virgin as well?

a smart person would realize how unlikely this is and be more reasonable, at the very least try to insult someone without making yourself out to be a ignorant jackass who doesnt understand how numbers work

almost (what the hell am i doing here), and no

Most of the things Sup Forums recommends are good but Sup Forums probably couldn't do anything useful with it.

x220 (i5 2540m+8GB DDR3L, 256GB SSD mSATA+320GB 7200RPM, USB 3.0 expresscard, 9-cell and sheet battery w/ dock)
SuperLux 681EVO ($30), Xiaomi Piston 3 ($12)
Ryzen 1700 still sitting on an used HD7970GE as a workstation ($750 build)
Recycling center Dell Optiplex 380 ($25)
Gentoo (MuQSS+bld, UKSM, TuxOnIce) with clang 5 and dwm on the workstation, grsec/debian on T61s as a home server w/ pfsense/FreeBSD images and dd-wrt, idk if that's a meme
emacs as an ide, vim to edit config files
xiaomeme redmi note 3 w/ LineageOS ($150)
i3wm on everyday driver
IBM Model M ($30)
eGPU (EXP GDC Beast 8 ExpressCard) ($50, w/ $40 750Ti)

Probably all my electronics combined costed less than $1200, thanks Sup Forums. Thoroughly satisfied.

I also fell for the X230 meme. The touchpad is atrocious, and the keyboard is meh, the rest is nice.

All of them

thinkpads(I have 5)

not complaining though.


LG G4 (independently, but it never got a BL unlock so I switched to a S5, and now am on a 6P)
HP 2570p (independently also, no regrets, but switched to a 9470m because it's thinner and I love the 14" screen)

That would imply I don't use them anymore, but no, I still do.
I just happened to use them before some retard labeled them as a _meme_.

I think you're confusing "meme" with "cool" here, shit joke lad.

Love them tho

Dropped after a couple of years because it was a major timesink on win7

>mouth fedora
Basically increased my nicotine intake tenfold and made the smoking habit worse

I also almost fell for the rMBP and eGPU memes, but I fortunately went with XPS15 and AWS p2 instance

T60s are nearly indestructible

>Logitech G405
it is really fidgy and basically tedious to work with, when you don't have a proper mousepad
>Mechanical Keyboard
Had one before i came here (which is why i have a razer blackwidow ultimate)
>think constantly about falling for the thinkpad meme, but my current laptop is pretty nice


Stfu I was god tier at it.
You're just a tech illiterate who can't manage to use both OSs.

fell for the thinkpad x220 meme and am very satisfied

X230. I'm just pissed that the IPS panel is so much darker than TN

I fell for so many memes.
>mechanical keyboard
>free software
>not owning a cell phone

>Raspberry Pi
>should've just wiped my ass with $40

That should be the new Raspberry Pi slogan

>totally a meme, inferior to FreeBSD in every way

Thinkpad too.
Moto g, using it now.
Arch but I use Debian now.

I just looked it up and it looks like Plex is actually proprietary. What the actual fuck, I was under the impression it was a solid streaming server that was free software.

Thinkpad x200
Serves me well but my peer groups call it an ancient laptop and looking like a weirdo in public is an insecurity to me. Upgrading.

plex fucking sucks.

no suck thing you lie!

doing it wrong

t fug,
you mean t60p?

almost install hackintosh

just went and bought a mac instead and everything was gucci

>decide between two memes
>fall for the most retarded

>totally a meme, inferior to FreeBSD in every way
This is true

>smarter then
Brainlet outs himself: the post.

>buying a t420
just end me

lol. none. iPhone. Macbook Pro. Servers run Ubuntu. Most projects are Java and Ruby on Rails.

>started using thinkpads
>bought nexus 4
before discovering g

>fell for the coding meme

fug ya got me it's the x61s

What will you upgrade to?

Samefaggin' here.


Nexus 4
Moto G 2014
Redmi Note 3 Pro (defective, sent for replacement 2 months ago)
Redmi 4A Global (while replacement arrives)
Redmi Note 4 Global (replacement of the RN3P)

Sansa Clip+

VE Monks+

Casio F-91W

machine learning

Man that a bunch of memes

Thinkpad T420

And chink shit memes
Xiaomi Piston 3
Shark mSD card
Sanrenmu 7010
Cree flashlight
1$ mouse

F91W (Before I was aware of the meme status)

About to fall for the mech keyboard and the PMP meme.

I regret nothing.

>Tiling wm
If only I was intelligent enough to fall for this meme.