lul wut?
Lul wut?
I think they mean the watts and temps are in exponential notation.
$ series
No matter how hard we screech, the X series is gonna be a best seller with all the massive shilling it's gonna receive from "tech influencers":
Comments are full of people telling him he's a retard.
But only/mostly because coming from his ryzen hype.
They're gonna be memed into being Xsters soon enough.
Normies for you.
your defeatist attitude is why this happens in the first place. call people out for their bullshit.
>the X series is gonna be a best seller
Nope. It's far to expensive. The high ends are never the best sellers. The best sellers are the i5s and i3s.
Intel's HEDT was never a top seller. It was always out of reach due to it's insane price tag (except for professionals looking to make money off of it), and it will remain that way.
the 7740x and 7800x wouldn't be bad deals if it wasn't for the ryzen alternative.
So yea, just a lil push and the mainstream gaymen and normie demographic will gobble them up
7700K is more than enough for them to play all their MUH GAYMES. Doubt they'll spend twice as much for little to no benefit.
Ryzen has no change against 7740X in games. Only ~5% of 7700k's would hit 5.3ghz overclocks whereas almost all 7740X's can do it.
It means Intel sqrt(-1)*(2n+1) processors are the best at every workload.
This. AMD is 3 generations back in single core performance. All they had going for them was multi core, and now Intel took it away from them lmao
Your late 2017/2018 go-to "gaymen build"=7740x
Standard "productivity" build will have a 7800x
This is inevitable.
So I have a 3700k should I upgrade to ryzen 6 or 8 core options? Pretty much exclusively used for gaming...
Kind of sucks to have to buy a $300+ x299 board for muh 4 corez gayming
7740X and OC it to 5.3ghz. It will take AMD 5 years to beat that CPU in any game.
You can upgrade to 18 cores on the same mobo if you need to render 500 hours of 8K footage
>3 generations
3 Intel tock generations.
Also the hilariously expensive boards for 4c8t CPUs with a laughable amount of pcie lanes
But the 7740x is like 5% faster than the 3770k
I guess what im really asking is do I even bother upgrading my CPU. Also Im selling my r9 rx480 for $450 on eBay due to the mining boom. Do I wait for Vega or drop some cash on a 1080ti
True. However taking costs into account you're looking at:
339$+200$+100$ minimum for cpu, mobo, aio solution.
That's 640$ vs 370$ for a ryzen 1700 solution, with twice the cores and threads (yea i know, 25-30% and over slower in gaymen, but still)
X Series is going to be lackluster overall. They will be less attractive once Threadripper is unleashed.
i7-7800 and i7-7820 are the only SKUs that will pick-up decent sales because they have almost the same performance as their i9 without being retardedly expensive or become blast furnaces.
I see can a similar tale for "Bronze" and "Sliver" Xeons.
7740k = Cuck-tier, it is a on 7700K on a more expensive motherboard that cannot use half of the features on said board and it cannot use IGP either.
Cmon user it's not just 5% faster.
No intel shill here but even upping ur 3770k with top ram and best OC u're looking at least at a 30% improvement with a 7820k OC@5GHz.
>7740x is 5% faster than a 3770k
Nigga you is retarded
7800x is the most and probably only reasonable cpu out of the whole lineup yea.
But 7740x is worth it even just for the better OC over the 7700k for da gaymen.
A 100$ premium is nothing for the intelgaymercuk anyway.
Amd = poo tier, it has sandy bridge single core performance
A 30% increase in frame rate? That's impressive. Alright I'll consider it. I guess I'll wait for Vega too considering freesync monitors are actually affordable.
NO u gotta resell ur rig rn before the market gets flooded by gaymen faggots upgrading, prices are already plumemting
Why would I resell my whole rig? Im probably just going to give my 3770k and mobo to my parents and slap my old 7950 in it so they have a decent desktop.
to avoid having to shell out 640$ for ur upgrade but only 300ish
Condom powah
No, it is actually Haswell-tier and single-threaded performance doesn't matter that much anymore unless you are a Dwarf Fortress-fag. 1080p gaming doesn't count since even a shitty Bulldozer can pump 144FPS on COD, CS and other FPS BS.
This retard is spouting this bullshit in another thread based off a golden delidded sample that some shit youtuber got their hands on.
7740K has the same overclocking celling as its Socket 1151 counterparts.
Socket 2066 does nothing for it. Intel just bump the turbo and base clock by a small amount to make 7740K look "faster".
>4 core
>no hyperthreading
>X299 platform
Is this the epitome of Intel in 2017?
i5-7640K should be called fucking "Celeron"
No, this should.
>But 7740x is worth it even just for the better OC over the 7700k for da gaymen.
Normie gamers hate spending more than they have to on CPU's and motherboards. Why do you think the KL Pentium got so much hype? People are still using the i5 2500K, i7 920, Phenom X6 and Core 2 Quad to game. Just two years ago people were saying the i7 is overkill for gaming and the 6700K was worthless. NOBODY is going to buy a $300 mobo fro slightly better overclocks.
Meant to quote