how does Sup Forums protect itself from carpal tunnel?
How does Sup Forums protect itself from carpal tunnel?
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deep desk, elbows and arms always resting on table with keyboard an mouse far into the middle of the desk, instead of at the edge.
lifting, martial arts, hobbies that aren't just sitting in front of a monitor all day
I don't. I just hope my body will be safe.
i play osu! 5h a day and have 8k pp
Do this stretch 5 times a day
Logitech M570 trackball and keeping my wrists straight.
pfft yeah okay
I use the Colemak layout and a trackball mouse. Works bretty gud.
fuck you, I Fell for this
I cut my wrists off when I decided I would spend all my life typing for a living. My hands have then been re-attached to my arms. I look silly, I know, and it turned out not to be a bright idea. But at least I can brag on Sup Forums in threads where people ask what I do to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.
what, ya don't believe me, NERD?
I'll show you who's boss of this board
Thinkpad t400 protects me
wait, this is bad?
5 seconds on google reverse image search definitely supports it
By not using some shitty mouse from the 1990's.
oh shit, it breaks your thumb ligament
good thing you have a spare
carpal tunnel seems fun. How do i get it?
You don't because it doesn't exist.
You just claim you have it so you can get on government benefits and live the NEET life you always wanted.
Where do I sign up?
Good posture while working and Workrave [1].
Holy fucking autism
Low mouse sensitivity and a big mousepad and then get out of the habit to move the mouse with your hand. Move it by moving your lower arm.
That is a tendonitis test you spastic
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers. The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past.
Vertical mouse + Dynaflex pro gyro
I alternate fapping hands every day.
I'm 23 y/o CS student and I have it. It sucks. I'm normie and I'm fucking pissed. At least I can get a surgery once it gets way too fucking bad.
After the surgery I'll get a trackball.
The vertical mouse made my wrist pain way worse. T.
high dpi, move mouse with fingers
Did you already had carpal before using the mouse?
This. Makes programming and emotional/wrist pain manageable
idk about your guys but writing fucks my hands up,
exams with lots of code writing recks me, but typing is A-OK.
If your hand is in a horizontal position, the back of your hand should be level with your forearm. If you're lifting up your hand and creating an angle, that causes sprain.
This is why you should always keep your wrist elevated or floating when you're typing or using a mouse. If you're standing at your desk, find a way to elevate your keyboard and mouse or you'll cause major sprains.
Armrests are really fucking important but most people ignore them.
I got a BIG ikea desk for this reason, its deep enough that I dont need that, the key board is far back, the desk is the rest.
ergonomic devices, daily yoga, move around every hour or so
using vim instead of emacs
Not having shit posture and doing calisthenics
Same but offline so I don't embarrase myself by submitting scores
Very bad
i don't.
and i do get aches and stiffness in my wrist.
Plenty of wrist exercises.
Insted of your wrist getting rsi you get it in your thumb.