W-windows is bloated

>w-windows is bloated

Ummm no Lusers, Windows is the best operating system experience that exists.

>best apps
>best games
>best support
>best UI

Stop toying with your little Linux shitbox and just install Windows, okay?

>C: at 100% the whole time

900MB (Nine Hundred Million Bytes) of memory consumed while idle
nice bait btw

At least get 7, the last good one

windows ```users''' [read morons] think this is a bragging right

>taking a picture of your monitor with your phone

With broken updates that take one cpu core all the time and doesn't update at all?
Or just use outdated one with security holes?

>Stop toying with your little Linux shitbox and just install Windows, okay?
>$200 price tag

Dunno, just pirate the one with the most seeders. Haven't had a single issue.

It's Windows, they all have security holes.

I've tried all the Linux distros, Ubuntu, xbuntu, arch, Debian, Gentoo, fedora, and even Mac OS. But I always find myself crawling back to winblows 10.

They're Creator's update is absolute trash so I've disabled that update but windows is actually the ultimate, stress free (most of the time), most compatible, easiest to use, operating system. I've been on windows since Windows 95 all the way up to this day.
Sure some modifications have to be made to partially disable their botnet but after that it's always ran perfect for me.


I got it free....
Or 5-15€ on kinguin and co.

>OEM copies
>have to rebuy every time I swap my mobo
Sounds like a pain.

You could just not activate it.

Copyright violation is a crime in my jurisdiction

>copyright violation
are you this new that you don't even know that no one gives a single shit if you crack windows?

>882MBs of RAM in use
>not bloated
Pick one and only one.
I'd check how much does my Windows 8.1 eat but I'm too lazy to save all my tabs and close Pale Moon.

>why should I obey the law
I bet you kill kittens, too

>best malware
Enjoy your NSA cancer.

() here, just checked and mine's slightly better than yours, OP.

Probably the driver and some stock standard background with store app running.

>cpu at 30%
>1GB RAM on standby isn't bloat
okay kid.


>its not even connected to the internet and is idle
>it still uses cpu and uses the drive all the time

>30% CPU usage
>13% memory usage

>using low memory utilisation to measure bloat
>believing low memory utilisation is actually good
I swear to god, you fucking Sup Forums fags destroyed this board. You can your gaymes to measure performance of everything.

Now make a VM with 8GB RAM available and see how much it uses.

I have 12GB RAM and it uses 5GB idle. But who cares? It can use the ram, that is why we put it into our shits. If needed the OS will free up space anyway.

>make a VM
Give me a good reason to do so.

>windows users actually use cameras to take pictures of their monitors

Only faggots who don't even know about Snipping tool or PrntScrn

>windows users
>fucking generalizing when this very thread proves you wrong

You made one for the 2GB system.

No I didn't..?

Maybe he is just poor as fuck.

>random windows updates
>not bloated

Oh. My condolences then.

>Windows is the best operating system experience
In what way is that experience better than MacOS?

Several years ago I stopped spending hours trying to give people advice on what comp/OS to buy.
I only ended up supporting them for the rest of their computers miserable life as Windows crashed non-stop.
Now I just tell them to buy a Mac, and if they do... I don't have to give free support.

Superfetch supposedly has performance benefits although I've never seen any evidence of it.

>882 MB in use while idling
>not bloated

Why you choose send a photo instead a screenshot...?


THey use RedHat for serious business, user.

>not just using your GenuineTicket from a dazloader install to get it for free


How often do you swap your mobo...?

Better window management, maximize button actually works properly. Cut/copy/paste files without third party apps. Pasting folder doesn't overwrite it (who the FUCK thought this is a good idea?). Pressing enter actually opens a file, while on macOS pressing enter renames it, which is fucking retarded. You can click on taskbar button to minimize an app, can't do that on macOS. Resizing Explorer window rearranges icons by the grid, resizing a Finder window leaves icons in their places, making it pretty much useless. Need I mention the useless trash files that macOS creates in every folder and archive? __MACOSX, .DS_Store?
macOS has pretty shitty experience, if you ask me. Windows just works.

7 is shit though

try a bit harder next time

>770MB cached

>GUI preferences are what you get used to but I refuse to believe that.
And who figured F2 is good way to rename files?

>Useless files created: __MACOSX, .DS_Store
And the useless NTFS streams (separate trash files!) that Windows creates?
There is also no easy visible way to delete it like those Mac-files.

People who bought a new comp and ended up with some Windows 10 overgrown phone interface broke down into tears and you call that GUI great?
Oh well, the fanboi see God in Gates, but I see ordinary users suffering from idiotic cosmetics to hide there's nothing new under the hood.

ok because you said so

>And the useless NTFS streams (separate trash files!) that Windows creates?
Doesn't do it to removeable flash drives.
Trash file/directory usually isn't added to removable drives by default (you can set it to a single drive only as well).

mine uses less than that, but I'm still not happy with this

Wew lad.

Hahaha I will go on the Chan's to day, haha. Guise, killing kittens

t. I don't use my computer


>implying it's not bloated
bad shitposting, pajeet. You have to go back

daily reminder

Sup Forums really needs a proper technology board and not this Sup Forums subreddit

chrome startup, ayy

Photo uses no memory.

>Loonix is unironically the best OS bc even tho nothing works it only uses 200mb of my chinkpad's 2gb ram

>Muh gaymes
Enjoy your tranny SJW games

Replace gb with mb and you it's 20 years ago.

you say that like it's a bad thing

Have you seen the mess this E3 was, it was entirely about social justice and not about games.

I like windows but i dislike new win 10 UI

you say that like it's a bad thing

Oh, and

I don't go to Sup Forums, user

>windows fans have to resort to encouraging copyright infringement in order to persuade people to use windows
Why not just admit that it can't compete with a free, open-source OS?


well you should start to, seeing how you're a closeted nazi

Sup Forums is a progressive social justice friendly board


>need more than 203mb of ram
Also, are you implying that you can't get shit done with Ubuntu?

>humblebrags about loonix
>posts a taskmanager so fugly it would be laughed at in 1995

>ramlet calls other ramlets ramlets

thats still bloat tho

Oh shit nigger what are you doing?

Yeah Fuck Linux. Only good Linux distro is Android. Actually has apps.

Wow, you're a total faggot. I can't believe you're a 4channer. 32gb ram is for video editing. You're making me cringe. Are you a Christian by any chance?

>best apps
>best games
>best support
>best UI
ok ragesh

no. he is virgin

Reee fuck you, i escaped from fit,r9k and pol tonot get called a manlet and now km getting called a ramlet on g?!

I would, what's your secret?

>no DE
unusable trash

Shieet, that's pretty accurate.

>unusable trash
Pick two


This is what wincucks actually believe.

Why are windows users always the worst posters?

>0.9GB of memory at idle.
Am i going crazy or is this supposed to be normal now?

>just install Windows
But I do have windows installled. Windows 7.

>>best apps
Candy Crush, Minecraft Pocket Edition, and Skype? Lol, no thanks.
>>best games
Nothing worth switching for, since I can run any game I want to play in WINE or a Winturd 7 VM.
>>best support
Oh really? Is that why the driver situation is still 90s tier and everyone is getting the "oh no something happen :( " screens?
>>best UI
Sharp corners and frosted glass? Looks like an even cheaper and more disgusting version of OS X.
>Stop toying with your little Linux shitbox and just install Windows, okay?
No matter how much you shill it I'm not going to install it. I will actively discourage other anons from using it and continue to shit all over you. Poo in the loo. Saged.

Thats why I quit wangblows.
Every time you stop moving hte mouse the hard drive is "click click click click click"

Dont mind me.

Im only here to test some tripcodes I just finished mining.

Also, windows users are fags. why are you boasting about using nearly a gig of memory idling?

Are you just so used to shitty bloated windows that you think thats a good figure now?

Switch to anything linux running LXDE and that number will be around 400mb

Once again dont mind me

just here to test newly mined tripcodes and call OP a fag.

once again OP is quite retarded bragging about 900mb in memory when not doing anything.

and once again new trip code im testing

still testing tripcodes and calling OP a fag

this tripcode should be just as much good as OP is a fag