/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

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The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

/ptg/ welcomes anime fans

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Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

I hope you're backing up your data.
Someone's backing it up.
It ain't you.

weebs >>>/gallows/

Best in a while.

How can he keep getting away with it? This is no way to staff to talk to their users.


how can i get my ratio up on bakabt? im seeding torrents with quite a few leechers but i dont seem to be seeding. I tried picking up bonus torrents that were 4/4 and yet nothing.

Rei a shit

Great point. It was evil of Apollo to fragment music trackers. The site turned out to be nothing more than a diversion that never came anywhere close to delivering the xanax-like nirvana insinuated.

Hentai is the real buffer builder, buddy.

wow,literally the worst OP in the entire history of /ptg/

>male breasts

me on the left

Wow you're micro.

Help lads

any specific ones? i dont have any hentai from bakabt, plus apparently i cant offer the raws i have that they dont

get some taste pleb

What are you even talking about, imbecile? There are a at least half a dozen of dedicated music trackers. The more the better. Maintaining a single point of failure is retarded.

So I want to rename all the episodes in my anime folder to something more Plex readable but I don't want to manually have to go through qbittorrent and change every single episode so I can seed them. Is this something I can automate with a Perl script or something?

Anything recent really.

non-weebs need to get with the program
this is our gen now

write it yourself

Does MAM have the same kind of tutorials as BIB?

>can I script things with a scripting language?

I don't get it either. Spaghetti please explain further


Being bad at shitposting is also a bannable offense

Is there any way to mass add torrents to deluge without using the auto add setting?

has apollo actually been down for a week

Weebs pls halp. I'm trying to learn Spanish. Someone recommended watching anime with Spanish dubs and English subs. Is any of this available on trackers?

>all episodes in my anime folder
this sounds like something you just made up you imagine us anime folks to be like

You can't learn Spanish

FileBot and symlinks.

Just make some symlinks with original names. A simple sh five-liner will do.

my eyes

MAM is dogshit. They hardly have anything worth while.

this is the easiest way, unless it's something really obscure filebot should do it automatically.

>Spanish dubs
literally why, you might as well just take a Spanish class than go through that hell

Use media originally in Spanish, retard.

I didn't know If I could do the part where I make qbittorrent change what it's seeding like that.

No my Plex is all fucked

Thanks, I'll look into whatever those are.

just watch spanish media...

>he fell for the BiB meme

better idea: snatch some spanish arthouse from KG instead

what's a good film about space shit like Prometheus?

>uses linux but can't script
jesus christ kill yourself

Yes I can.

Because they use simple language and it would be easier for me to learn.

Okay I'll look for some cartoons or something.

Thank you. I need to find what to snatch and I get scared making threads on Sup Forums.


I'm banned from MAM.
But, in the context of his post, MAM is dogshit.
Are you trying to say otherwise?

>largest collection of audiobooks and sheet music online
>hardly have anything worth while
Just stop posting, rajesh.

check out spanish MoMs and the forums before resorting to Sup Forums

>I'm banned from it but that isn't why I'm talking shit about it
way to out yourself, kid

Why not just watch what you want to watch instead of this virtue signalling shit? I love looking at a bunch of spoiler-esque key-art just before I'm watching a show


>in the context of his post
>listening to audio books

Learn how to read. Literally worse than drama CDs. At least those have acting.
>sheet music
>not composing your own arrangements
Failing at life bud.

>banned from MAM
>didn't want that anyways
nice. must be a very special boy to get banned on a tracker full of treehugging hippie care bears.

>someone actually took the fedoracore meme seriously

only thing missing from that pile of shit is serial experiments r.eddit

>only thing missing from that pile of shit is serial experiments r.eddit

>fedora core
You mean Erog Proxy?

>>uses linux but can't script
Give me a few more days. Also you forgot
>using an IDE for LaTeX
>using IDE's at all

What are you even complaining about? Spoilers? Those are just fucking covers you dumb fuck get over it.

>12 year old tier contrarianism


>get over it
I'm not complaining about you posting it. I'm just baffled about the fact someone would use it as a method to browse through a library.


>What are you even complaining about? Spoilers? Those are just fucking covers you dumb fuck get over it.
he's calling you a fucking faggot for using plex since there is literally no point



Finally a good op!

>being a freetard

Does this suit your autism better?

I can watch anything that's on my computer by playing it to my phone and throwing it to a TV at a friends house. I also allow select friends to watch what they want as guest accounts. Pretty fucking useful, turbonerd.

>I can watch anything that's on my computer by playing it to my phone and throwing it to a TV at a friends house.
you don't need plex for this
>I also allow select friends to watch what they want as guest accounts. Pretty fucking useful, turbonerd.
you also don't need flex for this
but then again someone who can't even write a simple script wouldn't know about that

delete that Miyazaki trash this instance. Delete that Makoto Shinkai trash as-well. Only good thing he did was the ending of 5cm/s

plex is great for non-autists that don't want to fuck around with scripting and whatever else you have to do to have some autism-approved streaming

what's the optimal way to yen boost for AB?

Sorry autismo, I'll use your Open Source garbage that doesn't suite all my needs next time. For now I'll stick with Plex.

Lupin movie is good though.

>that don't want to fuck around with scripting and whatever else you have to do to have some autism-approved streaming
stop embarrassing yourself kid
>Open Source garbage that doesn't suite all my needs next time. For now I'll stick with Plex.
Plex is not even the best non-free streaming method, but funny you mention free software when I wasn't talking about it, rukia

>plex is great
Convince me

>lupin movie is good
I dropped the original series because it was awful. I'm sure the movie might seem good in comparison. I wouldn't know. I know Mari Okada worked on it though so that's not promising much. I'm not saying it's bad. But you're saying it's good while having Miyazaki and Shinkai on your hdd. It really isn't convincing me when someone that watches literal children's movies pretends to know what is and isn't a good movie.

i'm not the original user you were going back and forth with

it just werks, don't know the tech bits

>i'm not the original user you were going back and forth with
sure you're not, rukia

Install the yen script and check for yourself.

Most of the people who have high yen dailys are people who upload

>it just werks
read your own post >

>it just werks
>comes to this thread because it's not working


Anime is for children anyway, don't get so full of yourself.

two different people

who r u responding 2 m8

only if their uploads never get snatched

>Backing up my data level
>It ain't me starts playing

>two different people
just like we and your psychologist keep trying to tell you
no you're not

>Anime is for children anyway
Literally wrong. You just further invalidated yourself.

So I haven't been paying attention for a while but is my WCD account really gone forever? like all those fucking teras?

okay u got me i'm rukia
not my post

Yeah you know if it isn't. Then don't ignore my post.

>if I keep saying that it's wasn't me maybe they'll believe me


i'm rukia how can i help you?

it's me rukia

Music is efficient due to low seeder count. But anything with low seeder count is efficient.


be my girlfriend please

Oh ok didn't know that.
I thought it was all about how big the snatch was and how long you seeded it

you ignored my PM

Rukia-sempai please help me convert my friend to utorrent
the man refuses to abandon its old and trusted qbit for anything else