Install chrome

>install chrome
>brings my usage of ram from 15% to 20%
>nice minimal theme
>nice white titlebars

>install firefox
>brings my ram usage from 15% to 25%
>ugly grey titlebars
>literal copy of chrome in terms of ui design
>uses more cpu than chrome

i thought chrome was suppose to be heavier on resources?

Other urls found in this thread:

2b more like 2 cute feet

It is heavier


For me its about the same on both. The only thing I hate about Firefox is that the ram usage does not drop after closing tabs forcing me to restart.

Chrome is heavy when you open a fuck load of tabs. If its only a few Chrome is fine. Also use Ungoogled Chromium.

Post some Toobie.


That was my post

>install chrome
>join the botnet but MUH ONLY 5%

>install mozilla
>slightly higher ram consumed
>privacy respected
>high quality FASTER product
>convenient and sea of add-ons.

Fuck off jewgle


we both know that's not true

Don't forget to share your fries!

I was going to do it too if you didn't

stop stealing my post (。>﹏

>privacy respected
>having any more useful addons than chrome
chromebabbies and fireshitters fighting is cute

I know tight? Internet Explorer has never let me down.

Filthy Internet Explorer cuck.
>he doesn't use safari

Firefox is not faster than Chrome.

The old XUL plugin system with all of its plugins is being deprecated, and Chrome has years worth of plugin headstart on Firefox's new model.

I agree with site-per-process on principle. I have 8GB and have never even gotten close to running out unless I'm gaming. If I ever need more RAM, it's cheap - $50 for 8GB of DDR3.

Sorry, I only use safe browsers.

Edge is unironically faster than both firefox and chrome with a smaller memory footprint, why haven't you taken the redpill yet?

>Firefox LGBTQAPZN+ advocate
>implying chrome isn't faster and more stable

>he doesn't use something so obscure and unknown hackers don't bother making exploits for it.

this makes my day everyday! (。>﹏

>lightweight webkit rendering engine
So basically, this browser will have every security problem that the parent version of WebKit has. I did some more investigation, and it's also using JSCore, so it also inherits all of the bugs of that project as well. You might as well be running Safari.

At least Safari would be secure. Does this browser even sandbox anything? I only see one process, and when I first booted the browser it literally spun in a circle unresponsive for a good 10 seconds. And when it finally booted up, the interface is written in fucking GTK, which should be punishable by death on non-Linux OS's.

IE11 is still great.

...and the thing crashed on me when I tried to View Source. I reopened the browser and tried to View DOM Source and it did the same thing.

Fuck you and fuck your garbage-ass hipster browsers. They're just poorly done, buggy, insecure, and out of date wrappers of other people's renderers and javascript engines.

Came here for this

It's funny, didn't Firefox users argue for years that Chrome was shit despite being faster because "m-muh resources".

>not using links

also firefox hangs if theres some javascript that it does not support properly. even the multiprocess meme does not fix that.

Hmm What about Opera?

Chromium reskin.


>high quality FASTER product
We both know that's not true, user. But it does have more add-ons, though.

>not using Edge

>can't play webms



Why is A2 so best?

2b more like (。>﹏

Vivendi y/n?
I'm getting rid of Firefox after today cause its getting so damn sluggish but I'll miss the addons and firebug.

Vivaldi is worse, you might as well go for Ungoogled Chromium or Iridium. Have you tried Firefox ESR or Icecat?

>cares about default Firefox theme
Go home chrome dome


I only came here for this.

Midori works fine on anything but Windows.
Shit crashes nonstop.

i thought Sup Forums still had hope, turned out i was wrong


>privacy respected
Only if you don't use botnet features like syncing or master passwords, yes.
>Convenient sea of addons.
Not anymore.

>when you realise that windows updates DON'T ACTUALLY WORK

>=connect to sites that you don't click on randomly while draining your bandwidth and leaking your data

unused ram is wasted ram.

>Demanding that your programs use more RAM instead of buying less

install firefox nightly. Multiprocess makes it really fast, almost as good as chrome, without the botnet.

who invented this meme?

a qt (。>﹏

I wanna lick 2Bs butt!

Chromium puts those resources to work. I have no clue what Firefox does with them. It's a surprising fact taht Chromium works better on a shitty machine than firefox.

>still using sjw botnet satanist google's browser

chromium is a discontinued project

it just updated for me today


She weighs 143 kg, though

Fuck off SJW fox shill.

And take your snowflake pronouns with ya!

Can I use 4chanX on it?

what browser is that?

Image shows her at 50KG

Use surf

I use Vivaldi, it works nicely

where do you fags download your .crx extensions from? I want to be able to update them with ease if I make the switch from cuckfox to ungoogled-chromium

Vivaldi+curl ftw

Why not use Pale Moon?

That website that lets you download crx. Also via npm.

It's old and crusty like A2

Delete this.

Cause A2 is lifting her (diddies :DDD)

It reads 45KG with her diddies lifted up xDDDD

Well fug :-DDDDD

What info does chrome track and is there a way to turn off the botnet but still use chrome?

A2 > 2B = Devola > Popola

of course it would be illya poster...
she's cute >_

she stole it from me

>That image
Jesus Christ, and I thought the Frozen Flash games and "DISNEY CARS GTA V "EDUCATIONAL"" videos were bad.


>replying to urslef

Between the versions of regular FF, Nightly is the fastest and not as memory wasting?
