Honest thoughts on dumbphones?


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i miss landscape physical qwerty

nothing wrong with them
only computer science shits that make 30k "need" 600 dollar phones

If they had great cameras and doubled as wifi hotspots id buy one.

Berkele :D

no uber

>using uber
>any fucking year


What's wrong with taxis?

unions suck


I tried it and i hate it. I got an asus c201 librebooted it and bought a usb modem. It's a million times better. I use the trrs jack for picking up calls. I can do sms & and phone on through the usb modem, but i really only do it for 2 factor verification bullshit.

Japanese flip phones are cute.

I had a CricKet TXTM8 3G and it was fucking terrible. When it broke, I felt a sense of relief.

Use Lyft you fucking nazi

What isn't wrong with them? They put you behind a bulletproof pane of glass, yell at you, and run the meter up and treat you like a prisoner.
Then, when a competitor appears (ridesharing), they chimp out and destroy people's property rather than trying to compete.


no wifi
no maps
no social network apps
no uber
no proper browsers
need all that shit just to live these days

You have a laptop for that.

that made me so mad when they added tipping.
"yeah, we don't pay our employees enough."
that's all I get from this

kek scum

nigga i'm not going to open up a damn laptop in the middle of a street to check i'm going the right way or just to order an uber or a pizza or check and reply quickly to someone
phones are just faster and more portable

great if you frequent ghettos

Smartphones and services have slaughtered the gadget industry. You can still get discrete media players, GPSes, and whatnot, but now you will pay a massive niche market markup.

As for OP: dumbphones will have always have a place in high security and industrial environments. With security, less is more. Replacing a dumbphone isn't as costly if the last one gets chewed up by a wood chipper.

Are there any good dumbphones that don't have Facebook and shit forced on you and pre-installed? And Chinamen spying on you?

Why not both?

Dumb for security, smart for everything else.

>Use Lyft you fucking nazi
No, I will use Uber. You do not have to tip either.

why do europoors get so triggered by tips

Who is that semen demon on that dumb phone?

I only use dumbphones. Even the looming end of 2G won't make me get a smartphone. Instead I found a couple of dumbphones by Nokia that can do 3G. And if even if I had no choice but to use a smartphone, because all I want out of a phone is to make and receive phone calls, it would functionally become a dumbphone.

Nip dumbphones are pretty up-to-date, even if they are a tad expensive.

what phone is that user?

hahah vittun anime homon

Looks like the Nokia E90 Communicator

Older. Nokia 9500

Uber is the best thing ever, do you not got to the bars ever?

mene takas ylille

Uber is great
Fuck off

I thought I was the only one. I've been searching for a dumbphone that can act as a hotspot for ages.

For the most part if someone wants to chat they are using a messaging service that has a computer compatible client I can access anyway. If I'm out and about I can fire off a short sms or just wait until I'm home, but then I'm older so FOMO isn't an issue for me.

are dumb phones aesthetic

If you're on verizon the lg exalt LTE has a hotspot feature. It's a flip phone so it doesn't have qwerty though.

Dumb phone for calls and messages from work. Smartphone for evrything else.
Thinking of buying pic related. Not a dumbphone though.

After all these years, I STILL think holding a pancake like a modern smartphone to your year looks absolutely idiotic.
The pre-smartphone candybar style ones or even flip phones looked like you're actually having a phone call.

But the absolute worst is having your smartphone in your bag and shouting into the open like a complete retard because you have headphones on and the mic somewhere between your boobs.
Years back people talking to themselves were regarded as mentally handicapped but I guess people who do this free shouting shit still fit into that category.

What's a decent dumb/flip phone that's selling today?

Japanese flip phones are still going strong.

this, so much. A dumbphone with a good camera, a basic email client (all of them have it), and hotspot.

where? tell me more user. Are they GSM or just CDMA?

Kill yourselves, normalfags.

how do i even use a nip flip in america?

keitai are fine but you won’t get internet

why do americans feel the need to tip?
a product/service has a price, it's fixed, overpaying is wrong

Waste of time and money.

>holding a phone up to your ear
literally why?
either use loudspeakers at home or headphones+mic while out
what's normal and what isn't changes with progress, niggers being free used to be not normal, women wearing jeans used to be not normal, LGBT people used to be considered not normal, but things change, and owning a flip phone in 2017 is most definitely not normal

Fucking garbage collectors etc. have similar wages and much shittier work conditions.
Yet they take it like a man instead of whining for handouts.
Either get a better job or start begging on the streets, you little bitch.

My sister is a student and used to work as a waiter yet she didn't complain or act like a bitch when people didn't tip her.

Grow up or kill yourself.

i've never owned a smartphone
probably never will
dumbphones 4 lyfe

nice tiddies + bum bum purple haired cyborgg :DDD

>bitches not complaining

Of course she did user every god damn day to, just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean she didn't do it. Specially women. You need to get out there and find out what this world is like user.

suomi mainittu torilla tavataan

Is that an S7 Active?

moi moi minä olen ruotsalainen

mies yli laidan

pretty good they are trying to kill thm off by switching networks now though

>landscape physical qwerty

This. I want an Android phone with that. Insta-buy. SSH will be sooooo sweet.

not android but the n900 is comfy (but slow) and neo900 will be even better


Good taste :DDDD

Looks good!


but LGBT people aren't normal, user.

To answer OP, I don't dislike dumbphones at all. In fact I ongoing project to discard smartphone and use dumbphone. However, phones seeing in the picture, you could argue that these are not a dumbphone which I would agree because these have all sort of nonsense. I do have one flipphone which I am really fond of because it's nice to hold in hand.
Nevertheless, these phones can be used as a regular smartphone but the benefit of dumbphone form factor. Too bad the software on Symbia is shit and finding something that we take as granted can be pain in the ass to find.

>I ongoing project to discard smartphone and use dumbphone
how is this an ongoing project

Well, I'm a special kind of retard so I call everything a project (and projects are doomed to be unfinished).


How dumb are we talking?
Pic related

Otherwise there's some pretty awesome shit on aliexpress.

Galaxy active with a dumb phone huge dick neckbeared combination


landscape physical qwerty was the last time i was able to get actual work done on a phone
(needs function keeps and backlighting)

you can even stuff a extra battery in there to make up for the room

the ability to type while not looking and have tactile feedback to increase typing and also able to use when its damp out

tfw no portable terminal for ssh with all the function keys

>get actual work done on a phone
why do you do this to yourself?

Annoying over weight white people.

If it has colours and can install additional applications, it's not a dumbphone.

The 'mandatory handouts' mentality is really driving me up the wall.

I hate what they've done to society along with social media. And i want to see them replaced or recreate the barrier that seperates normies.

The problem is no matter how smart you are, and how complicated your setup is. If the general things youre going to accomplish can be done an easier way by a normie faggot on a phone, then there isn't any point to it. The internet used to be smart, now its retard proof. How do we re-segregate the normies?

Use whatever's cheaper you dumbshit. There's a reason Jews are the 1% they would sell their own mothers for a raise in salary


Easier way is just to segregate them based on browser ID. This will work on most people but you know some faggot will make an app that spoofs a desktop browser ID. Even then, most people won't have access to this.

Another measure may be to have it so the site only shows the real content if JS is disabled. If JS is enabled it shows some other garbage (or a JS version of the site that is for idiots).

Problem with segregation is that you're relying on data collected from the client, all of which can be spoofed, and eventually, some app will be written to make spoofing it retard-proof. It's worth thinking of a more fundamental way to block smartphones.

The 'use whatever's cheaper' rule would be nice if Uber weren't such a fucking degenerate company.

Phone nowadays is mainly an internet browsing devices, and dumbphones suck at it.


I miss my old W705... It was dead simple, but used proprietary shit up the wazoo. needs an adapter for 3.5mm headphones. Uses sonys M2 cards for memory, etc..

I might end up buying one off ebay some day, just to relive it, but they all seem too pricy for what it is. If i could snag one for $20 id be ecstatic.(i already have all the accessories from before. I ended up breaking mine trying to swap it into a different shell)

My faggot detector's readings are off the charts!

I have a new toy arriving tomorrow.

I got a 2 year old flagship phone for $90. You could probably get a smart phone for way cheaper. If you're concerned about security, just disable internet and/or disable internet.

Owning a dumb phone today is like owning a crt monitor: Only done by autists.

What do you do in your day to day life and what do you do for a living?
Simply curious


Been using pic related for over two months. Feels great not to be connected to the swarming mass of subhuman scum.

You don't want a smart phone. You have no idea what it does to your mind.

You have given up the basic human skill of navigation. You can re-learn this vital skill, and thus expand your sensory perception. This will improve your social interaction. You will look up from your screen to the world around you and interact with reality in a marvellous new way.

If someone uses a dumb phone. I assume it's either for work, drugs, or he's poor and/or mentally unstable.

Pic related. Johns phone
Search m5 in aliexpress they're about $12 a pop

If you use a dumbphone past 2015 you are either a hipster, neo-luddite, or both. The battery meme is over. You can't buy plans with no data from any major carrier without going to an MVNO so the entire industry has left you behind and you're probably paying out the ass for service you can't even use.

Even if you didn't have data you could easily benefit from apps like managing calendars and todos and they just sync up when you're in wi-fi range. You still have a better and bigger screen, more battery life, better call quality, better contact management, better documents and file management etc.

most dumbphone shits keep repeating memes about "freedom", hilariously enough $50 androids support both the ability to dual boot your precious "real" linux OS, and you can buy fully free phones that support replicant. Just like always the people spouting about "freedom" usually don't know dick about it in the first place. Hilarious to see these loads of turd fat sperg out for weeks in IRC about how "smartphones are tracking devices" yet somehow think that their locked down 15 year old proprietary java phone OS is superior, without knowing anything about it. That's because dumbphones aren't technology, they're just the manifestation of the same grandma-tier FUD about not using PCs in the 80s except for 25 year olds of today thinking they're being "tracked" and they want to permanently mentally stay in a time when they still had hope.

Even most employers nowadays specifically list requiring an android or iphone because they are sick and tired of dealing with these special snowflake neo-luddites trying to tell everyone else to be a shitty loser just like them. Please try to get attention another way, like killing yourself.

>using dumb phone
>not using pager

Sounds like you just lack discipline.

Since the smartphone resolution why there was never any attempt to make a dumbphone running open source software? Hardware for these costs pennies doesn't it?

Evolveo Strongphones have Wi-Fi hotspot ability while being built to be durable and have long battery life. The X3 even acts as a powerbank.

Used to own this sexy fucker when i was a teenager. For me personally still one of the most stylish phone designs ever made.

The display was a cool idea but the went overboard with simplifying it. Sometimes it was just impossible to read. Also for some reason it did not have the amazing battery life they promised.

Its a shame that they never made a successor with little improvements.