Do you really want to go back?


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looks comfy as fuck


more than anything

Oh god, please. That page looks so clean and easy to navigate.

"Blazing graphics speed" made me lulz

Oh look, it's another episode where the neckbeards complain about Javascript on their stinkpads


Yes, I do. Pre 2007. especially.

kek I don't use any of them

Sup Forums?

What's wrong with it?

kill javascript pls


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. You'll want to go back regardless of how objectively good or bad the past really was. It's a kind of poison that inhibits your ability to remember the past with any kind of objectivity.

There was a lot less SJW jew bullshit back then, and we weren't as connected to state propaganda centers as we are now.

fuck yes

it's weird how late this shit began

And TV was better in the 2000's compared to today (especially Cartoon Network).

>There was a lot less SJW jew bullshit back then
There really wasn't. It's just that Sup Forums and r/T_D have rlly upped their anti-SJW shilling. They created their own boogieman to fight.
SJWs really are not as prevalent as Sup Forums makes it seem. There were still a lot of SJWs back in 2005, but nobody cared about them at all. The only difference is that now people react way too big to their bullshit.

>South Park's worst period was in the 2000s
>Teh Bing Bong Theories debuted in 2007
>Two and a Half Men debuted in 2005.
>Spongebob fucking Squarepants
>Fear Factor
yeah, 2000s tv was obviously superior

SpongeBob was better before the first movie.

South Park and the Simpsons sucked after season 10, the first 2 seasons of Spongebob were great.

HD ruined everything.

No myspace. I'm safe

JavaShit """developer""" detected

Fucking 2007. Why is it always 2007?

im on 100kb/s and im not even too far into the country, this is indeed a problem FOB (Fibre Optics Boy)


I want to go back for the money gained by future knowledge.

It was a turning point on the internet. Iphone, facebook, web 2.0 shit.

user why are you spending all you money on btc and google stock, and stop developing that fidget spinner, its retarded, what? robin williams would never do that, why would you say that


old web design best web design

It is not about javascript or any other technology.
It is the use of the technology we object to.
The internet has made us more aware that 99% of all humans are a waste of resources and they suck at their individual jobs.
"""journalists""" don't know how to investigate the news anymore, they are barely capable of finding the source of a twitter message before they write their new outrage piece.
"""office workers""" can have a million tools to make their jobs so simple a toddler can do it, but they still constantly fuck up.
"""sys admins""" cannot manage to update the computers they admin.
"""teachers""" fail to educate people so they can do a better job
"""immigrants""" fail to assimilate to the country that takes them in. They even fail to assimilate their children, which would rather blow themselves up than get a job.
"""construction workers""" allows customers to push them around which leads to worse construction of buildings.
"""students""" are too dumb to get a degree that they can use outside of school.
Nobody care about your gluten allergies or your new gender, just shut the fuck up and try to learn something.
"""programmers""" spend more time on making programming accessible than they do on improving their field so people can view them as professionals.

new pasta


Gluten intollerance is not what you'd want to have. My gf has it, after a slice of bread she becomes yellow, vomits all day and her whole body behaves like her liver doesn't exist.

Shit's real, and because of retarded hipsters who pretend all kinds of special snowflake behavior it's often not taken seriously.

Agreed for the rest.

This is pretty bad m8... try again

Yes. Old web design was great.

>Do you really want to go back?
only to see it happen again and again.

>after a slice of bread she becomes yellow, vomits all day and her whole body behaves like her liver doesn't exist.
>becomes yellow
shes faking it

I can't fucking stand javascript and I'm on a goddamn desktop.

I've got noscript disabling all this shit and some websites don't even fucking function without javascript. There is no elegant failure mode. It's just garbage.

>it's weird how late this shit began

>There is no elegant failure mode.

Holy crap, I never even considered that a possibility, I guess it shows webdev's are not programmers

Yes. I want to go back to a simpler time