What did he say, Sup Forumsentoomen?

What did he say, Sup Forumsentoomen?

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I use Apple products.

>inb4 some autistic 16 year old linux shit

he doesnt have to say anything, he followed this guide:
>be attractice
>dont be unattractive

"I don't browse Sup Forums"

Filthy bionic lifeforms.

>I have a healthy lifestyle and only invest a necessary amount of time in front of a computer

>I convince people online to install arch linux

I program obscure FORTRAN and COBOL dialects on ancient mainframes, usually while an on-site technician types what I say and reads the output over the phone.

>Did you know that I use Arch Linux

>my family is rich


pic related

Jokes on you OP. He doesn't have to say anything, women automatically open their legs for Chads

I haven't had sex in 10 years, how the fuck would I know?

this desu

I don't even use a gui

THIS. The only true answer.


I work at an startup making websites

girls hate being bored
being a fuckup is entertaining as fuck

boondocks explains it rather well, ironically the season they explain this shit in was entirely produced by women, so it must be true.
>tfw i made myself and my life boring as possible for this very reason
fuck bitches, and fuck this stupid fucking game of life.
i'm gonna go play minecraft now, at least that way i wont get aids or nagged till deaf

I havent had sex in 22 ever.
Beat that fagoot.


please do the needful

at least I had sex with a girl.

Cool. How much did it cost ?

>I prefer consensual sex in the mission position for the sole purpose of procreation.

I just shorted ETH

>3 kids
>4 baby mamas

I had to pretend I was into girls for a year.

One dignity.

>gentoo is shit

"I've installed Gentoo on my dicc"

you are basically saying your dick is useless

"I know C."


"I can fizz buzz. Fuck me"

Please allow me to interject for a moment.

I shorted it with ETC 4 days ago. I domt know why I didmt just put it into fiat.

Step it up, 27 here and on my way to the wizards n shiet.

2D fucked up my brain really bad and can't find anyone in real life attractive. I'm not complaining though.



remember when people actually edited the file

31 here. Git gud.


Install Gentoo

"Install Gentoo"

we all know you're actually just depressed that you can't find a gf

27 and one third.

However, I do have a date with a 20yo almost-oppai-loli this Canada Day, so you might be the only one going to Hogwartz in 3 years.

Trips confirm

I don't play video games or watch anime



>depressed that you can't find a gf
this is an oxymoron. when you get a gf, you'll genuinely become deppressed.

She only has one boob and had a mastectomy. So she is desperate to fuck.


Yeah I just closed a deal and made a nice commission. Wanna go to my Puerto Negro beach house next week?


Become a PUA user. Women are just looking for guys with status and or money. I have costumes i wear when i go out to pick up women. Suits. Construction clothes. etc whoever i feel like being that day..

>Slight kek
Not bad



ay bby u want sum fuk

I use Arch with a tiling window manager and transparent shells with a minimalistic wallpaper


Gibe wallpaper pls :DDD

Git gud. I made it myself and i'm not sharing.

Audible kek

Wow none of these are funny, shocker.

>I unironically installed Gentoo


Pick one.

>britbong nanny state

pick one

We're one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, why do you think we can handle such impressive surveillance?
And if you've nothing to hide, why worry?

They do have high rez spy cams on every corner.

>First humans in space/objects in space/space station
>2nd largest economy
>Higher caloric intake than UK or US
>Superior computer processors with fewer bugs
>Vastly superior educational system, free for all as well as abroad students
>Superior and universal medical care
>Largest and most effective military in history
>Largest nuclear arsenal
>Largest electrical production at the time
>One of the world's fastest growing economies at the time
>Never any depression
>Never starvation (WWII and civil war exceptions)
>No homelessness
>No drug addiction problem
>very little crime

Tell me again how capitalism is oh so clearly the better system?

he said "humanely developed", not "technically developed'
luckily no one cares about humans

I'd say that is pretty advanced.
Mummy May is just trying to keep us safe.

>Bankrupting yourself to flex to the USA and somewhat to the rest of the world before burning yourself out and collapsing to capitalism.
So, the USSR is nothing more than a bodybuilder? :^)

"I have a very large amount of money"

The USSR needed to keep up with the bottomless pit of borrowing money that capitalism is capable of. In a capitalist economy, you can borrow immense amounts of money without serious economic consequences, but the Soviets actually paid for the shit they built. Not to mention being a backwards agricultural country before the revolution and coming to parity with the most powerful capitalist nation in 30 years.

You mean Trump's pick up line?

>Needed to keep up
Nice false dichotomy.
They could've cared about their people, instead of starving them for a pointless display of power, before no longer being a communist country circa 1990s.

infant mortality

>starving millions

Yea, like how all capitalist countries literally do nothing to stop the immense starvation that goes on not only abroad but WITHIN THEIR OWN BOARDERS?

Yeah, really impressive.


Almost as impressive as all the terror attacks it didn't prevent.

I know VHDL

Your next line will be: Is this a JoJo reference?

"You validate my existence, and I'm interested in your mind and hobbies"

Communism has killed more people than capitalism. - Also, the USSR, along with most communist countries who didn't adopt capitalism (China), didn't even last 100 years.
Yet, the evil West is still chugging along, despite their evil capitalism.

>Cites one successful attempt
>Out of the thousands that get foiled daily
Whoa, nice cherrypicking, moron.

they also built a fuck ton of useless shit because they didn't have a market to know what people needed but hey that's another totally unrelated story and that's the fault of capibaralism


What I cited was the assassination of an innocent man. The incompetence leading up to it is astounding.


>Makes a few mistakes, less than 10s
>Stops thousands of attacks daily
>Omg, look how shit they are!
You really need to learn how stats work, junior.

>I burnt one cake
>You must be a shit chef
>Makes 1000s of perfect cakes
>You're still shit because of that 1 cake you burnt

7 hollow points to the head of an innocent guy is not the same as burning a cake. It wasn't some guy chimping out and cops responding, it was straight up assassination.

You can't get away with a thing like that by saying you're sorry. I mean obviously some can, which must be obvious to a bootlicker like you.

>-2 cars

Holy fuck.
It is a similar concept, when they're saving hundred, or possibly thousands of lives and get it wrong ONE or TWICE.
Unless of course, you'd like them to stop, so they don't make any errors and hundreds or thousands of people would die from those unabated terrorist attacks.
Then again, your sort do have an unrealistic expectation of sheer perfection, otherwise you'll throw up your hands and start rioting.
Well guess what, humans make errors, but when the successes outweigh the errors, we don't have a problem.
You might not understand that, but it is called collateral damage.
Either you wan't an attempt at safety, or to simply rely on luck.
I'd rather go with the former, but you can live in your constantly exploding utopia of luck and hope you, or your loved ones don't get torn apart by the nail bombs of the religion of peace and cultural enrichment.

Please see a doctor I think you may have a mental illness

There is a lot of drug addicts on exURSS countries. There is a Vice documental about that.

>Not falling for commie memes is a mental illness.
Then I'll be happy in my neurotic state, thank you very much.

Ubuntu/Fedora is my favorite distro for desktops/notebook.

>Do you accept Discover Card?