What music do you listen to while programming Sup Forums?
What music do you listen to while programming Sup Forums?
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something that is noisy and hyperactive but has a catchy tune.
It helps to focus because it tunes out the noise in my head.
there is something weird about that girl
lately i'm listening to the room 2814 mix repeatedly but usually it's lots of shoegaze albums
slowdive, the ecstasy of saint theresa, tears run rings, mbv
i guess because the vocals are generally hard to hear it's less distracting
Why is 80% of Japanese music just so over-engineered? Really, it just sounds like shit.
a lot of Prurient. I'm sorta fucked up
>chink shit
what a fucking faggot, kill yourself, you are a fucking pleb and deserve to die horribly.
What about listening to music for mature males? listen to Wagner, Stravinsky, don´t be a fucking pussy, you are a shame for mankind.
is she tall?
I think so. 180cm at least
I want to lick those legs
>tunes out the noise in my head
This, I'm apt to start daydreaming if I don't have music on.
Second this
>Liking horse face
Low test cucks.
I want you to die
Yes, I am
essential for activating your almonds
I listen to this when i'm happy
major() { cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -v -e '/1 "%u\n"' | awk '{ split("0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12",a,","); for (i = 0; i < 1; i+= 0.00001) printf("%08X\n", 100*sin(1382*exp((a[$1 % 8]/12)*log(2))*i)) }' | xxd -r -p | aplay -c 2 -f S32_LE -r 16000 }
and this when i'm sad
minor() { cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -v -e '/1 "%u\n"' | awk '{ split("0,2,3,5,7,8,10,12",a,","); for (i = 0; i < 1; i+= 0.00001) printf("%08X\n", 100*sin(1382*exp((a[$1 % 8]/12)*log(2))*i)) }' | xxd -r -p | aplay -c 2 -f S32_LE -r 16000 }
Sup Forums.org/rules
Whatever this is, I want into. How do?
that rule makes no fuckin sense anymore, it just enables redditors and underage faggots
>not having idolmaster music interspersed with classical music and EDM in your programming playlist
No can do, I'm too satisfied with my life. Maybe next time.
I have them set up as functions in my .zshrc right now. just remove the major() {} or minor {} and you can just run it in bash.
what is happening:
we take entropy from urandom, we hexdump this, grab the values that fit the key we are looking for, choose the rate we play the tones at, convert it back to binary, and pipe that binary through aplay, alsalib's player :)
no, it keeps garbage from bleeding over an already barely tolerable site
Hey that's pretty neat, can I just stick it in my regular .bashrc and call it anytime or is it only for z
works for zsh or bash just fine :)
Doom metal
Thanks man, I'mma try it out
also, i've found you can do cool things with xargs, etc to get a bunch of instances of it going at once. starts to sound pretty crazy. also you can pipe urandom straight into aplay, but it just sounds like white-noise.
When I'm learning something new: either silence or wordless video game music
When I know what I'm doing: Hard Jersey Club
play around with the (i = 0; i < 1; i+= 0.00001) (like delete a 0, change 1 to something else, add a 0) to change rate.
>Veiny feet
[Multi-track programming intensifies]
Did you make this?
I look like this irl but more succubus (male)
I stream it almost every day at work.
You must be an amerifat, most thin people have veiny feet.
Some Classic Rock.
Post a photo or two
goddamn, i want those legs. who is this?
nein, just found
Official Programming Music™
It's me, son
KK, I actually can't get it working as a function for whatever reason, unexpected end of file evry tim.
this is the blog it's originally from, try it out from this site
Minimal techno and German techno
hmm, I must be retarded or something, still no good. I'm placing at the very bottom of the file, and I'm formatting it like this funcname () { /* some stuff */ } and then I'm closing and opening the terminal. At this rate I'll just store it in a text file and run the command whenever
Just saw him live for the third time last week
Depends on the day, but usually it's ambient techno, house, or vaporwave stuff lately. This track is excellent, as is the whole EP:
nothin but the real shit
>alternates between merch the whole video
hmm I sure wonder what this band values
>implying making a living off of slamcore is easy
I never really got this rule. People post cringy anime girls and whatnot 24/7, it's all the same to me.
I haven't used bash in a while idk if having the func(){ } in .bashrc works the same. maybe try doing an alias?
eh no good, maybe tomorrow I'll use this as an excuse to dive into shell programming, even though I definitely have other things I should be doing ;)
Com truise definitely, makes me feel logged in as fuck.
But also this:
Here's a portion of my .bash_aliases where I define a function and alias it
myfind() {
grep -rnw $1 -e $2
alias ff=myfind
Usage is "myfind [directory] [term]", though I usually just type out the whole grep statement now
simply get high
It is term then directory.
If you omit dir, it will use .
I doubt she can touch her shoulder with her chin.
I listen to Romantic-era piano, all the way back to Beethoven at the core.
It's not hyper-complex, but it's not a mind-numbing drone with a constant drumbeat either, so it keeps my brain from falling asleep while not overstimulating it or distracting it from the task at hand.
i read that in christian bale's voice
Can somebody help me identify this song?
You don't understand Sup Forums's heritage.
Posting the same god damn pre-drawn faces over and over from a shitty trope-infested flash-animation from America is not given the same historical privilege and precedent as posting various Manga-styled reaction images on this site.
Hey user!
Michelle Burns
das some good shit mang
Term is specified by -e, so it's second
Death Grips
I use to listen to Drum And Bass but lately I can't stop to listen to Futurefunk.
Old Man Gloom and the like
I listen to this here: youtube.com
Been listening to this for over 20 years now, still can't get enough of that album.
what is this from?
80% of japanese music you've listened to; I don't really know what you're talking about.
i have this track on repeat when programming
anything else you'd like to share? (similar to that one)
I wasn't expecting so much good stuff desu.
Well it's a double sided album so there's the first CD as well.
Similar stuff would be probably Seba, Furney, Photek, Adam Fenton, Funky Technicians, Architex, Fracture & Neptune and Paradox. Keep in mind that while these artists are to some extent similar to the Logical Progression '96 album (there's another one named Level 1, it's something different. You want the 1996 version) that album is a very unique mix unlike anything from that time. Even looking at later mixes and artists it's difficult finding something that hits the same spot as that album. Good Looking Records did a lot of Logical Progression mixes but none come close to the first one although latter ones are somewhat nice, too.
You might want to listen to anything by Calibre -- pretty quiet and comfy dnb, excellent stuff by any measure. Also, I'm too lazy to dig up Youtube links for everything I'm mentioned; you should do the digging yourself.
No worries, I'm already familiar with everything except furney, funky technicias and architex, so it'll be quick to google something haha. I'm always looking for more of that kind of atmospheric dnb/breakbeat, and I'm yet to really dive into most you've mentioned anyway.
> classic breakbeat/dnb from bill laswell, with an indian vibe (oblivious to indian subcultures, sorry rasheeds)
> 90s *space* techno
> dubstep
> my bestie and his sacred music
Damn I really want to finish these projects so I can chill and improve the music sorting script I half-assed wrote years ago.
I just woke up from a coma since 2008 and what the fuck is this
I thought prurient was a noise project
Link gone pls reupload
>muh plebeian classical music
Fuck off with your pretentious pseudo-intellectual bullshit. If you want classical composition with modern elements go listen to Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Alatt Született, if your bitch ass can take it.
porno lighting gross