>tfw I'm being monitored by a US counter-terrorism taskforce
Wtf do I do? Already installed Tails and got a VPN in the Czech Republic. Anyone know how I can install usbkill on a Windows machine? Isn't that how they got Ross? Please help anons.
Tfw I'm being monitored by a US counter-terrorism taskforce
Immigrate to Russia.
You need more vpns.
How do you know, Ahmed?
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
join mcafees gang
7 moar proxies.
I'm not Middle Eastern, I'm white
its emigrate you fucking idiot
Who cares
get caught u smelly terrorist
Move to Cambodia and teach English under an assumed name. I met some ex cons that were doing that when I was in Cambodia.
French Foreign Legion. They will know you are there, but wont step in.
Get your doctor to prescribe clozapine.
How do you know OP? What did you do?
I would suggest whoonix instead of tails.
It's probably not the best idea acting suspicious and trying to hide all the traffic when you know you are being legally monitored and doing nothing illegal...
Or maybe they have proper reason for it, you are cunt ad deserve it, idk.
>installed Tails
You might as well just go to a police station and turn yourself in.
send them a mail asking why they are following you
yeah no. you don't tell people how they got caught, it makes it harder to catch them the next time.
Its literally the opposite meaning of the word you stinky, uneducated, overly fat and lazy american burger
>on a Windows machine?
you need to use hidemyass.
>overly fat
The 5th implies the rest, so those are superfluous.
Stop being a terrorist. Seriously, what are you even hiding? Is counter-terrorism taskforce going after people posessing drawn pornographic images with characters resembling minors now?
It's "emigrate from" but "immigrate to"
lmao Czech is great us ally. hope you go to a black hole somewhere, terrorist
That is the opposite of correct.
Emigrate emphasizes leaving - you emigrate this place to go to another country.
Immigrate emphasizes coming - you have immigrated from some other country to come here.
>installs tails
>thinks it will helP
Here's a tip. Keep no data anywhere on a physical location at your home, office or anywhere you have access to that would be traceable to you. Get your data 7z encrypted and upload it to ACD or Onedrive, you can prepay it and have it untraceable to you.
Upload everything there.
Keep no data on your computer
Install windows as you normally would use it and then don't use it.
Use ubuntu live for all your online computer needs
Use your windows install for all other uses and never connect that install to the network.
Don't retrieve your data from your home or work connection or your cell phone connection.
Then wait till you're no longer under investigation a couple of years should do.
>but user I don't want to change my life
Well then fuck you what the fuck you doing here
I think you got the wrong door there buddy, is two blocks down
Buy a typewriter
Get a landline
Go back to the simple life. Disavow computers, at least until PATRIOT act is gone or America is blowed up (more likely).
>Buy a typewriter
You fucked up
>Get a landline
You fucked up
>he thinks the patriot act is the real threat
>he doesn't know about the indefinite detention clause in the national defense authorization act
No, the other poster was right about the from/to. English gets this habit of redundancy from Latin. "Cornelivs ex arenam exit" for instance, where "ex" as a preposition for "from/out of" is used even though the word "exit" already implies leaving.
How did you find out and why are you being monitored?