Is this bad, Sup Forums?

Is this bad, Sup Forums?

What's worse is your stock Intel cooler

I don't overclock

Is my card gonna die

card sag is common. buy a stick to prop it up or something.

>pro gamer



It's been like that for awhile. Am I risking my mobo?

Shouldn't worry but I would buy one of those EVGA prop things that keeps them straight

Must be a shitty card, proper cards don't sag.
>his backplate is just for show

Try using some kind of a fine thread (like fishing line), eventually a piece of a strong wire (as long as it's not going to short anything) to keep it from sag.
Nothing's ever going to happen, but if you accidentally drop it or bump the case it might not do any good. PCI bus isn't made to put strain on.

It's a GTX 980 STRIX.
Backplates stop the PCB from warping, not the GPU sagging under its own weight.

>I don't overclock
>I bought a K sku chip and didn't overclock

For what purpose?

But yes that is some massive sag

So nothing's really gonna happen if I just leave it? I unplug the card when I move it.

Not a K CPU.

>massive sag


higher base clock

are you really whining about that amount of sag?

Should see some of the older 290x cards, almost at a 90 degree angle.

Also, get a better cooler and for fucks sake just use one pci-e cable and use the daisy chained plugs instead of two separate cables. babby's first build?

nothing should happen, but if you're not going to do anything with that then at least put the PCIe power cables on the HDD cage so they can support the sag a little. It's nothing much, but should make a difference.

>get a better cooler
Will do

>first build?


>>I don't overclock
>I don't have a k sku

You don't overclock because you can't. Get a wooden stick at your local arts and crafts store to prop it up if you aren't staring at it 24/7

Alright thanks, I'm getting a new card soon and hope current card hasn't destroyed the PCIe slot.

>you don't overclock because you can't
I know

I'll try the stick thing

the whole pci-e slot splitting and "reinforced pci slots" on mobos is just marketing wank. they are sturdy enough.

you only need to worry about damaging your pci slots if you are shipping the computer or moving it around a lot.

Is there anything that will indicate PCI damage before the thing just breaks off?
I've had the mobo for 3 - 4 years.

instability or the gpu just not being detected on that slot. switching slots will help identify that issue.

Thanks sempai