Should i install alpine linux or freebsd?

should i install alpine linux or freebsd?


do you hate gnu libc?


alpine doesn't have value on the desktop unless you are a religious user of tools and like to scream about muh bloat

ewwwww GNU

I don't like GNU on most things.
Does freeBSD have more value on desktop? And isnt most linux stuff portable through distributions?

>WANTING to use glibc

FreeBSD is pretty comfy. OpenBSD is comfier.
I prefer the BSD userland over the GNU userland.

i need freeBSD because i'd want linux compatibility layer/wine for tf2 and photoshop

steam & tf2 work fine on linux and linux has wine too
use the right tool for the job. unless you want to try out freeBSD, but if you do so expect more pain in getting those programs to work

He doesn't want Linux, you dumbass.

but the op says linux vs freebsd

Well yeah but freebsd has wine too. And i dont know what to do because a post above just said how freebsd is better than alpine for desktop.

why would you use alpine anyway? there's no reason to use alpine instead of ubuntu or fedora or whatever on a desktop. if you want to use steam or play games, you'll struggle on freebsd.

>there's no reason to use alpine
It's not GANOO/Linux

if he's playing games and using steam i dont think he gives a shit about his system using gahnoo instead of some other bullshit userland

If he's asking about Alpine vs FreeBSD I'm going to assume he's trying to avoid GNU bullshit

i dont think he has any idea what he's on about if he wants to avoid using GNU and use steam

I dont like gnu linc or its coreutils. Really i just wanna play tf2. And alpine has a very nice community and package management. Ubuntu or fedora are bloat. But i guess i'll fall for linux then


install ubuntu minimal and only install the shit you need - bloat gone. what do you actually have against glibc that another library will solve?

>packages like bash etc
basically glibc is bloat

If all you need is tf2 then I install Windows XP - no bloat and absolutely no GNU stuff.

every single thing you listed has nothing to do with glibc. google what glibc actually is before making dumbass points like this. you aren't trying to avoid GNU or it's C library, you're falling for shitty memes becuase people on this board told you to.

It's 2 different points, The greentext was about ubuntu minimal

ok fine. tell me something you don't like about glibc that is solved by using a different library. and with ubuntu minimal, you can remove bash and use the dash shell which is installed by default. i see no valid reasons for not wanting to use apt, and the same for systemd. you're falling for bullshit meaningless memes. if you really have something against these, why are you not using something like gentoo already?

>packages like bash etc
>basically glibc is bloat

Do everyone including yourself a flavour and hang yourself.