it's that time of the day
Screenfetch/neofetch thread
could you share the wallpaper?
Are you polish and 14?
I was just experimenting seeing if certain songs sounded good sped up. Though I do like some nightcore remixes.
The retard of Sup Forums has arrived.
just go back
You must be 18 to post here.
Just started playing it a few days ago and need people to play with? Are you playing f2p? If so mind if i add you user?
hows tumbleweed? any package fuckups?
let me get that cent lad
honestly can we get rid of all these weebs? Just pathetic
anime website
it's a-okay, haven't had any problems yet
ty fine user
flat design is so depressing, i would kill myself if i had your setup
the degeneracy ensues
Best OS
I would kill you first for insulting my desktop without anything constructive
I like the color. Ignore what others saying.
>Uses Linux to be free of the botnet
>Then uses a fucking runescape client that logs username and password, made by a hacker from the past AND it logs your bank pin AND has frequent "database leaks" where they just so happen to store all your info for no reason
Oh yeah and they know every single thing you type when you have the client open, your IP, where you connect from, your hardware/software.
Nice freedumbs
>AND it logs your bank pin AND has frequent "database leaks" where they just so happen to store all your info for no reason
Proof or GTFO
Icons look like they have polio
flat design sucks
it's counterintuitive, basically it all comes down to how human brain works
post you're desktop
at least the logo looks cool...
how much is the subscription nowadays?
join "q cc"
You can just Google any of it
They store your info to hop worlds even though default client can do it without storing your password.
They can take screenshots when you're putting your bank pin in just like they can take screenshots of every time you do any achievement in game.
Anything you input with the client open is sent to osbuddy then to jagex after
They've had many times when the info has been leaked from osbuddy and people talk about it on Reddit but they say they don't store it in plain text (obviously) but still your info will be out there and previous passwords are a part of account recovery, same with everything else osbuddy logs on you.
Don't worry they won't hack you until you have a decent amount of money or go inactive for a few months. :^)
$64.75 AUD
lol wtf i thought it was like 100$.
we're talking monthly right?
why tf would you pay for a linux distro?
No, there are many different packs to get but i got the desktop/workstation option for my laptop and its for 1 year.
People do for windows. What of it?
alright thanks
>paying for systemd
its not 2003
I unironically love nightcore even though I am well aware it's straight up garbage.
No, the systemD came for free.
Its the military grade security they advertise that i paid for.
Or something like that.
God it didnt break the bank dude.
user I haven't committed to freedumbs yet. This Chromebook is merely a stepping stone until I can afford a T400 with libreboot and Parabola, from then on it's free software only
~$ screenfetch -d -host -N
.o+` OS: Arch Linux
`ooo/ Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.11.6-ARCH-CUSTOM
`+oooo: Uptime: 6d 1h 56m
`+oooooo: Packages: 1075
-+oooooo+: Shell: bash 4.4.12
`/:-:++oooo+: Resolution: 1920x1080
`/++++/+++++++: WM: i3
`/++++++++++++++: Icon Theme: ROX
`/+++ooooooooooooo/` CPU: Intel Core i7-4600U @ 4x 3.3GHz [48.0°C]
./ooosssso++osssssso+` GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Mobile
.oossssso-````/ossssss+` RAM: 1763MiB / 15477MiB
-osssssso. :ssssssso.
:osssssss/ osssso+++.
/ossssssss/ +ssssooo/-
`/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+-
`+sso+:-` `.-/+oso:
`++:. `-/+/
.` `/
>thinking we actually care about your screenfetch
Because you think people care about wallpaper?
Fucking leave newfag
>muh military grade navy seals certified NSA approved CIA tested FBI vetted security
So in-house hardware using in-house machine code with no connection to the outside?
>using an Alpine color scheme and Alpine wallpaper on a non Alpine Linux OS
Dafuq is ROX and why do you have so much free RAM?
>>Or something like that
You forgot to read that part...
And the other part after that.
Dunno. I just install i3 and some gnome apps. I am not into ricing.
>free RAM
I use mostly xterm. My only gui/bloated apps are thunderbird/firefox/gimp/mpv.
So you're paying for something that has a free (as in price) rebrand because it's advertised as having military-grade security?
Why do you care?
I should have expected you to be such a retard if you are paying for a Linux distribution. To top it all off you are Australian which completes the puzzle
Wow what an outburst!!!! and you call me a retard.
You seem triggered. You know nothing of my situation, or what i do... but you seem poor. 2 minute noodles poor. Stay mad.
You forgot to hide your username in the bottom bar you mongoloid. Why are you even hiding that? It's not your real name anyway
i knew id fuckup somewhere.
At least i had some fun triggering.
Is this the new desktop thread?
GTX 1060s are going out of stock now
+640x480, divine resolution
I'm curious about the type of person who pays to have NSA cock up their ass.
Because you get support included
shut the fuck up user or youll get us deleted
Looks great user. Just get a non faggy wallpaper.
>skullgirls ost
Patrician as fuck.
>Looks great user.
>Just get a non faggy wallpaper.
Uuh it's perfect, I really like it.
way too much linux in this topic
You must be new here
My operating system is augmented.
But this is the desktop thread.
Cause OSX a shit
how can the best os be shit though?
>not the Original Deus Ex theme
What a shame
Having some trouble posting there mate?
The best OS isn't shit
OSX is shit
Accidentally lost focus on the text input and pressed enter :^)
are you trying to pretend linux is actually a good os? It's a shit hobbyist os for people with too much time and not enough work.
Where did I say anything about Linux?
well what else could you be claiming? no one on Sup Forums is gonna claim windows is good, and bsd is a meme. forgive me for thinking you'd shill linux when 99% of the idiots here do.
Wow, you're way to fragile about your mac toys.
Don't like the cpu/mem/swap/network bars and want to tweak some other settings as well. Nowhere near finished.