/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

You will be caught edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/SLdgTiuc
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

AB is dead forever, never coming back.

what happened to deflate release group anyone knows? they had good amazon rips

AB is great, best anime tracker out

AB never gonna die.

baconbits.org is cabal

Fuck your thread
Let /ptg/ die

>reddit is cabal

Do you even hear yourself?


>The request to rTorrent has timed out
>The request to rTorrent has timed out
>The request to rTorrent has timed out
what did they mean by this?


nah they'll be back with another apology and start begging for donations


paths to animebits?

OT -> GGn -> AHD -> BTN -> Bib -> HDB -> PTP -> RED -> AB

Literally describes me to the fullest, except I'm not hideous.
I'm a 7 or 8/10 skelly with great hair

this is the final blow to ptg.

>He doesn't know about GGn -> RED
Hi neon

got any invites to what?

He doesn't know AB recrutes on GGn


hope you're backing up your data

someone's backing it up

can somebody tell me how GGn achievement system works? do you need to complete every row before you can move to the next column?

how does he masturbate?

It means stop deleting 200GiB of shit at once through rutorrent.




I'm not though, just shit speeds and timeouts

How does TEH's average seeding work?

Asking because after downlading 10GB last week my average seeding has decreased for some reason.

Gotta seed 10GB constantly for 6 months.

Then find a better provider.

Click on (avg.) near your seeding size and read.

Not bB


nvm, googled & my connection/settings were all fucked.
change them & went from day dls to the hour range

Sites full you whore


Current GGn's gold rates/store prices are complete garbage.
>seed 250Gb of oldest neutral leech shit
>get 4000 gold/month
>means 2000 gold/month if your PC is on whole day and only off at night
>20Gb upload potion cost 7000 gold
>need to seed for more than 3 months to afford it
GGn staff, you guys are fucking retarded.

Now this is a great meme

Spaghetti, our guy has reported Redacted to the RIAA

Zed is currently in prison right now with reddunce

>you guys are fucking retarded
>t. vidya gaymer

I just wanna play gaymes

tfw still pleb user because nobody downloads anything on RED because everyone has all the music in the world from old what

>nobody downloads anything on RED because nobody has the buffer to do it

>nobody downloads
>every 2017 release gets instantly snatched by 10 boxes for 2+ ratio

>every 2017 release gets instantly snatched by 10 boxes for 2+ ratio
>2+ ratio
yeah... that doesn't make any sense

RED has to be the biggest meme tracker around.

Zed is ultimate bandwidth jew

>accidentally upload albums with 2017 instead of the actual year
>change right after
>mfw I've fucked all those ratiocucks with seedboxes out of their ratio

what's the best torrent on AB to seed?

Not being retarded might help.

User was banned for this post

yeah great. let me start downloading stupid shit I have no interest in just to build a buffer. Even what wasn't that shit.

All you had to do was leave your obscure metal trash running for a few months and you were set for all eternity.

for what?
Yen? old 1 seed torrents
Upload? 1080 for popular shows and autodling airing anime

all of them

They make more on peer DLs, pajeet.

I was just memeing good sir
please do not report me

[spaghettisubs]MARKED x MARKED 1080p

Not when I have a 10Gbit connection and an actual decent machine running Deluge instead of the potato that most seedboxes run on

The top 50 collage shows.

>boohoo I have to contribute
Stay nobuffer then, rajesh.

321cuck ready for marking

are words that hard for you? read and try again

Most red boxes are dedis hosted at i3d with 50Gbps direct link to AMS-IX. But you keep larping, Mohammed. It's very entertaining.

Literally what you said. People want new releases and few care about your obscurefaggotry. Give the community what it wants or fuck off.

just keep telling yourself that your $100+/month seedbox is worth it

lol nobody downloads actual new releases from RED to listen to them
it's just part of the /pyramid/
RED doesn't even get the latest releases first anyway, not for anything relevant that is

blutopia is kill?

>just keep telling yourself that nice things are nice
Okay. Keep getting mad. :^)

>it's just part of the /pyramid/
hi kyle

>little cuck thinks anybody is mad that he wastes thousands of dollars a year on seedboxes and donations

Anyone here on U2? Keijo BDMVs on there?

seeding for ratio of course
I actually searched for that, before I got the joke

>constructing straw men
>counting other people's money
>thinks anybody is mad
I'm sure your mum will increase the lunch money allowance if you ask nicely, bubbale.

Will moving all my torrents to a different client cause any problems with the trackers?

Hi mohamed

No, as long as the new client is allowed on all trackers.


OT to GGN still a thing? I thought that since our boy spaghetti got global'd they pulled the thread.

How did he get global'd?

Need a desi.cd invite

leaking the ab db

Piss poor opsec. Put everyone at risk then just laughed it off.

Is it safe to join OT?

spaghetti is literally /ourguy/


Absolutely not. He's singing like a bird to the alphabets.

Does the FBI have a hentai division now?

spaghetti isn't banned on GGn

> have a 1gbps home connection
> have a proper dedi 1/ 1gbps pipe and a proper cpu as a seedbox
> used to be member of what, went down before i could climb enough to get invites to PTP/BTN
> 1tb+ uploaded on ipt/emp and red member now

any tips of how to get into PTP/BTN/SCC now? more into TV and docus right now

Maybe get elite on RED and hope they recruit there one day.

The Chinese Cartoon Clearinghouse and it works directly with Japanese agencies as a liaison.

that'll be a while. don't even have a drive to rip off right now.

ahd were recruiting at wcd pu last year, could have got in to btn through ahd

wtf is that

>mfw people are actually snatching my uploads on RED
APL stay dead please

how do I get into wcd? are they open signups

All my TehC and jps torrents say "offline (timed out). Is anyone else having the problem or is it on my end?

ur end, fag