Go to sleep

>go to sleep
>battery at 80%
>wake up
>battery at 50%
>google play services used over one gb of data

can't the botnet let me sleep in peace anymore

>having play services on your phone
you bent over and asked for it

Install Lineage OS.

>Not having a phone with OEM unlock right in the developer option

>he didn't disable it

Meanwhile my over night battery drain is 1%.

>go to sleep
>battery at 80%
>wake up
>battery at 79%
>implying i have gappshit on my phone

The absolute STATE of Android

Meanwhile my iPhone 6s Plus doesn't drain a single percentage point.

Android eternally BTFO

>open an app
>lose 20% battery in 5 minutes

>Had an iphone ones
>Le new epic iOS for iphone
>"New" innovations
>Update iphone
>The iphone now slower, no ram left , old apps run slower.

My literal pajeet phone has that, if an Android doesn't have that they're worse than streetshit.

>iPhone 6s Plus
>not even an iphone 7
get a load of this poorfag, guys! Guys just look!

I also have a 6S plus that I'll keep until it dies. Bet it will last longer than your Android shit.

Every Android has that.
On most phones it is just not visible and you have to tap 7 times the build-Number in the info tab in settings

Works on my machine

>go to sleep
>wake up

can't the botnet let me rip in piece

>have ancient s4
>sleep at 100%
>wake up 8 hours later

At least you don't wake up to a housefire

>go to sleep
>battery 0-100%
>wake up
>battery full
You guys don't have a wireless charger dock that faces the screen towards you for easy alarm clocks and charges the phone while doing it?

na, there's no power sockets in the garage i sleep in

My keeper says wireless charging is the devil.

>go to sleep at 100%
>replaced battery with a new one a couple of months back
>wake up and its near 20%
>hurrr durrr whatsapp and bunch of other programs that were never intensive in the past now are like super hard for me sempai :((((((((((((((((


I mean OEM unlock

How to spot a neet: they don't charge their phone at night.

I know!

Look at these Android RETARDS having a meltdown over the absolute shittiness of their phone.

Mean while my iPhone is highly sought after for its ease of use, reliability and simplicity.

I pity these POOR RETARDS.

>t. Rajeesh and Pradeep

Enjoy your dead battery.

>tfw Xiaomi phone with Chinese ROM

does Sup Forums don't even know how to disable auto update?