Should I learn c or html?

Should I learn c or html?


c double p

One is a programming language the other is markup, they aren't even comparable.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Well with html and javascript you can pretty much do anything you want, and then with css it will even have a good UI.

C is good for doing stuff, but unless you're doing games with it, who even downloads programs anymore?

Nice troll post faggot

Who says you need to download it?

Por que no los dos? Write a web app serving HTML in C!

I mean html is pretty simple just do both.

This. C is for brainlets.

c is the red pill, html is the blue
choose wisely, neo

html. you can literally hack and code any operating system with good knowledge of html

C is useless and obsolete, don't learn it unless you plan to use some old OS like windows XP. HTML is pretty good, but I'd personally recommend learning Scratch instead.

This, assuming ur not trolling



Lern PHP :^)

how about you learn to accept the fact that im banging your gf

That's fine, I'm sure many are. My wife is laying next to me though, passed out :^)

shes next =^}

HTML because it doesn't have segfaults