/cyb/ + /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity: cyberdeck edition

Cyberdeck edition: shadowrun.wikia.com/wiki/Cyberdeck (see resources for building your own real cyberdeck)

/cyb/ + /sec/ general is for discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk and cybersecurity.

>what is cyberpunk?

>cyberpunk directory

>nothing to hide? please.

>cybersecurity essentials

>cybersecurity resources

>thread archive

>thread backup

>previous thread
>>> Resources > /sec/
Condensed /sec/ resources: pastebin.com/RXvHEBuu

>>Harden your OS, reroute your DNS and fire up the VPN - shit just got real
Condensed /shit just got real/ resources: pastebin.com/DMc57Dxw

Suggestions for new resources are welcome. /sec/ is looking for CTF team members, contact at IRC channel.

join #Sup Forumspunk and #Sup Forumssec (requires SSL)

>>Resources have been condensed because the field became too long

Other urls found in this thread:


Support netrunner Also website is dope retrotech.eu/netrunner/

As OP, I support this and really hope it develops into what it could and should be.


I've made a puzzle for you all.

The attached JPG is the first clue - good luck!

You're a bully. :(

>litespeed web server
>shitty shared hosting with cpanel and a proprietary httpd

pls no bully.

The puzzle is quite simple, it has a little reverse engineering, a little crypto, and a sprinkle of other tech thrown in for good measure. Have fun.

Oh, I thought you were bullying us for having autism.
That looks like the autism flag. :(

Is this shit really windows only?

that's pretty rad
is that a custom case or can it be purchased somewhere?

It is a placeholder.
>Just like it says on the webpage.

see pastebin.com/dxdjEerj and instructables.com/id/Portable-PC-project-inspired-by-Shadowrun-Cyberdec/ within it.


oh shit didn't even realise that. I made the puzzle quite a few years ago now, maybe 6 or so months in to the inception of #Sup Forumspunk. Figured enough time had passed that it's time to unleash it on new, unsuspecting group of punx

Same m8

It would be great:
1) To see Sup Forums working together.
2) It would be handy, due to the issues with Firefox.

Well... thank you.

We need more /sec/.

How do you guys handle physical security/opsec?

Full disk encrtion including /boot on my libreboot thinkpad.

what does it feel like to rm a box

My binary and ascii keys and rsa + ecdsa keys are stored on a headerless encrypted filesystem in a file nested on a playable dvd on my shelf. Keyfile for that filesystem is the unsalted ciphertext of two concatenated ranges of files located on the same disc.

To decrypt the filesystem you must know the two files to concatenate, the range of bytes used in each file, and the key + algo to generate the required ciphertext.

Absolutely impossible.

Doesn't look promising for now.
netrunner % git --no-pager log --format=format:%h\ %ar\ %s
28fdbf8 4 days ago Updated the todo
acbe6e2 4 days ago Removed logo centering because it doesn't work on gogs / git.teknik.io
847acbc 4 days ago Added the logo
9e049a7 5 days ago Initial Commit
cd984bf 5 days ago Initial commit
It got everything you would expect of a Sup Forums project. A name, a logo, a todo. And possibly vanilla links code.
Anyone confirmed it matches the one from links.twibright.com/download.php or links.twibright.com/download/ ?

one-time use burner laptops purchased with bitcoin and running TAILS, connected to public wifi

I know Sup Forums always says the best antivirus is Common Sense 2017, but is there a good non-botnet antivirus out there? Makes things easier and it wouldn't hurt.

I'm going to give it a chance. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Hard-disk encryption using one-time pad. Double-XORed for double security.

if you're dumb enough to get a virus you deserve it

Patch your shit. Follow the news. Block attempts to run software you didn't ask for (it could be anything from having good firewall rules to block advertisements).
You can setup clamav and other tools to automatically scan your email server, but it doesn't make sense to do on your desktop.

The answer is "autism"

How do I into cool stuff with networking? Stuff like this

Also how about packet-sniffing? I don't think my network adapter is capable of it, could I buy one of those cards that you plug in and use that? It'd be cool to see what other people on the same network as me are doing, or on public networks.

Is the hard disk password on a thinkpad BIOS any good? secure?

My T510 had built in FDE.... my T420s has a SSD drive, I haven't set a hard disk password yet.

Would setting the hard disk password be the same as the FDE?

Should I just use Bitlocker with the SSD?

Would there be a performance hit if I did bitlocker and the hard drive password (and the power on password and everything else)?

I will probaby enter to some networking project at my job. Some personal tips of what to expect or to handle things? I quite new to them at "job level"

all options in grub save an easter egg fail to boot, and all my directories are misnamed

>My T510 had built in FDE...
it's not the laptop that supports "FDE", it's the SSD that can be self-encrypting with usafe of ATA password. Intel drives are known to do that.
And it's "safe" from thieves, not from government.

pretty happy to see this general is more active

better than the majority of trash posting atleast

great compilation of information too.
thanks op and everyone who contributed!

so would my SSD drive not be FDE unless it is advertised as such? if not...what is the point of the ATA password in the BIOS?

only trying to prevent thieves from accessing my data.

>Is the hard disk password on a thinkpad BIOS any good? secure?
Hard disks are shot through with security holes and Thinkpad is made by a Chinese company.

The only secure thing is to assume the worst. Securing such a machine requires generous amounts of thermite.

>It got everything you would expect of a Sup Forums project.
>Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

How many Sup Forums projects proceed beyond the logo making stage?

>How many Sup Forums projects proceed beyond the logo making stage?
Logos are hard, dude.

Nobody would like to give me a little tip? Just asking.

what kind of roles do you guys work in? and whats the day to day work like?

i may be starting something cyber security related, however i have zero experience with this kind of thing or programming

When you are a student you learn that facts rule.

Once you start in industry you will learn that facts play second fiddle to politics, career survival and pet theories.

As a security detail and security consultant. Not IT, just security. Worked as PM in IT before, I can't stand corporate environment though, so never more.

Job is comfy as hell (I am at work now), I wake up, either follow someone somewhere (sorta rare these days) or sit at some place and just screw/shitpost with my phone/laptop for hours. Or tell people how to secure something, usually an event or building. Money are not bad (not great either, just comfortable) and once I get rid of my debt, it's gonna be nice.

I don't have any gf, so I spent my time either by learning C, reading, lifting or frequenting few escorts. We live in cyberpunk without the cool parts, so I guess I can't bitch about anything.

Why do you still post here when there's literally a cyberpunk imageboard already?
We should all move to 4kev.org

Any pointers on email privacy? I'd like to host my own but my ISP seems to filter the necessary ports to stop spamming malware. How about getting a paid general purpose host?


have an interview for a pentesting position in a couple weeks.

i'm a dumbass with a bachelors in CS with software engineering experience but no ITS exp.

what should i study?

I wish this existed with modern internals, it's close to what I pictured when I first read about cyberdecks (with direct neural interface of course no traditional display)

Start with networks and encryption.

That's one saucy cyberdeck shummer

Some time ago uMatrix merged some of its media groups, it also started having problems with Firefox 33.
I have ran into Policeman, a similar plugin, that lets you filter what the websites can download, and what kind of requests to external resources they can make. It allows for more fine grained control, the UX is also really good, I would even say better than uMatrix. Make sure to check it out.
It might seem a little dated and unmaintained, but should work great on the good old versions of Firefox.
The only features from uMatrix it seems to be missing are cookie control, UA spoofing, referrer spoofing, and strict HTTPS.
If you need alternative for these, check Self Destructing Cookies and RefControl for cookies and referrers respectively. HTTPS Everywhere for strict HTTPS.
You can change User Agent in about:config, use User Agent Switcher (if you sometimes have need to spoof other UAs), or Blender (but I'm not sure which UA it will use). I am not aware of an addon that would allow to set UA spoofing per domain.

That's okay, user.
Thank you for your appreciation.


doesnt sound too bad

what are the main distinctions between an analyst and a technologist role?

daily reminder that slackware is the best all around distro and the most /cyb/ distro


I conceal carry


These parts of the internet feel old. In a good way.

can someone post the picture of that thinkpad with the back of the screen covered in velcro and a pineapple or something stuck to it?

Can I get a hint to start this off?
I'm a little lost...

>Logos are hard, dude.
Strangely then, this part seems to be completed early.

>We should all move to 4kev.org
I spent 5 minutes to look for genuine contents and now I want my 5 minutes back. That place is a wasteland with no redeeming features.

So my friend wants me to be in a video he's making that'll be posting online at a later date. Will one of these be enough to be at least unrecognizable from a glance? I don't really want to go all out and look like an autist.

Thinking of switching to TAILS as my primary OS and having Windows 7 on my hard drive for a couple of reasons
1. If searched, feds will realise I run off a USB if I have an empty hard drive
2. As a university student I need some specific Windows software.
Is there anything I need to know about the usability of TAILS?

Depends on which level of "unrecognizable" you want.

If it is unrecognizable from mom, then yes. If it is from the LE, then no. If it is from the courts, then hell no (by yuropoor standards).

One hole balaclava and huge glasses.

do I need some special tools for this?

Here's a helpful tip: Next time you try to extort money from someone, do it BEFORE you give them what they want.

Support Netrunner.

Don't let the net run you.

As long as I customize it with flashy colors and make it look sick as fuck while still being functionally secure, then yes.

On the note of browsers, how do I make qutebrowser more secure? I don't know about adding addons like on firefox.

Right up his USB socket.

QuteBrowser is worthless since there (existed) VIM control-plugins for Firefox.

Social engineering. Guards are unintelligent by default since they presumably had to be too stupid to do anything other than stand in a doorway.

Tell them you HAVE to get in to fix something very important and if they don't get in, whoever is responsible for keeping you out will be in trouble.

I just don't want random people on the internet to potentially recognize me from an old photo.

firefox is slow

I too am fond of simple but concise webpages, they're simply very efficient and a doddle to navigate.

>USB socket
This triggered me.

this is a bamboozle

Do you Sup Forumss strip metadata from pics you post of Sup Forums or is it just me?

Sup Forums does that on its own now

If it is 'live action' OC I always strip metadata.
But as says, Sup Forums strips it for you.

pic related

What the...

Why don't people just teach themselves, rather than all of these certs?

I lift, bro. Nigga try to rustle my jimmies I feed him my fist like a C++ template: fast and incomprehensible.

Now the cameras got you, boi.

Bitdefender is lightweight as a Slovenian rootkit. I encourage you to test it.

Nothing. It's too late to even fake competency. If I was you I'd pretend to apply for a support job and offer a blowjob. You ded, mate

Vehicle number plate obfuscation:

I bet it's illegal in most places.

Absolutely. Seems like a good thing to have in an emergency kit though if you want to avoid being captured by traffic cameras

No. If there is a closeup of your iris then your are done for.

>shodan scan for xp machines

>Once you start in industry you will learn that facts play second fiddle to politics, career survival
Its amazing that I am finding this out doing hardware repair too.

Fucking careers.

Is there a good FOSS alarm clock/stopwatch app?

>but no ITS exp
You know, they would have read your resume when you applied.

And they would have seen that you dont have any experience in the field.

Its going to be fine.

That's the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life.

facebook suggestions?

>build a completely portable desktop with built in keyboard
>uses a bluetooth keyboard anyway

At the very least they should have had the keyboard detachable using a PS2 connection with one of those springy phone cord style cables to look more cyberpunk.