I'm looking for a good real review on the ps4 pro or hopefully people here can tell me. I here that ps4 pro is having a lot of fps issues with a lot of games and I don't see the point in buying something so expensive that'll provide me with a shitty experience. Any advice? Maybe just get a slim instead for now? Like everyone I know( 3 people ) have had their normal ps4 bomb on them. And the other friend even got a second that started bugging out. I need advice
Ps4 pro fps
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Get the pro if you don't have a PS4 at all. It will perform better overall. If you already have one it's not worth the upgrade cost though. I have the original PS4 and it's never messed up on me. Treat it right and give it good ventilation and you'll be fine.
>Anime wesbite
I was just there. The thread on ps4 was literally everyone just telling eachother to fuck off. I can't talk to such a miserable lot.
Yeah but as I said I keep hearing its got shit fps even compared to the normal ps4 because it does all sorts of retarded super-scaling and shit.
>I don't see the point in buying something so expensive that'll provide me with a shitty experience
that's what i've thought everytime i've seen a GPU on sale since 2012
I haven't heard about it having issues just that it has slightly better fps. If you're really concerned about getting it just go for the slim. Better yet get a PC. Cheaper games, more customization, better communities arguably, better performance and fps. If it seems like a reach know that you can still use a PS4/xbox control with PC if you don't like the mouse and keyboard idea. I built one a few years back and only keep the PS4 around to play a handful of games.
Just Waitâ„¢ for Xboxonexenoxobx
My PC is currently broke. Its pretty out dated though. There's so much shit going on with ryzen and nvidia. I don't know what to do purchase. I mainly want a ps4 as its comfortable and the exclusives look neat. I love GoW and FF and bloodborne looks neat. I'm still on the fence on getting a PC but I'm leaning towards the ps4
I've been a Sony loyalist since PS. Plus Xbox has always revolted me.
Is buying second hand PC parts actually worth it. It seems kinda dumb but people keep mentioning
My ps4 (original) bricked after 2 years of extremely light use (like once a week) in a well ventilated environment. Couldn't be fixed, couldn't find out what was wrong with it myself, decided to just stick to PC after that for good and bought an rx480 pre mining boom.
Fuck consoles.
don't know anything about the current generation of consoles
though just recently i picked up a game new enough to have a release on the xbone and ps4 (i rarely play new games), yooka-laylee
i've been playing it in linux, with 2012 hardware (fx8320/hd7850), foss graphics drivers, and i can comfortably vsync at 50Hz everywhere except looking over most of the stage from a high vantage, at 1080p on maximum quality ("fantastic")
the xbone/ps4 release both cap at 1080p30, not sure if the quality is equivalent
i was a bit surprised by this, after all, this is older hardware, on a platform many people say is bad for games, next to consoles that are meant specifically to run games
then again, this is only one game, nothing scientific, though it suggest to me at the very least, that it doesn't take a very expensive PC to compete with the current consoles
Yeah that's what it looks like. And I can pirate a bunch of shit. Cutting costs drastically. I'm a poorfag after all so being cost effective is best.
>PS 4 bricked
Happens all the time. Wtf
>PS 4 bricked
>Happens all the time. Wtf
sue them?
Nope PS4 warranty is only for one year, after that you're basically fucked if anything goes wrong with the motherboard or power supply.
>spending hundreds of dollars on a product whos manufacturer believes wont last longer than a year
are people really this fucking stupid with their money?
holy shit
Yeah I was thinking it would have a 3 year warranty like the PS3 did but of course it didn't and I didn't realize until I had bought it.
That's why I went pc and never looked back.
pc is shit too though user.
overpriced hardware, shitty software everywhere. virii all over the place
fuck i miss the 90s/early double 0s
>overpriced hardware, shitty software everywhere. virii all over the place
>fuck i miss the 90s/early double 0s
do you not remember the 90's/00's?
you can play new games on cheaper and older parts now than you could back then
there was also no shortage of viruses or shitty software
that's the problem lol.
i wanna go outside again but everyone is too busy playing angry birds or jerking their dick to VR
>Overpriced hardware
My Rx 480 maxes out games at 1080p 60+ fps and it was $250 before the mining boom
>Shitty software
Steam is great. Origin is actually good too. No issues with Windows 10 either
I mean only if you're fucking retarded.
>My Rx 480 maxes out games at 1080p 60+ fps
no it doesn't, stop forcing this shitty meme you worthless faggot. doesn't even run games released in 2015 @ 1080p high settings 60fps
>no issues with windows 10
LOL you're too stupid or too young to remember when software wasn't shit, i pity you.
>only retards get virii
you only need to be on the same router as a retard with virii to get infected now adays.
i run games in linux through firejail, with most stuff disabled (no caps, no root, no shell, no network access for single player stuff, etc), and with write access only to each games' own private home directory
so the worst they can do, outside of exploiting firejail itself, is wipe themselves
it also helps keep my real home tidier, since games don't follow any standard as to where in the home directory they store settings and save data, now it doesn't matter, they have their own home
Rx 480 does max out games at 1080p. Stop being a faggot.
Windows 10 works great. Common sense 2017 keeps viruses out. You're just fucking retarded.
Name one game the rx480 doesn't max out from 2015 at 60fps.
rainbow six seige
there's 2 off the top of my head, surely there's more
Software has always been shit. The 90s,early 2000s was a fucking cess pool of software.
Shits actually starting to get better recently
that's good and all, but also a tonne of effort and waste of time
I like my Pro more than the base model. The 1080p streaming is especially nice if I don't want to hook it up to my 4K monitor while I'm watching something on my TV.
Also, my standard PS4 (launch model) is loud as fuck no matter what it's doing; the Pro's fans on the other hand only become audible in some menus (like when PC games run the menus at 900fps) even when sitting right on my desk... of course your mileage will vary when it comes to build quality.
Fun fact - the warranty on many of your PC parts is less
true, but it's rare to spend hundreds of dollars on a part which doesn't have at least 3 year warranty
>Rainbow six seige
Okay so you're wrong about that.
>Fallout 4
>Shit game with super shitty engine that stresses cards
>Still gets 80fps on an rx480
Wow you're fucking wrong again. You should really dull that edge a bit faggot.
Average PC parts warranty is 3-5 years unless it's entry level meme garbage.
are there many monitors with >1 year warranties?
>but also a tonne of effort and waste of time
not really, just adjusting paths/executable names in your launch script most of the time
don't need to make the games' home directly by hand, either, you can just run the installer normally though firejail (if it's the kind that installs to the home directory, which is most non-foss games, like GOG and Steam)
>Names two games that the rx480 gets 60+ games on
>S-s-surely there's more!
even so, if a part breaks, you can just replace that one part, even with a faster part if you wish
Do you have a 4K tv? Do you have extra money you don't care about? If so, get a PS4 Pro.
If you are going to play at 1080p and PS4 isn't your primary gaming machine, the base model is probably a smarter purchase since it's $150 cheaper and usually comes bundled with a game.
even with a significant overclock and no throttling...
that's high 1080p btw.
i got a refund for fallout 4 when it was nothing but a shitty stutterfest the entire time
Game engine literally is a complete shitfest. Not the hardwares fault, consoles suffer fucking worse with it.
ps4 pro/vr owner here.
if your into 4k then go for it with a 4k tv but in the end youll just want pc 4k, since pro is inferior.
if its for a cheap vr then ya the upgrade should be worth it. psvr is a pleasant experience if you buy the right games and do research since alot of games try to cuck you for money (aka batman vr game is like 15 mins long).
in the end though if its not for either of these any slight improvements in performance is not worth the extra $150 price difference.
also im recomending nier atomata to op
Thanks think I'll just get a ps4 than. Its half the price and for now these new oled and 4k TVs are a bit pricey. Not to mention the unreliable longevity of the console itself. Thanks.
Yeah, the only foreseeable advantage of the Pro is 4k. Which does not mean much unless you 1) already have a 4k screen or 2) willing ot droip the extra cash for one. As well, the 4k only matters for games pre-optimized for it; have a "PRO" stamped on the cover. These games are few and far in-between. Everything else is just up scaled to 4k and consensus is they look horrible.
Also, few months ago I looked at some videos as I was curious. The Pro has that "jet engine" noise blaring even under light use. The Slim is relatively quite ( just a noticeable humming) in comparison under heavy use.
It's shit nigga, get a PC and a Nintendo and you are good to go
I don't even have a real job and I just don't have words for this. except if you're from zimbabwe
I live in South Africa and I have a whole family to feed. Since you seem to be doing so will why don't you go fund me
I don't understand why you can't just choose to run it at 1080/60 rather than have the fucking thing waste resources trying to supersample and ending up with the same shit frame rates.
i have an xbox one for halo... after ds3 on xb1 i built a pc to get away from shitty 25fps. the only games the ps4 has that are worth buying are bloodborne and that red head with the dreadlocks. bloodborne is at 23 fps and i think the other is locked at 30ish. current console hardware is poo.
my strategy is to wait a few years for the devs to make a cash grab and release them on pc.
>being loyal to a corporation
Is there anything more sad?
get a PC