What's up with 2nd/3rd world countries and iPhone? Don't they know what being gullible is? ("saving up for an iPhone")
It's not even good of a phone spec wise and price to performance either.
What's up with 2nd/3rd world countries and iPhone? Don't they know what being gullible is? ("saving up for an iPhone")
That hurts my white supremacy
It's a "status symbol" of sorts.
I know it sounds retarded that someone who can barely afford food would save up for half a year to buy an overpriced status symbol that Apple has a 70% profit margin on but that's how it is.
Its a status symbol for those who think being a nigger or american is the coolest thing ever and would do anything to be more like one.
Asians buy iPhone because they try to compensate for their micropenises.
This. Their poor mentality makes them gullible to any status symbol because they want so desperately to feel better about themselves that they buy rich-looking things in illusion that it will make them rich too.
>look at my expensive thing! I must be rich because of that!! lmaoing @ ur lyfes poorfags
I live in China and the Chinese do it because they believe you should always be showing people you don't care about how rich you are by spending it on visually expensive goods, whether you are rich or not.
Thank god in a surge of nationalism they are turning more towards Xiaomi, Huawei etc. recently
Status item.
Poorfags buy them to show off
>rich people better handle their money
>news at 11
>It's not even good of a phone spec wise and price to performance either.
objectively wrong
proof or gtfo
I live in a third world country. In FirstWorldia, you flip burgers for a few hours, you afford an iPhone, so an iPhone is nothing. In ThirdWorldia, you need to be rich to afford an iPhone, so it is a status symbol.
And now you know!
Here in brbrbr hue all imports are due 1.8x taxing. So am 700$ iPhone costs around 1400$.
I seen a lot of poor ppl using it. They can't afford cars or other shit so they use a phone to show status, mostly to other poor fags.
I even seen ppl selling briked iPhones just to be used as poser in parties for a low price.
Where are you actually from falcon?
I think he's Malaysian or something.
I stay in Malaysia. It is a majority Malay (similar to indon/thai/pinoy) country, but with millions of Chinese and Indians, so you get to experience a lot of Asia in one country.
It's expensive so it's a status symbol
And if anyone wants to know anything about Malaysia, ask away. I have been living here for years, and I will answer you without any BS.
fucking edgy teens not paying public transport but sticking out a fucking ayyphone out their pockets
>What's up with 2nd/3rd world countries and iPhone?
The problem is while prices for imported goods remain more or less the same (mostly more, because of import taxes,) most third world countries pay first world prices while receiving third world pay, regardless of profession.
Are you Malay?