/vape/ general

Can we get a /vape/ thread going?

Vapes are technology, right?

>Open Source Custom Vape Firmware

Other urls found in this thread:







Vaping is actually pretty /cyber/ if you think about it.

High tech, low life.

Call me a faggot but this suddenly makes me want to vape

cringe thread

>>Open Source Custom Vape Firmware

Are you being serious right now ?
How is this level of autism even possible ?

You didn't even try

>Heating a coil is high tech

Pretty low tech actually.

hello vaypers

I use a vape, it tastes like shit compared to actual cigarettes though.

do any of you fags actually vape as a substitute to smoking? or you're just vaping 0 nic just blowing smoke rings?

used to smoke 3 packs a day. Since im vaping i can fuck an hour long. Its some cucked body that cant handle some chemicals.

Its true that i huffed glue and all kind of intoxicants but guess im strong

Also some idiots completely defeat the purpose of it, ie nicotine vessel, blowing fuck huge mists with 100-200W with low nicotine. Just stick to high nicotine, i just use 2-3ml a day, with the hit of 40 cigarettes

I'ver never huffed glue, but have huffed diethyl ether. Which is interesting, but makes you stink of chemicals.

You're a fucking faggot
And not just average fag
You're the fag that keeps fucking falling for the Sup Forums memes and making complaint threads about it


Except that for everything I've fallen for so far, Sup Forums was right

Don't vape it makes you look like a huge faggot
For example look at this fag
>vapes are technology
I'd fucking call consoles technology and have console threads on Sup Forums before having a vape general jesus christ

>needing drugs

>needing animu

You might be actually retarded, user.

>he's complaining about anime on an anime website

anyone else hoard provari's? I got a 2.5 mini with extension caps and 2 classics. Those things are the thinkpads of PVs

this is actually a CP website
how new are you??? lol

>what is loli
Turns out you're the new one my man

you mean homosexual thread?

I'm glad you admit lolicon=CP

Any healthy types of vape yet?

What kind of retard told you loli, literally drawing of underage children either naked or involved in sexual acts, wasn't cp? It's cp but legal cp.


>face fedora
>douche flute

weeb pedos tend to publicly deny loli is what it is desu..

It's cp user but fictional cp
Usually fictional versions of crimes aren't considered crimes.

I'm not talking about crimes here, I'm saying they deny that it has any connection to 3d whatsoever.

That they find *only* 2d attractive and/since it's not *really* children depicted.

while obviously y'all actually would rape actual kids any chance you got if you were sure you could get away with it.

Just got into vaping. Which juice do you guys vape?

Be glad that you're not a retard


kys for creating this thread

>Can we get a /vape/ thread going?
Cough... wheeze... sure, why not?

seriously nigga

vape 6mg

mech mods not even once

Mama-san Lychee, and Naked Sour Sweet are really nice fruity flavors imo - not too sweet, unlike most liquid.

For a richer, heavier flavor, Tasty Cloud's Stay Gold is one of my top favorites.

More high tech than a cigarette. It's a higher tech drug delivery system. That's pretty cyberpunk. You can modify the vape's internal firmware, and swap it out with open source varients.

Hell you can even build your own using premade hardware boards.

There was even a project to make an open-hardware vape at some point.

I just use 18-20mg so i can use little as possible vapor while delivering more nic



Vape 3mg like an average fag
Blow clouds into the camera when I'm in a skype call with buds and mysteriously disappear when I go take a piss
Always gets a laugh

By that logic, literally everything is cyberpunk.

I've been using this kit for like 1-2 years now. Helped me kick cigs completely and I've been vaping a lot less recently as well. Good time to start quitting for good since the EU regulations hit making DIY juice pretty hard in my country. Can't buy nic juice in over 10ml bottles and max nic allowed for sale is 20mg.