Would you let your daughter be a programmer?

would you let your daughter be a programmer?

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definitely, instant job security thanks to quotas and horny males

Yes,better "artistic" barista

Yes, but the blue hair has to go. It only looks good in anime

>let your daughter

It's not up to me to decide her career path.


>implying women want to work

>Work through school, then college to get a bachelor's and possibly master's degree in CS so you can make a programmer's salary and support a family
>Allow your daughter to be a blue-haired attention whore slut
What was the point?

Don't forget piss-drinker. She has over 9000 instagram followers.



I bet she takes it in the ass everyday

>provide clothing shelter and love for 18 years
>HOPEFULLY I didn't mess up somewhere along the line so she turns out normal and gets FUCKED by a decent man

>mini clones of you
>can somewhat neglect around and it'll be alright

Daughers are for keks

>Comments are disabled for this video.

Hmm, I wonder why...

Yes but only if she doesnt wear 50 mega tons of make up


Whats her insta?

hell no, i would want some ultra 0.0001% richfag impregnate her and bring in the jackpot via ali-money


The funny thing is you get called a luddite by illiterate consumers by bringing up the fact that consumer technology like phones is completely useless and only serves to foster illiteracy, when technology illiteracy has never been higher.

>not being sterile
reproduction is futile tbch

> Implying I wouldn't lock her in my basement and keep her there for 24 years while I abuse her daily

the one thing that put me off of learning to program was that documentary on mozilla, not one of those motherfuckers had a healthy normal work environment, a normal life, they were all single and none of their "work" actually meant anything to anyone other than themselves and then they're all out of a fucking job after they get done.

Doesn't mean you can't teach her how to program

One word: grandkids.

>mfw I was going to ask why she is so pale then I realise she painted her pig skin

What's her injstagram?

Hell fucking yeah I would that blue hair better mean she uses arch. :^)

>programmer's daughter
>letting her have applel shit

Make her a Java dev does the same

>mini clones of you


>implying I will willingly have kids


Literally white girls smdh



>implying not incel

I kekd


Damn familia for a moment there I though that was an updated photo of Rose

so are men predators or what are you saying

you're retarded. post less

More like miniclones of Tyrone

I don't think anyone knows really

sitting with my boss at launch talking..
he is saying his daughter took test to get to a college and no results for her yet
I asked where did she applied

he hangs his head, pauses, in low sad voice - philosophy faculty

this is EU btw, the schools is free if she passed, and she already moved with her boyfriend to the capital city. She is 1 year out of highschool

but its his fault to be honest, though not fully, divorce is complicated, but he has two girls and the guy is accomplished sysadmin and a programmer. But he failed to teach those girls anything about his field.

your allegory is retarded

Hello Fritz, how is it in Austria?

that dude was so obviously getting off while typing that bullshit up. what a fucking degenerate.

As long as she regularly does sports or visit a gym as a hobby next to it, I'd have no objections.

>that nervous leg shaking
>drinking all that tea so quickly


She's the type of chick I would have had a crush on in high school. We probably would have gotten along pretty well as friends, but she'd start going out with more attractive guys halfway through her sophomore year and I probably wouldn't even see her again until graduation. She'd mention to me when signing my yearbook that she had a crush on me when we were freshmen and then go back to her boyfriend.

Do you think she likes black guys?

Sure, but I won't take her work seriously until she learns C, ASM, or some other non-meme language. People who can't manage their own memory aren't worth a damn as programmers.

she's 15 dude relax

Good goy


>aren't worth a damn as programmers

Reality begs to differ.

>>mini clones of you
>>can somewhat neglect around and it'll be alright

You can't get cucked by your daughter dude, unless you're a child molester, which I guess makes perfect sense if you're alt-right.

Sons can also carry and pass your surname. Sorry middle-namefags

I watch this guy's videos often for python and flask, and they're pretty decent. I thought he was my age though, like mid to late 20s I had no idea he had a teenage daughter.

i'd actually be proud if my daughter would be into programming

you kinda have to be an asshole to tell her she can't do it

If she wanted to be a programmer she should have taken CE

You raise her nice and well-mannered and she get blacked and preggo. Are you going to support that kid or are you willing to kick her out and be a slut/whore for the rest of her life?

>hurrrr how do families work
>implying she won't produce grandchildren for you
>implying husband won't provide for her
I'm genuinely laughing at this level of trolling

Here is an incomplete list of things your son can turn out to be if you neglect them:
- Hobo
- Alcoholic
- Abusive father
- Rapist
- Drug addict
- Psychiatric case
- Fat slob
- Sociopath manipulator
- Womanizer
- Neo-nazi
- Pussy
- Djihadist
- Pushover
- Communist
- Someone who spends all their free time on an imageboard full of pedophiles and losers who hate the world

Yes, but I wouldn't let her dye her hair blue.

What the fuck? How many times were you dropped as a kid? Did your father beat you up or something? Do I really need to explain to you how both the situation and the choice of action in your question are fallacious and disconnected from reality? Are you really that maladjusted? Stop watching cuck porn and projecting it on the real world you psychotic fuck.

This, father son bonding makes society strong.

Cant you say the same thing vice versa with a boy

Thats just some retarded neckbeard post


Thar she blows!
Butthurt land whale off the starboard bow!

>let your daughter
whether she shames me or makes me proud, her life is her choice
one thing I would never do is violate her constitutional rights

shut up podesta, we all now that the dems literally run pedo/child trafficking rings

that's like asking if I would let my daughter go play with Tyrone and Jamal after school

Wow you're a fucking lost cause. I'm glad you're stuck socializing with your kind for the rest of your life.


you still didnt answer his question.

get a load of this soulless, anti freedom, pedo protecting warmongerer

lovelace didn't do shit

>that dude was so obviously getting off while typing that bullshit up.
welcome to cuckposting in 2017

As long as she doesn't mess with blacks I'd be ok.

-Apple fanboy


What is wrong with her skin?

its superior to yours

stopped reading there.

His camera sucks and the high contrast is giving it a seizure.

she's so pale, like a ghost. what the fugg. is it the lighting?

>anime characters have color coded hair to make them more distinguish and memorable because no real personality
What did she mean by this?


Found the retards!

>technology illiteracy has never been higher.

This statement is complete bullshit

sweetie, the mac shit has taken over in the field. just go to any expo, or see a survey about the hw people use.
have gone to a loonix expo (community founded and become more corporate,) and the majority used mac hardware.

This is unfortunately true. Only in the world of Sup Forums are Macs unpopular and not synonymous with most programmers

Thankfully they're still synonymous with faggots everywhere.

I don't understand your question.

The way I see it, you can mean that it would be bad if she ended up with a black guy at all regardless of whether or not her relationship was healthy, which is retarded, because that implies I would have to be concerned about my daughter even if she was happy or safe strictly because she's with a black guy. Or you're implying that it would be bad if she ended up with some douche cunt who knocks her up and treats her like garbage, but that is also a scenario that can occur with a white guy. And if that happened, I'd try to get her to seek psychiatric help for actively seeking toxic relationships. She would still be my fucking daughter. She's not trying to fuck me over personally by making bad decisions and it's really petty to see self-destructive behavior as a personal attack against you. Your children's life wrecking problems are more important than your fragile little ego.

>*taps finger on app*
>*uses a gui*
>grows up on iOS and doesn't know what a file or filesystem is
>considers using google search a skill

Also, I forgot to add. Whether you meant the first or the second thing, you're a disgusting person and I'm glad that natural selection isn't letting you reproduce. :^)

Please be angrier for stupid reasons.

Your daughter is your property user

>dat pic