You should be able to solve this

You should be able to solve this.
9B B8 97 93 B6 B8 9B 97 9D A8 AA C2


Sup Forums-chan daisuke


>no one's solved it yet
Maybe it's not absurdly simple enough.

F0 0F C7 C8

What encoding is this originally, nigger-chan? It sure doesn't look like valid UTF-8 to me, unless that's the joke.

What's with the blank white image?

>let me just put it through the first result on "hex translator"
I guess I really did make it too involved.

I did just that and got pic related.

Yes, I'm implying that you'll have to do more than plug it into a program and get the results.
That said, it wouldn't take much if you look at it and notice a pattern.

Does "嶌欄カク尢舉ェツ" make more sense? Google Translator suggests not, though.

This really looks like x86 opcodes but I'm on mobile and won't botter trying to translate.

It's not going to be an obvious solution, but take a look at the string of bytes and tell me what you notice at first glance.

At last I truly see!
Nice one, OP.

Here, let me mash my keyboard and pretend it's a sekrit message

You should be able to solve it :^)

t. brainlet

Most bytes here are 9* or B*, and NOT 9 = 6 & NOT B = 4
If the entire string were NOT'd, most bytes would be 6* and 4*, which suggests simple ASCII:
That's all I got though.

the joke is that it's B8

It could also be 97, since 97 shows up twice.

t. other brainlet, he got farther than anyone did and still gave up halfway.

52 62 6C 9A 92 42 A2 64 6D C0

dGhlIGdhbWU= is base64 for "the game"