Tech support story

>got hired as an IT guy at a law firm
>first day on the job
>people calling me in for the most stupid problems
>user why does printer not work
>it is not turned on
>why does wifi not work?
>20 people using some shitty $40 wireless router
>how come my file is weird
>5 different versions of microsoft words
>all the lawyers act like I don't exist unless their shit doesn't work for some reason then they will wait outside the washroom for me to come out
>all the lawyers work insane hours, order sandwiches to eat in meetings or office
>I just ate by myself in my area
>one stacy showed up
>she asked me if i had facebook
>"how could you not?"
>"it's a time waster"
>"but you just sit around all day"
>"do you have instagram?"
>channel the stallman
>"I went there once but only saw inane stuff"
>"yeah i think you need friends for it to work"
>day is over
>i am leaving
>the receptionist asked how's my first day
>"it's okay i guess"
>"see you tomorrow user"
>I guess it won't be so bad after all

Welcome to IT.
Now Get the fuck out.

>yeah i think you need friends for it to work

True lol who's this stupid summerfag IT nigger

The only use I would have for Instagram is cumming on pictures of my friends tits

>female goes out of here way to interact with you
>splerg out arrogant autistic statements
>she fights back at your rude comments

2 days later on some other Sup Forums board...

>guys why am I a virgin at 26
>women are evil

I know this isn't a real story, but having a basic Facebook profile that you never use is better than none at all

Someone post more fucking stories!

I'll post a shitty ass short one.

>trying to get my bros m8 to join a wow private server
>his dad comes on phone because he knows computers and shit
>all they need to do is change realmlist
>tell them which site to go on
>they don't have that site apparently
>say fuck it I'll just email them over
>tech savvy dad says hang on user I'll just drive over and pick them up don't wanna be waiting on the email

True story.

This is because you played vidia gaymes on Windows instead of learning Linux.

>be too stupid to get a real programming career
>stuck at shitty IT "position"
>essentially be computer version of walmart shits judging customers like they're superior somehow
Kill yourself.

Worst is "can't you just change this site?"

>they go to some shitty government site that hasn't been updated since 2001
>it fucks up
>"can't you just change this site?"

Every single time this happens I stop them and ask. Okay, let's think for a moment. Let's just say I could change any site I want. Do you know how fucked the entire internet would be. So no, I cannot just change sites.

I got the same calls from the same people weeks later. Answer is always the same. I always hear the same glitter in their eyes over the phone because they legitimately think I will be able to change the site this time.

>been here a week now
>settled into my role
>besides the usual oldfags not knowing how to basic computer the day is quiet
>I guess I can read a book now
>stacy showed up again
>"hey user do you know if our boss can read our snapchat messages?"
>"i don't think so stacy"
>"yeah cause tracy said that they could eavesdrop on the network"
>the network is just a single cheapo router connected to a switch
>"dont worry about it"
>lunch time
>I get the last sandwich because im at the bottom of the hierachy
>grabbed the sandwich and walked to my area
>receptionist stopped me
>"hey user do you have instagram?"
>"why not?"
>"I only saw inane stuff there and got bored"
>"oh it's actually really good you should sign up here i'll show you"
>yeah emma i don't know how to sign up on instagram when the UX was designed to be operated by monkeys
>she signed up for me
>tried to take my picture
>I tried not to look too autistic
>she didn't like it
>we repeated this process 10 times
>she sat down and started eating
>"what are you eating user?"
>"the last sandwich"
>"haha yeah I had the last sandwich too when I was the newest employee"
>"why don't they just take order instead of ordering random?"
>blank stare
>"what tv show do you like?"
>was gonna say anime
>luckily i stopped myself
>"big bang theory"
>we spent lunch time talking about bbt
>I guess I can read my book before bed


Another problem I had with people when I was doing IT is when they are using the IT company to not do their job. I got a call from a client who couldn't get her story straight on where the modem was, because she plain just didn't want to do her job that day. Way that you can know they're doing this outside of the lies not lining up are when they're super excited to tell you how their internet service isn't working.

>we need to reset the modem.
>Oh is that in the maintenance closet I'm not going in there
>Look we need to it will only take a minute.
>"I don't know where the maintenance closet is"
>The one that you said you're not going into, you don't know where it is.
>Okay okay I'm in there now but uh it's high up.
>You mean the modem is mounted high up?
>Get a ladder
>What's a ladder? Oh okay
>okay I'm up here now and oh I can't find the modem now
>15 minutes later they "find" the modem again
>Unplug the power
>Well if that's the case just unplug all of them
>"I don't know where the modem is now"
What the fuck?

I got a dumb bitch fired over something like this because she hung up, turned around and called her boss and said we were very rude. Fought them tooth and nail on that one and they found out she wasted half a day doing nothing and fired her. This is why IT is so shit, because you can just lie and say it isn't working while you're throwing the modem down the stairs

Streamline it, get a stable router, get same office version, make an FAQ website, do some awareness and self-help tips.

End of the month you have a self driving environment

This. You fucking nigger could have just told, "Yeah, I have one but is deactivated because I was spending too much time on it. Now that I've a job, I will reactivate it. Can you give me your profile? I will add you soon."
What a waste of a good chance to cum all over Stacy. You will die a virgin desu senpai.

>>real programming job
kek kill yourself pajeet

>his dad cums on phone...

When will you people realize that IT and Webdev and software dev jobs are all perceived as "computer monkey" jobs, you're basically a computer eunich and they don't see you like a real person, just some nerd that knows how all the computers work, COME NERD, MY COMPUTER DONT WORK.

Good for you

>one stacy showed up
>she asked me if i had facebook

you could've turned this into a small talk instead of showing your powerlevel

WTF user?
You don't say Facebook is a time waster. Normies love it. You say something like "I used to but never really got into it and haven't used it in X years"

As for Instagram: Oh that site where hot girls post their pics? Not a surprise you have one.

Like really, user, how fucking autistic are you

Could you go back to your self-loathing echo chamber please?

>Oh that site where hot girls post their pics? Not a surprise you have one.

fuck this was cringe you beta virgin omg kys

I don't understand why you posted that.

What is flirting with sarcasm for €500

how deluded can you get?

fuck off to /r9k/

>Another problem I had with people when I was doing IT is when they are using the IT company to not do their job.
I always get a kick out of these
>user my internet isnt working
>alright, lets have a look, when did you get disconnected?
>didnt work when i came in today
>What. Why didn't you call me over earlier?
>So what have you been doing for the past 5 hours?


you are fucking creepy not sexy flirting fuckboy hahahah

I don't browse that board.

Are you the same user as the first one I quoted?

That's not flirting, that's just creepy as all-fuck unless you say it to someone with whom you've had lengthy interactions already and are already fairly certain wants to bang you, because they have made it clear implicitly

If you look like you do, it's creepy.
If you're attractive that is totally passable

you are getting paid for this

now fuck off wagecuck

OP is the only IT guy in the entire company?
Play your cards right and you can literally become God.



OP, create a damn FB account. If you have autism, just do it in incognito mode from a library computer.

You don't have to ever log in, read or post, you can just keep it around like you would a phone number.

Being attractive isn't enough. The person to whom you're saying it must be attracted to you, specifically. But then, anything you say is passable, as indicated by e.g. user going so far as to pretend to like Big Bang Theory just to get some poon.

People ignore all faults in those they wanna dick or get dicked by. That doesn't make the line any less autismal.


It's your job you tard.