What's the relationship between anime and tech?

What's the relationship between anime and tech?

Go away, animefags.

Other urls found in this thread:


>he says as he posts on an anime website

You have been visited by the the elusive programmer (male)!

A deep and abiding understanding of void * pointers and triple indirection will come to you, but only if you post "Thanks Chihiro!" in this ITT!


a section dedicated to weebshit, but why would this be if the whole website was for weebshit?

Thanks Chihiro!

Neon Genesis Evangelion inspired 20% of American programmers from 1996 to 2001, and Serial Experiments Lain inspired 45% of Sup Forums and is among the reasons SICP and Lisp are in vogue with imageboard users this decade.

> He says as he posts anime
If you want to post anime like spongebob go to the containment board fuck face




can you please contain this faggotry within yourself, Sup Forums and /lgbt/?


Thanks Chihiro!

Coz anime is animated by people drawing really really fast on pieces of paper, and paper is technology

I meant faggotry as in faggotry, not anime in general

Lol, look at this faggot posting Spongebob. I thought you didn't like anime?


Autism and other issues that make you somewhat social incompetent. Animefags and Loonixneckbeards are a match made in heaven.

Thanks Chihiro!

Thanks Chihiro!

Thanks Chihiro!

obvious newfag is obvious. this website was originally made for anime, faggot.

If you don't like anime go to reddit dumb spongeposter

>he proceeds posting anime

Everyone knows that Spongebob is the superior anime.

complaining about animu on Sup Forums is like complaining about stupidity on Sup Forums
amirite bros kek

What's the relationship between spongebob and tech?

Go away, spongefag

What the relation between faggotry and a post on Sup Forums?

Go away, faggot.



thanks chichi :3

animu pedos must fuck off to Sup Forums

>so autism-enraged you organise an infograph

kys cancer


it has evolved since then, there's even a board solely for western animation/comics now

>people who watch anime can't have other interests
Get a load of this one-dimensional retard.

feel free to have interests, just don't spam normal boards with your pedophilia cartoon images, nobody likes it, people merely tolerate you out of pity, so next time you decide to attach your ugly trash virgin jpgs - fuck off to trash, where you belong

my interest is competitive hamster racing can i shit up the entire board with hamster posting and hamster threads

what if i stay?

reminder 4chin is a lolicon fansite, non pedos fuck off

Thanks ちひろ

were you abused so hard in your childhood that your sole purpose now is spamming boards with your ugly shit just to annoy people and spoil everyone's experience? it's not our fault your life is shit, do we have to suffer because you had abusive rapist daddy?


>having a meltdown over people posting images on an imageboard
You okay, pal?

Go ahead and show me all those threads where people are discussing anime on Sup Forums. I'll wait.

This, but wee shots are too dumb to understand it. Just give up and ignore these niggers.

have you got lost on your way to ? kys pedos, fbi will raid you sooner or later, you won't be able to spread you trash from prison

literally nothing wrong with being a lolicon


>Tfw closet weeb laughing at both sides


wtf is wrong with you?
looking forward to seeing you on the news
i advise you to seek some psychiatric treatment before it's too late

anime posters are great, they're lulzy as fug and pissoff retards like you.

the real issue are the circle jerking spammers and the faggot pajeets spamming advertisements.

animefaggots wouldn't be so hated if they spammed their shit in the right place.
but nope advertisers dont give them the attention they demand so they shitup decent threads that aren't faggy, circlejerk, ad posts

Thanks Chihiro!

Ah but you see, loli porn is legal CP so you can't get arrested

>implying loli are illegal were i live

no, the real issue is people consider it to be acceptable to indulge in criminal activity and openly promote criminal behaviour on a mainstream forum visited by children. i will report this thread to the FBI, hopefully they gather the IPs and insulate these sickos once and for all

Thanks Chihiro!

sorry to bust your bubble, but you can and you will be
i advice you to seek treatment in mental facility, before you ruined your life completely

>criminal activity
did you forget to take your meds?

>liking 2D loli == liking 3D pizza
Fucking normalfags. Might as well arrest for all thought crimes. Pizza consumers should all die, that shit is not ok.

the average Pajeet Sup Forums poster

have a good time in jail, sicko. even michael jackson couldn't get away being a sick pedo with all that money, you think you can fool the authorities for long? better seek treatment before it's too late, you might still have some human left in you, disgusting pedo animal


kek England is such a retarded country.

>doesn't like Pizza
>hates on normalfags

oh the irony

>What's the relationship between anime and tech?

>sexualizing k-on
maybe you are the real pedo

>not liking pizza means you're normal
Nah. I'm abnormal in a different spectrum.

Thanks Chihiro!

>attaches ugly pedo cartoons in hope anyone notices him
you are merely an ugly shell without substance and so are your posts. people barely tolerate you, they laugh at your "jokes" out of pity. no wonder you seek comfort in running away from reality into your small pedo world. i feel genuinely sorry for you


Why are you typing like a 5 year old? Use capitalization and learn to end your sentences you faggot.

>anime is pedo cartoons
Your such a fucking retard and should be banned. Go back to where you belong and never come back. You don't belong here.


it's one to many for technology to anime. if you can't understand this, you should go away.

it's not my fault you had an abusive childhood and can't fit in modern society, but i won't let you openly spread your pedo propaganda amongst normal people. you might have woke up today and though this is a good place to indulge in your sick activities? but guess what: it isn't. and if others keep silent, putting up with you abusing this board, i won't. please go back to - this is a board for normal people, you don't belong here.


Thanks Chihiro!

>this is a board for normal people
do you even know where are you?

i've reported every one of you chinese cartoon posting pedos to the fbi - hopefully they will put you on the list from now on. looking forward seeing you properly castrated as you should be, you disgusting sickos.

Well shit, I'm fucked. Whatever will I do now?

I hope you feel better now, why do you have all this rage inside? It's not good for your health

if you really want to help, the most beneficial thing you can do right now for the world, this board and yourself is to kys

it is normal to feel disgust towards criminals, that's why police and fbi exists - to keep you sick pedos away from normal people

You still didn't take your meds?

How is this level of persecution even allowed on Sup Forums

First the board gets invaded by Sup Forumstards now this hatred for simple healthy natural pedophilia

Moooooooods do ur job reeeeeeeeeeee

looks like Sup Forums is being raided by those /mlp/ weebs again


real cool thread you got here, you fuckin' nerds

you're going to jail soon pedos

>op makes containment thread
>all the weebs are attracted like moths to a fluorescent lamp
>anime shitposting in other threads practically ceases
absolute genius


Give me one good reason I should fuck women rather than traps

What if i don't live in the usa?


>implying you fuck something or have to potential to

Thad was a retard who got himself arrested with a comical amount of self incriminating evidence.


don't forget to call the cia and the nsa too