>memecoin miners
How much fucking longer do I have to wait to get a GPU that isn't marked up 50%, I'm tired of these fuckers who push down supply just to make a few bucks a month
Memecoin miners
I don't care as long as it helps amd grow stronk!
6 to 12 months minimum
They need to ramp up production to satisfy these memers
Depends on how good Vega's price/performance ratio will be.
If you weren't a dumb poorfag, you'd have gotten in early, made enough money via mining to have bought yourself a 7900X and SLI Titan Xps by now. Instead you're sitting here complaining about not being able to buy that RX 570 to pair with your 2500K.
Really makes one think.
75-150% MARK UP
forgot pic
The market has spoken. It's decided GPUs are to be used for mining, not for children's toys.
>memecoining will be a viable thing
>bitcoin mining is still effective
keep lying to yourself, the market is still open but the gold rush is gone
the meme coin miners have just moved to a new base to hope the market doesn't crash on this one
Someone redpill me on bitcoin. What people use it apart from buying drugs and other illegal shit on the internet? The price looks like just a bubble if people are just mining because its expensive, making it even more expensive but im dumb so maybe i dont see something important in bitcoin.
Yeah I remember being a kid and having thousands of dollars and a job and the expertise to assemble my own computer and a credit card to order it.
Yeah man being a kid was great. Now I just eat my own cum and go LARP on Sup Forums you know what it's like right my man?
>memecoiners think this is sustainable
xD epic my DOOD you showed THAT GUY EPIC WIN MY Sup ForumsENT!
You don't need to be redpilled. The beauty about it is that people are naturally finding uses for it. So if you don't know why you need it right now, you don't need to use it.
Child spotted
You can by normal stuff too. It hasn't even entered the bubble yet. It will be in a bubble when a bunch of normalfags start using it. Most people like you don't understand cryptocurrency is the future so the price has a ton of room to grow.
>trying this hard to come across as only being ironically triggered yet failing so hard
But where people are using this currency and why this and not dollars/euro. What makes it so great that it makes it the future. I'm not even sarcastic im just that uninformed, the only plus of the cryptocurrency i see is being anonymous to certain degree but most people dont care about that at all, so what is the catch?
Why don't GPU manufacturers, like, stop selling GPUs and start mining coins themselves?
dumbo, it just means that as long as BTC goes, crypto will also be viable
BTC gpumining stopped being effective while you were still in diapers btw
Sup Forums is for video Sup Forumsames, faggot.
>How much fucking longe
as long as you realize that you don't do anything to justify the latest cards.
Because mining for coin is a waste of time and power for them, and they can make significantly more money selling their products to eager children who think they can afford a new card by using a previous one to mine for memecoins but fail to realize their power bill just tripled.
>this is viable/sustainable
paper money is dying, electronic payment is the future, everyone will have their implanted chips and pay electronically since birth.
crypto currency is just the richfags securing their costra nostra families and pyramid scheme bank systems from being threatend by their newly designed future where they have total control.
ie they use these untraceable currency to sell humans/weapons, or hire hitmen or hobos to do their dirty work.
Tought. You ain't the market for new cards anymore. Miners are. Trumpt wins again.
>as long as you realize that you don't do anything to justify the latest cards.
? the latest cards don't even run games from 2015 at 1080p 60fps at high settings majority of the time..
their performance has decreased to the point where manufacturers are just releasing rebrands, while they rise the price. consumerist scamming shitbags. after seeing how little nvidya had to pay for their false advert and even worse perf:price ratios they figured another lawsuit is still more profitable than selling something worth buying at a reasonable pricepoint.
>angry nocoiners
>the latest cards don't even run games from 2015 at 1080p 60fps at high settings majority of the time..
So it turns out that you are just all about MUH VIDYA
fuck off
When the bubble bursts there will be a lot of cheap used GPUs up for grabs. So don't be worried.
It will probably take a while user. I estimate 6 to 12 months.
The problem is modern GPUs have such hashrates that they are viable for turning profit again.
And there are new memecoins everyday extending the productive life of these cards.
>buying cards that have been at 100%+ load for 6+ months
so it turns out you think these gpus are worth anything other than being console replacements.
too slow to do any proffessional work
just enough aids to do the globalists plan though, better rape your electric bill every month for it though!
watch max keiser on rt,he's been proven right on a few things and bitcoin is one.
>100%+ load
top kek, wtf am i reading..
miners undervolt and almost always underclock.
For what reason? From my understanding that would just reduce mining performance
they'll be raped tho
stability, heat output, power draw
polaris especially has an insane amount of powerdraw:performance ratios when underclocking
I guess you'll have to jump off the AMD bandwagon if you just cannot wait any longer. Jumping to nVidia's, I mean.
Feel bad for you, OP.
Can someone explain what in coin mining caused these cards to be so expensive?
>omg cards mining so good
>buy all cards
>few cards available on market
>prices rise because quantity is scarce
You never mined me a trip code and now I have this shitty code
You need to look beyond bitcoin.
>wings DAO
>tfw you bought an rx480 before the boom, will sell it for $500 this weekend, slap your 7950 back in while you wait for Vega, buy a Vega or gtx1080ti, then sell the 7950 and basically get a massive upgrade for free while still making $100-200.
Feels fucking good mange.
>used 480 for $500
i would be impressed if someone bought that
>wanted buy 6 RX 580s for mining
>I came to late
They go for $450-500 on eBay right now.
Jokes on you I'm up $30k.
I was lucky to get the Asus GTX1060 6GB I wanted for my white build shortly before it was sold out. I paid 280 Euros for it. Now when I look at the store the card is sold out and the 3GB version of the card costs 270 Euros already.
AMD and Nvidia should make mining cards and consumer cards which are absolutely shit for mining if that is possible.
>making sizeable money with mining
Lemme tell you how I know you're either a poorfag or a 3rd worlder.
no i mean i get the cards aren't available, but why the sudden surge in popularity again? like did people forget for 4 years that mining was a thing or what
the cards still run at 100% load while undervolted and underclocked retard
Just ONCE I want a GPU maker to put out one version of a card that is purposely crippled for mining and one that is mining compatible for 3x the price. I want these coinfucks to stop artificially inflating prices.
>their performance has decreased to the point where manufacturers are just releasing rebrands
then why are you so angry that you can't buy the latest rebrand if they're so shit you dumbfuck gamertard
It's ethereum. It's the one coin now worth a significant amount like btc was, and it also can't be mined with asic units. So here we are.
Why are people using GPUs to mine again? Aren't FPGA's/ASICs substantially better for the money and power?
>implying these tech illiterates know how to set up a FPGA/ASIC to mine
>We've seen literally 30-40% gains in performance going from r9 300 series and gtx 900 series to the r9 400-500 series and gtx 1000 series
>Mid range cards can now play AAA titles at 60fps at Max settings 1080p
>These cards also happened to be release during the rise of a new cryptocurrency that can't be mined with asics.
Like fuck dude are you retarded? My r9 480 at stock clocks maxes out every game I've thrown at it at 1080p.
The way ethereum is set up it cannot be mined with asic units.
>not stock piling on rx 480s from diffrent variations then selling them for huge markup
Fucking normie
They only have so many silicon fabs, and it takes years to build more fabs, by which time, GPU mining might be dead.
The only reason nVidia is releasing mining SKU's of the 1060 is because they can't sell all of their GP106 chips and are converting some of their stock into mining cards.
Using an ASIC to mine is even easier to set up than GPU mining
>it goes over 100%
you didn't even realize why you're stupid, but hopefully now you do.
New currencies have emtpy hash pools. Until the hash pools start to fill up, it's worth it to GPU mine.
Only the really old currencies like BTC and LTC are saturated to the point where GPU mining is no longer cost effective.
Also, the Polaris architecture has an extremely good Hashes/Watt ratio, and is cost effective, where other GPU's are not.
>implying that's OP
kewl starry brah
>r9 480
and you're calling him retarded? LOL
i have a 7870 that runs everything maxed out at 1080p too.
doesn't mean it runs well.
I have an R9 380X, and it can't run EverSpace for shit.
Even on high (not ultra) 720p it's a stutterfest when there's loads of stuff on the screen.
but user it runs, which is the point this dumbfucking faggot poojeet was trying to make
I wouldn't say it runs..
I could "run" my games on the IGP of my AM3 motherboard...
>Running things at Max settings 1080p 60fps
>Comparing it to an r9 480 in any conceivable way
Damn you're fucking retarded.
>Having the reading comprehension of a 2nd grader
>Comparing a low-tier card from half a decade ago to a midrange card only a few months old
the 7870 is about 70% as powerful as a 480x
Should I get a sapphire nitr0+ 580 8gb for $380 moosebucks?
Sold my 480 for $560 on ebay,
>implying 60fps was in any of the posts in this conversation
kys yourself to sleep tonight you delusional faggot.
it's RX 480, not r9 you fucking mongoloid.
P.S rx 480 can't even run rainbowsix siege at 60fps high settings, game was released 2015
kys yourself to sleep tonight, can't believe someone so stupid not only exists but spews their bile all over the internet for the world to see just how utterly dumbfoundingly stupid you fucking are
It's about right.
I was looking at upgrading today. Seems it's cheaper to get two 1050ti's instead of a 1060.
Sorry op. I do feel bad for entry level gamers wanting 1060's and 480's / 580's or less. But part of the problem is AMD's lack of high end and AMD's lack of supply. Only in the last week have 1070's disappeared. There will be more in July along with mining specific 1060's and 470's that NORMIES will buy and be completely worthless.
more power hungry
less stable
inconsistant performance boost
more heat
games these days are fucking awful anyway, wait for a decent and well price gpu to finaly be fucking released, hopefully developers will take their heads out of their asses and release a game that's worth buying by the time that happens.
>muh gaymen
I just use it to power my 4k quad-monitor battle station.
buy from newegg
>On a GPU
Did I just transport back to 2012?
>People spending $100 in power bills to get $50 in Etherium
Loving every laugh
Just sold my RX 580 for $580. I thought it wouldn't sell but listed it at that price for the hell of it. Phone wouldn't stop receiving texts. Some taxi driver showed up and bought the card $580 cash for someone else 2 hours after listing.
>people getting $50 in etherum while their parents pay the $100 power bill
No one knows. I fear that this will last for years though.
The thought process is that the etherium price will just keep rising while the electricity price is constant.
Of course... it can go down.
Actually, you can make a small fortune trading memecoins if your smart.
The money is there for the taking
I said mining, not trading.
390's are going for 300-400
I really need to get into this.
Probably. Sad fact though is I was originally in smart money but the harddrive that had my btc wallet on it died and my backup flash drive was fucking corrupted. I think I had a couple hundred coins in it that I didn't bother selling off after the first bubble popped.
Hard drives can be recovered. It might take a few hundred dollars, but you can easily have someone transfer the platters into a new housing.
How can I trust that they won't skim over the recovered data and find the wallet? It's not encrypted.
I think asics are purpose built for one coin and by the time the chinks have designed and manufactured them the cointards have moved to another volatile memefuck currency to inflate then pull out as it crashes
It'll officially die off around January/Feb. You'll see people letting go of their rigs around December.
So I'm guessing it'll start to have less of a demand around October.
The concept of making money just by letting your rig running amazes and scares me at the same time.